Chapter 21

The more time I pass in this world the more I feel like a mad researcher.

My curiosity was something that stuck to me even after being reborn but still serves as a great driving force.

I passed almost every night in Uzushiogakure finding a way to counter Fūinjutsu and I am proud to say that I found a way to do it.

The answer lied within my eyes as well as how fast my reaction time can be.

Each seal has its own formulae and if I can analyze how it is composed before the seal take effect I can break it or even reverse it to the target.

I then called it 'Seal Cancellation Technique' and will not be taught to just anyone because of its downsides and will surely be considered as a Kinjutsu by Konoha.

First of all, you need either a sort of parallel thinking or a way to change your perception of time, by this I mean your eyes have to see or sense everything slowed down to a great degree.

Then obviously you need a tremendous knowledge of Fūinjutsu and also to be able to sense when you are subject to be sealed, Dōjutsu like Byakugan can help you sense without seeing it directly for example.

If you can't have those it would harm the user more than just being sealed because like any Fūinjutsu, a single mistake can bring grave consequences.

This technique I made is supposed to be strong enough to protect me from any sort of sealing unless I am unconscious.

I'm quite the cautious fellow... Even if I was the strongest in the world I would still be careful because anything could happen. After all, this world has a lot of surprises.

Now as strange as it may be, I was taught by Oyama many Hiden from the Uzumaki Clan such as the famous Adamantine Sealing Chains and the Four Symbols Seal with all its derivation.

I don't know what Grandma wrote in that letter I delivered the first day, but she gave me this opportunity which I am thankful for.

I may have overstayed a bit too long at Uzushiogakure, I passed 16 years old already and need to go back to Konoha, or else a certain someone will be angry at me.

"Do you really need to go today Yuichi-nii?" asked a cute little red hair a bit sad

I crouched to be at her height and said "I stayed longer than I should have you know Kushina. And even if I won't come back here soon I'm sure we will see each other at Konoha." to which she started to pout

And it was true, we discovered how high her chakra pool was, potentially the highest of this generation in the Uzumaki Clan and Oyama knew what this meant... She's perfect as the next Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi when she will be older and therefore will come to Konoha.

As I was getting back up she hurriedly stopped pouting and rushed to hug me.

'Guess I will spoil her one last time here'

I patted her on the head and her back while she was subtly sobbing in my embrace.

Even after our last interaction, her father still didn't care at all, as for her mother she was not just a teacher but the guardian of the clan library and couldn't leave the place, she had everything she needed to live in it of course.

Oyama looked at us and was happy to see how she took a liking to me, he knew she won't be left alone at Konoha and then looked at a tag he had in his hand.

Because I knew that Uzushiogakure would be destroyed in the future, I gave Oyama a tag which when destroyed, either because he was in danger or by himself, will alert me and I will be able to use the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' to teleport right in the garden of Oyama's house at a huge chakra cost.

The goodbye taking too long, Oyama approached us and said "Come on Kushina, let him go back to his own village." as he put his hand gently on her shoulder

"Hn." she muttered finally letting go of me

She then looked at Shuzo and Chizu who were behind me and said "I hope we will play again together in the future!" smiling

They suspiciously shivered but still replied "Yes." "Of course!"

"Train well Kushina, don't slack off because I'm not here alright?" I said to which she nodded as she touched the light violet crystal flower still on her head

"And don't die of old age before I see you again old man." I said shaking hands with Oyama

"Bwahaha! I still have some years before I kick the bucket! Don't navigate out of the path I gave you alright?" he said while laughing before slapping my back

We then took the boat I made last time which was stocked within Shiromari and navigated toward the Land of Fire moving through the trapped sea.

"The best would be to arrive tomorrow around noon, we will stop somewhere to sleep is that clear?" I said to the twins

"Yes." they replied, devoted like always


As planned we stopped in the middle of a forest where I built a spacious wood house to pass the night.

As usual, I've surrounded the place with barrier tags and after a decent meal, Chizu, Shuzo, and Shiromari are gone to sleep.

When I sensed everyone sleeping I decided to leave the wood house and started moving toward a special place I wanted to see before going back to Konoha.

After swiftly dashing between trees, I finally saw a distant lightness, meaning the place was open up for the moon to illuminate the area.

The sound of a cascade could be heard and when I left the forest I was at the top of a valley, faced with a statue representing someone extremely well known.

'So this is the Valley of the End uh'

I decided to move to the bottom of the valley to clearly see the two giant stone statues of Madara Uchiha that I previously saw and Hashirama Senju where I was standing.

"Two legends of the Shinobi world... A pity they are dead, I would've loved fighting against them one day." I said out loud

"Nowadays the Uchiha Clan is full of clansmen while the Senju Clan only has three members left... Ironic isn't it, Hashirama is considered a hero and his clan nicely viewed by civilians while Madara a traitor but his clan isn't liked." I continued

"I have so much to ask... But it's too late." I finished saying as I sensed someone or something looking at me from afar

'As I thought he's watching this place'

I know he already watched me when I stayed at Konoha, he's always looking at the village and should know I possess the Sharingan by now.

This time I appeared here to see if he already took an interest in me while watching Konoha.

Obviously, being a hybrid Uchiha-Senju was bound to bring trouble for me because he knows I could awaken the Rinnegan.

Thankfully, he didn't know about the Tenseigan, only Hamura had them before me but they never met until he died, so only the branch family of the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon know they exist.

And the Rinnegan can not be awakened just like that, I still need Indra's and Asura's chakra, a small portion would be enough for me.

But this is also what will not bring him to kill me, if I don't 'know' about the Rinnegan and how to have them, he won't try to kill me.

In fact, you need to have the Uchiha Dōjutsu, Senju cells, and then the brothers' chakra to get it.

Thankfully, I only need the chakra.

But Madara is hiding and dangerous to approach for now even more taking his chakra, and there isn't any reincarnation of Asura currently, at least that I know of.

So to unlock the Rinnegan I would need to wait for the future reincarnation of the brothers, which are Sasuke and Naruto, to get some of their chakras.

This means I will need to wait around 23 years for them to be born... I have to make sure they WILL be born or else I would need to find an unknown reincarnation.

Rinnegan at around 39 years old isn't bad at all considering it will have a lower risk than confronting Madara but for the same reward, just a bit later.

Before leaving, I decided to engrave behind the cascade on the rock wall a tag so I could come back here later if I need to.

Rushing back where I left the others I sensed that Black Zetsu stopped watching me.

I got inside the wood house as the twins were still sleeping and Shiromari just opened his eyes knowing I was out but said nothing about it before going back to sleep.


*The next day*

After waking up we were able to find the road that was going all the way to Konoha and could see the entrance along with a few peddlers who are waiting for their merchandise to be checked.

We didn't have to wait too long to face one of the guards who looked at my Konoha headband hanging on my shoulder and asked "Please state your name."

"Yuichi Senju. And the two behind are with me." I replied

"Yuichi? Glad you are back." I heard before someone appeared in front of us and briefly talked with the guard making him leave

He had white hair tied in a ponytail, a mask looking like a dog face with yellow and blue lines running to the sides.

He had the standard ANBU clothing consisting of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, and a white cloak.

I obviously recognized Sakumo, though I don't know his ANBU name I said "Yes, I am finally back home... I will need to explain who are the two children to the Hokage later, you don't mind if they enter the village with me?"

"I wouldn't mind, I already notified Hokage-sama about your return-" he said before the ground started to shake

Looking at the cause we could see something, no, someone coming toward us from the village.

"YUICHI!" I heard a voice I know well yell

It was Tsunade who was running through the main road with so much strength I could sense a powerful gust coming our way.

She crashed on me and tightly hugged me as I heard everything behind me being blown away because she didn't slow down.

'As strong as ever' I thought without moving an inch

"I'm back Tsunade." I said hugging her back as I sensed two huge and soft things pushing on my chest

'She didn't grow that much, in terms of height only'

I could hear she was taking slow and large breaths as she was stuck on me and I said "Sniffing me is the second thing you do when I am back?"

"I'm refilling my Yuichi-energy meter." she happily said as she looked up to meet my gaze

Seeing her looking at me with so much longing I couldn't stop myself and I lowered my head to kiss her on the lips.

This surprised her at first but then, she closed her eyes accepting my advance, and started to open her mouth.

*Cough cough*

We heard someone near us 'subtly' trying to take our attention successfully ending our making out.

We both looked toward the disturbance and it was actually Tobirama.

"Oh, hum... How are you?" I said trying to shift what was happening as Tsunade blushed after being interrupted and let go of me

Tobirama sighed as he massaged his temples "I'm doing fine... I know you miss each other but look at your surrounding please."

Understanding what he said I looked behind me and I saw Chizu blushing while Shuzo was curious, not understanding what we did.

Sakumo was simply looking away like he saw nothing and some civilian older women had their hand in front of their mouth, I could hear some "Oh my~" from them.

'Don't tell me it will be my job to educate the twins about all this stuff'

I scratched my head and said "Sorry about that Granduncle." as we moved toward each other

He then smiled, raised his fist to bump my torso, and said "16 years old and already taller than me."

Well, I had a good growth spurt at Uzushiogakure, now hitting 1,93 meters (~6'3 feet) which is 10cm (4 inches) taller than Tobirama.

I smirked and said "66 years old and becoming smaller by the years." teasing him

I could see a tick mark appear on his forehead and I suddenly felt a current of lightning sent to my body.

"Respect your elders, kid!" he said as he removed his hand halting the tickling

I laughed a bit after our nonsense, I missed this feeling.

Turning to Tsunade I asked "By the way, where are the five others?"

"Orochimaru, Dai, and Jiraiya are currently doing a mission together but should be back this week. As for Shikuro, he was with me before I sensed you were back." she replied looking at the ring I gave her which finally stopped vibrating

I did make it to protect her but she can also know how far I am from her, I do have the same on my left hand and they work as a pair.

"Pft, I don't know if I should pity Orochimaru or the two idiots!" I said surprised by this made-up team as Tsunade agreed

"It's been a while." someone suddenly muttered to the side

Looking at him I saw a man heavily clothed with a mask covering his mouth and a hoodie hiding most of his head, as well as orange round glasses.

"Oh, Shikuro! We didn't se-, I mean, how are you?" I said as I moved toward him to shake hands

"Fine. Good to see you again." he muttered with as many words as ever

'He can make Drax dream's come true...Nobody sees him if he doesn't move'

I then moved back to the twins, put my hands on their back, and said "I picked them up during my travel, they no longer have a family so they can live with us at the Senju clan compound, is that ok?"

Tobirama fiercely looked at them making them flinch a bit and said "If you're the one bringing them, I don't see why not." as he crossed his arms

"Let's do the presentation, this beautiful girl here is my girlfriend, Tsunade Senju, this grumpy old man is my grand uncle, Tobirama Senju, this suspicious guy is a friend, Shikuro Aburame." I said making Tsunade blushing for a second, Tobirama sighting and Shikuro didn't react at all

I did not tell them about Sakumo for now because he's currently an ANBU and is already out of here.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Chizu." the girl answered politely while bowing

"N-Nice to meet you! I'm Shuzo." the boy answered a bit nervous

Tsunade approached them smiling, crouched, and said "Nice to meet you too!"

"You should go to see Hiruzen, just to tell him about the two kids for today... You will do a full report tomorrow." Tobirama said more serious than before

"Aye, sir!" I jokingly replied


The day was finally ending, I briefly spoke with Hiruzen and I passed the rest of the day with Tsunade and the twins to show them around the village.

I wanted to go and see Grandma but Tsunade told me to do it tomorrow because she asked her.

So now I entered my private bathroom and I was ready to take a hot bath.

Now immersed in the water I heard the door slide open and it revealed a confident Tsunade with only a towel around her body.

'It's going to be a long night' I thought smiling at her

[A/N: I don't have enough space in the Author's thought.

I wrote everything tonight and I also made all the future Dōjutsu of Mc... For now, you saw the three first and the last should be the 8th, but I have a small issue starting from the next one: I made different eyes for each stage and I don't know which one I should use.

I learned how to use paint so that's a plus.]