Chapter 20

My days at Uzushiogakure advanced smoothly, Oyama is a great teacher in Fūinjutsu and he also told me I was a great student because it needs a lot of patience to learn as well as extreme precision.

After all, just a small misstep could have grave consequences.

But I could understand why Uzushiogakure got destroyed in the future, Sealing Techniques are really overpowered.

I mean I used barriers most of the time to block sound or protect something... But techniques capable of sealing anything are scary.

Because of that, I need not only to learn Fūinjutsu but also how I could free myself from them in case I ever need to.

This isn't easy to do. Usually, only someone from outside can free you, they need to know how to and it's different between each technique used...

The other possibility is to find a way to counter seals making it impossible for me to be sealed.

It's a really heavy time-consuming research.

Before dwelling on this I think I found a way to cure Chizu and my experiments with the Eye Medicine Plant seem to be the treatment.

After more Chinoike Clan eyes-bursting I finally found the proper ratio I had to pour as well as the right chemicals I had to mix with it... I also feel like it needs to be more diluted the stronger the Dōjutsu are.

The result of my successful experiment not only awoke the Ketsuryūgan but gave the subject a better understanding of the eyes, capable of sensing blood in miles if he wanted to as well as consuming far less chakra when using them.

Now if Chizu awoke her eyes she shouldn't have any issue with her irregular chakra consumption because even if this is genetic, it only causes an issue before the awakening.

This meant that in case one of them gets a child in the future they may need the same treatment because nothing would be changed in their genes.

I can't give her the same dose as I did with my test subject because they do not have the same body type too.

But with some calculations done to compare them, it will be fine, and I have her authorization even when I said she could lose her life though it is a low chance.

The process is also painful and when I said I could put her under anesthesia she told me 'I don't need it'.

She's acting strong because she thinks I won't need weak members in my group.

And because she would have died If I didn't take care of her chakra back then, plus helped her brother she wants to be useful for me.

I'm not the type who would let her die without caring if she can't be useful... Not since I took them with me.

Let's start the curing session.

To do this we are inside Shiromari, I let her lie down on a hospital-type bed while her brother stayed by her side.

"Stay here and watch everything but do not disturb me when I'm doing the mixing alright?" I said to Shuzo as he nodded

I then prepared the mixture as fast as possible or it would lose effect.

Once done I put it in a pipette, approached Chizu, and said "Be ready, and don't close your eyes while I'm doing it."

I dropped the right amount in both of her eyes and once I was done she closed them... Then she started screaming while gritting her teeth and convulsing as veins appeared around her eyes.

She strongly gripped her brother's hand while I was regulating her chakra flow during the operation.

After some minutes of excruciating pain, blood flowed from her eyes and they completely changed into the Ketsuryūgan as she was now heavily panting and sweating.

"Congratulations, you are now cured." I said warmly smiling at her

Her brother couldn't stay put any longer and hugged her while crying tears of blood.

'It seems this pushed him to activate them once for all, perfect'

"Thank you Aniki... Thank you for everything..." said Shuzo while sobbing as he also had the Ketsuryūgan

I could see happy tears from Chizu too as she said "Thank you, truly... I promise both of us will always serve you."


The training I did for the twins progressed nicely.

They are quick learners, in terms of Ninjutsu they both have an affinity with water and lightning so I helped them with it, as for wielding their stiletto...

"Aniki, how will you teach us how to use our weapon if you don't use the same type?" Shuzo asked while Chizu didn't refute

"Oh don't worry, I will use the same weapon as yours thanks to my metamo- I mean thanks to Shiromari." I said as he shapeshifted into the exact same weapon as them

"Uh? Why does it look transparent?" asked Chizu with a curious expression

"Because yours is full of blood. I don't know how your ancestor did this but your weapons are capable of stocking the blood of whoever they made bleed and you should be able to use it with your Dōjutsu. For now, I will tell you how to handle such a blade." I said toying with mine

"They are made to pierce and not to cut, capable of penetrating armored targets easily but you won't be able to scratch their skin with the blade sides... I will make you something special for your other hand if you can attain the level of Jōnin before being 12 years old." I said which made them gulp because they would almost be 11 years old by the time we arrive at Konoha and aren't even Genin officially speaking

"Now I want you to try and stab me." I said to which they hesitated but seeing my serious face they changed their stance

The physical training I gave them focused more on speed and agility rather than pure strength and their 'body flicker technique' is already faster than some Jōnin.

Also, they have the potential to be the best duo in terms of combat, they are capable of understanding each other without even talking.

They approached me from both sides while launching Kunai which I dodged by crouching and when they could almost stab me, I jumped and send a kick at both of them knocking them back.

"Come on, I know I want you to be stealthy and deadly but you won't escape head-on battle all the time, you still need to use your brain." I said as I launched my Stiletto at Chizu

She dodged it but I just teleported right behind her taking my weapon back in my hand before stabbing her... Well stopping right in front of her heart.

"See? You won't encounter a lot of people who could be this fast but if that happened you would be dead." I said retreating again

She pondered on my words and after looking at her weapon she seemed to have an idea and when she looked toward her brother they both activated the Ketsuryūga giving a more wild look to their hair.

They looked like they lost their mind when using their Dōjutsu but I knew they didn't.

Shuzo then did something very strange, his pale white skin was now slightly pink and his body seemed to be hot.

'You just rip off someone else idea from another anime'

He suddenly darted from where he was and made a clone, then one of them jumped and the other stayed on the ground coming from the front.

'Faster than before I see'

I rotated my stiletto between us effectively blocking his two stabs attacks and the blood clone vanished by spraying itself everywhere.

'Trying to divert my attention, great'

I sensed something behind me and dodged a throw attack from Chizu.

"Throwing your main weapon is a last resort type of attack you know." I said as I turned toward her

But as I said this I saw an extremely thin floating blood trail going from the weapon handle tip to Chizu finger and her Stiletto changed its course going back to me from behind.

'Controlling it from afar, impressive'

But when it was right before me, I tried to grab it with my free hand before it suddenly changed into Chizu grinning.

I immediately used the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' to get out of this predicament and said "Let's stop here, it was great both of you."

I meant it, she was able to swap herself with her weapon thanks to the thin link she had with the blood and he was able to accelerate his metabolism by controlling his blood flow.

But both of those techniques consumed a lot of stamina, which they still lack as of now.

But their creativity is impressive, I taught them the anatomy of the human body to help them with their control over blood... And I showed a close-up move during our training to which she created one herself.

Now, this was just to see what they could do with their stiletto and their training with it only began.


"Nii-san come on!" Kushina said pulling me by my sleeve

"Yes yes don't worry I'm following you." I replied to the hasty girl

It's been a year already since I arrived here and today was a day off for me at Uzushiogakure so Kushina wanted to bring me with her.

"Hello!" "Good to see you!" "Do you want something today?" said the peoples we passed by to Kushina

She was really liked by the townsfolk and a fish merchant even gave us a seafood skewer for free when we passed by him.

She was actually happier today because it was one of the rare days when she could go and see her father. After all, he has a day off too.

So we were on our way to her house and we had with us a dish that Kushina made with my help for her father.

When we arrived in front of the house I couldn't sense anyone inside.

'He isn't here'

Knocking on the door nobody responded, Kushina didn't give up and we moved where his office was located.

Arriving in front of the entrance we stopped in front of a guard and I asked "Is Okura inside?"

"Indeed, let me bring you both." he replied knowing well enough about our identities

Arriving in front of his office door he knocked on it and said "Okura-sama, your daughter and Yuichi Senju-san wants to see you."

"Let them enter." a nonchalant voice said

Entering the room Kushina rushed toward him and loudly said "Father!"

But before she could reach him, he said "Please don't disturb me too long, just say what you need... I have too much work accumulated today and it wasn't planned." interrupting her midway

She stopped moving but her expression didn't change as she still showed a happy face and said "I made you a dish with Yuichi-nii help, please eat it when you are hungry and tell me how it was." she said as she put the bento on his desk with difficulty because of her height

"Thank you, I will tell you how it tasted." he said as he was still writing I don't know what on some papers not even looking at her once

"Hn." Kushina muttered as she got out of the office closing the door and when she passed by me I could see some tears forming

After the interaction between the two I couldn't keep it to myself and opened my mouth "You know, she asked me to teach her how to cook even though she's but a really small child and after a lot, and I really mean it, a lot of failures she finally cooked something edible just for you."

My talk made him look up at me for a second before he became uninterested again.

"She smiles every day, stay cheerful too but I felt for a while that before getting to bed she fell lonely, unloved... As a father, you should pass time with your child the moment you have even but a small chance... As a father, you should see your child grow up and help her when needed... As a father, you are a failure." I said looking coldly at him before turning toward the door

As I slightly opened the door I heard him one last time "I didn't want a child nor to be a father."

My look was focused on the little red-haired girl who was waiting for me right outside and heard this part, her tears were now really flowing and she fled from here as fast as she could.

Many sharp vines were now bursting out of my sleeves rushing at him threatening his life.

"If you weren't the leader and me from a friendly village your head would be rolling on the floor for what I care." I said as I focused bloodlust toward him

{H-how can a kid generate so much bloodlust already} I heard him thought

"I won't lose more time with you." I said as my eyes shone and the vines came back to me

I put him under a Genjutsu just to let him suffer while I left to find Kushina.

Out of the building, I started to sense where she could be and she was actually up the little cliff in the village park.

Climbing up I saw her cry with her head between her legs, I approached her and sat to her right.

She looked up and saw me, her eyes now red from crying, and said "W-what did I d-do wrong Yuichi-nii..?" she asked with confusion

"Nothing, you did nothing wrong Kushina. He's the one at fault, and don't forget that you are not alone alright? You have your Grandfather, Chizu, Shuzo, and me. Even the villagers are happy to see you each time." I said as she continued sobbing

Feeling that talking about it wouldn't help her much I said "Look at the village for a while."

When she looked at the village below us I put my hand on the ground and all the trees suddenly started to bud showing a multitude of colors.

"So pretty..." she said as she stopped sobbing

I moved my hand toward her eyes and wiped her tears with my left hand, she looked at me and I said "look what I can do with those."

A light violet crystal flower was now forming inside my hand instead of her tears.

I then put it up on her hair by making a wood clip below the crystal flower.

"There." I said as I took my hand off before she gently touched it

She was seemingly back to her happy self as she approached me and kissed my cheek before saying "Thank you nii-san for being here!"

'So that's how it feels to simply have a little sibling'

"Let's get back home." I said getting up

"Yes!" she cheerfully replied

[A/N: I think the next chapter should wrap up the traveling arc, then I have planned the first R-18 chapter to be around this time and I will upload it alongside a normal chapter so people who don't want to read lemon can just go to the next.

It will therefore take me more time alright, it will be my first written lemon too and if I say something that would be important in this chapter it will be said in the next one so you don't miss anything.]