Chapter 23

I was now emerging from my sleep, my body still immobilized by something on my chest.


I glanced at the beautiful naked girl who was currently sleeping with her upper body leaned on me, her drool on my chest while her legs surrounded mine.

I started gently brushing her disheveled hair with my free hand "Nh... Five more minutes..." she muttered, awakened by my caress

"It's almost noon Tsunade, I have a lot to do today and we need to take a shower, want to join me?" I said to which she groggily opened her eyes and replied "Good morning..." before doing a morning kiss

We then moved to the shower and washed ourselves to prepare for the rest of the day.

I was amazed by my hair, even after everything we did they looked always perfect... I knew Sephiroth was fabulous.

"We need to change the sheet too, the bed is completely messy from what we did." I said as I was dressing, looking at the soaked bed

"I will take care of that while you are talking with Grandma." replied Tsunade while tying her hair in a ponytail

'My soon-to-be teased sense is tingling'

I then left our house moving toward Grandma's living room and knocked at the door.

"Come in."

I entered and was greeted by Grandma who seemed to be waiting for me with tea on the table.

No matter how old she may be, she was able to stay young looking, for now, a plus for being an Uzumaki.

"Glad to see you again Grandma." I said smiling

"Likewise Yuichi, I assume you slept well if you're only coming now." she said as she hid her mouth with her hand

"We slept well indeed, just a bit late." I let out scratching my head

She giggled before saying "It seems Tsunade did as I taught her, I'm glad both of you had a great night then."

'Please tell me you didn't teach her anything weird for later, I know Hashirama was kind of a masochist'

"I will stop pestering you with this, tell me about your stay at Uzushiogakure." she said as she gave me a teacup which smelled the same as the one I generally had with Oyama

"It was great, I learned many interesting Fūinjutsu and even created some myself. Oyama-san is a great teacher." I explained

"My letter worked well then." she replied sipping her tea

"Indeed. I also meet his granddaughter, the poor girl who only has Oyama as a parental figure, because her parents ignore her... She grew closer to me during my stay and she would be a perfect candidate for the next Kyūbi Jinchūriki." I said looking at her stomach knowing well enough what resides inside

Since I absorbed the Golden and Silver Brothers I was able to produce Nine-Tails chakra... But to not be suspicious about this ability, I currently sealed it while I am at Konoha.

She looked at me before saying "That's great, I may only have ten more years before I am too weak to contain the Kyūbi... When the time comes, I hope you will be the one doing the ceremony."

I was surprised by the responsibility she gave me but said nonetheless "I promise you I will do it."

She smiled warmly at me and said "Thank you... Hashirama has to wait for me a bit longer then."

She then asked me what I had seen during my travel, I then explained how I fought an illusion of Hashirama because of a flower, how I bought a lot of honeyed food, candies, and alcohol, how I visited beautiful landscapes, from snowy mountain to continental plains, rocky valley, and inhabited island.

I explained how I encountered the summon I was now in contract with, how I helped two young children and why they are now following me, how I had some interesting battles without telling against who, and finally how I trained new Jutsu.

I was more passionate about my explanation the more I saw her smile and being delighted about my travel.

I obviously omitted the dark stuff I did... She knows what being a shinobi includes and how ruthless we may need to be, but I want her to be happy for me and see the bright side only.

I also didn't talk about my meeting with Kaguya, and what I stole during those two years.

Our talk took a while but I finally left the place to go and look for the twins and Shiromari before reporting to Hiruzen.

When I moved where they should rest I found them in the garden sat on a rock with Tsunade, they both seemed to enjoy her presence judging by how they were laughing.

Tsunade saw me and said "Your talk with Grandma is finally over?" to which I nodded

Both twins then got up and rushed in front of me, happy to see me again.

"Had a good sleep last night?" I asked crouching a little

"Yes!" "Yes." they replied, Chizu always polite while Shuzo couldn't contain his joy

"That's great, you can roam in the village if you want to for today, I will take care of your integration." I said stroking their head while the armband on Chizu morphed and moved to my arm

"See you later too Tsunade." I said shifting my gaze to her before leaving for the Hokage Office as she waved at me "See you later."


On the way to the office, I encountered Tobirama in the building, he then followed me inside the room where Hiruzen was waiting for me.

He was wearing the typical Hokage red and white clothing minus the hat which was hanging to the side of the door.

A bunch of paperwork was piled around him, I guess he still doesn't know he can use a shadow clone to do it instead of him... I won't tell him this tip though.

Tobirama sat on a chair that was to the side of the desk before Hiruzen coughed and said "Now that you rested enough, tell me what you did out of the village." while every ANBU hidden in the place left to give us a full privacy

Guess I will do it from the beginning...

"Well... First, I was able to collect a lot of different medicinal plants, each with their own use." I started saying

"You are a shinobi, not a gardener... In a time without war, they would just rot." Hiruzen exclaimed

"He does a great job as a shinobi, he can play gardener or scientist without losing time to train... I'm sure he has something up in his sleeves because he never does something without reason." Tobirama said defending me

"...Exactly, during my travel I found a new way to use Wood Release, I can produce whatever plant lifeform I researched about, so we won't ever run out of medicinal plants." I said looking at Hiruzen with a stern look

He was pleasantly surprised by this news, after all, Konoha isn't the best in terms of production and usually needs to get the resources from afar.

"I can also use them as an offensive option, though I won't talk about it with you." I said thinking of the pollen, manchineel, and carnivorous plants

They understood why I wouldn't, after all, no shinobi should tell every technique he has up in his sleeves.

I skipped over the food I bought and said "I also found an interesting species of lightning killer bees. For now, we can't have a user but I will ask someone of the Aburame Clan to take care of them until we do."

This made both of them raise their eyebrows as Tobirama said "You know the only users are from the Kamizuru Clan, from Iwagakure right?"

"Tobirama-sensei is right, we can't find a user whatsoever." Hiruzen added

"Maybe you can't, but I'm sure I will be able to one day... And I'm saying it now, she or he will be taken care of by me." I said with certitude

{I can't stop this kid anyway... Tobirama-sensei trust him a lot.} I heard Hiruzen though while massaging his temples before saying "Fine."

I skipped the part where I stole the meteorite from Hoshigakure and said "I also finally got myself a proper sword." I said as it appeared from a scroll in my hands

Tobirama was surprised, got up, and asked "Can you show it to me?"

I then unsheathed Masamune which was currently around 84cm (~2'75 feet), the sheath could also get larger but to deceive others I kept it at a normal size.

Tovirama looked at my blade in awe, he could feel that it was an extremely sturdy sword, and asked "What name does it have?"

"Masamune is the name, and it also has something special." I replied as I then raised Masamune in front of me before making it grow until it reached 3 meters (9'84 feet)

Even Hiruzen was surprised while Tobirama said "It has the same ability as the legendary Kusanagi! How did you get your hand on it?!"

"You didn't steal it did you?" asked Hiruzen a bit doubtful

"Of course not, I was lucky and fought against a Rōnin who held this sword, I won the duel and took it." I said lying straight to their face

'My great actor wish is clutching moments like this'

They didn't doubt me and Tobirama said "I would love sparring with you in Kenjutsu now!"

"I would love to! I hope you won't break your bones too much while fighting." I said smirking and igniting his fighting instinct

"Hmpf! We'll see." he said going back to his seat

"Anyway, next thing is actually important for me, I got my summon contract during my stop in the Land of Neck." I said as Shiromari appeared in his chibi form on my arm

"Nice to meet you sirs, I'm Shiromari, the last chameleon." he said already aware of their standing compared to me explaining why he stayed polite

"Nice to meet you too." they shortly replied

I then explained why he was surely the last of his kind before continuing my story.

I didn't talk about the 'Eye Mind Reading Technique' as well as my encounter with Kaguya and the tree branch I had.

"Oh! I also learned something while I was away." I said as I raised my hand before creating a white octagonal crystal in my palm

Tobirama was curious about it and asked "You didn't use only Earth Release for that right?" while Hiruzen started sipping some coffee from his cup

"Indeed, it's just a Kekkei Tōta, nothing more." I said smirking as I saw Hiruzen spray his coffee everywhere, mostly on his paperwork

"WHAT THE- Are you sure?!" Hiruzen burst out shocked by the information

"Did you really awaken a Kekkei Tōta Yuichi? Even I am doubting you for this one." Tobirama asked still serious

"It's a combination of Earth, Lightning, and Yang Release... I discovered it halfway through my journey, and I can do a lot of interesting stuff with it." I replied as I gave the crystal to Tobirama

"It's actually diamond and should exist until either I die or wants it to disappear. It's maybe the hardest crystal in the world." I explained because I don't know if there are better metals that didn't exist in my past life

"This gives you a strong defensive option if that's the case... And this makes you the second Kekkei Tōta user! The only one I know is the current Tsuchikage, Mū." Tobirama said amazed

'I guess Ōnoki still hasn't shown prowess in Dust Release during the first war'

And he still doesn't know the true composition of Wood Release.

"Nothing would surprise me anymore with you..." said Hiruzen hopelessly

He didn't think about mass producing and selling the diamonds, it would destroy the economic system... But if I need gold, I will make it myself.

'The best is coming' I thought while smirking in my mind

I didn't talk about the early Chakra armor blueprint I got from the Land of Snow, I will study it myself later.

"Hum... Next, I had my first dangerous battle since I became a Jōnin." I said scratching my head

"Who could rival with you?" Tobirama asked curiously

"I may... Have fought the Gold and Silver Brothers." I dropped like a bomb on them

The look they gave me wasn't just of surprise, Tobirama had one of anger directed at me as he said "Why did you try something this dangerous? You should know that together they can kill any Kage?! And their tools are terrifying to fight against because we don't know all of their abilities! What could I do if you were sealed forever!"

It was rare for Tobirama to be truly angry at me, but I knew it was because he was worried for me...

"I-hum...I'm sorry about that but I assure you I did a lot of research about them beforehand. And also, I wouldn't be there if they won. I killed both of them and even got my hands on those." I said as Shiromari opened his mouth letting the four treasured tools on the ground

Tobirama had a relieving sight, while Hiruzen one of nostalgia as he looked at me with sympathy.

"With this, I avenged the death of Danzō-sensei, and also you because they almost killed you, Granduncle." I said as my voice cracked a bit

"...He would be proud of you Yuichi." said Hiruzen, thinking he knew what I felt

'I don't think so'

"I also awakened those." I said closing my eyes for a second before they changed into the Mangekyô Tensei Sharingan

Hiruzen was aware of my Uchiha blood, and both understood the meaning of those eyes... I 'lost' someone important to me, which for them seemed to be Danzō.

While I just alienated myself into losing Tsunade during our fight.

"What can you do with them?" Hiruzen asked

"I can perform Suijin, an ability that can replenish my chakra and stamina by using it on someone that just died." I said only a part of its ability and concealed Kunitokotachi

"I... I don't even know what to say anymore, I'm getting older each time you declare something." said Hiruzen slowly losing his mind

"I told you he would be a great future Hokage!" Tobirama said, proud of how I was developing

"As for the treasured tools, nobody except me or Mito should be able to handle them because of how chakra-hungry they are. I can keep them inside Shiromari so they would never be stolen or misused is that alright?" I explained

"That's fine, if Kumo never knows about it then it's for the best." replied Hiruzen

"Now, I learned Fūinjutsu from Uzushiogakure but I won't teach them to anyone else, I won't betray the trust my teacher and Grandma has in me." I said to which Hiruzen thought it was a pity while Tobirama didn't say anything, not willing to offend Mito

"Finally, I should talk about my future... Both of you are aware and agreed that I would create an ANBU branch under me autonomous of your authority, with members of my choice." I said with a serious face

This was a talk only know by both of them and the future members, even the current Konoha council don't know about it yet.

"Indeed, I think you are ready for such responsibilities. I will let you take care of it, but do you have members for now?" Tobirama asked

"Three." I replied before continuing "The twins that came back to Konoha with me will be two of them. They are the two last Chinoike Clan members and both unlocked their Ketsuryūgan. They trained under me since I saved them."

"Bringing outsider of Konoha to protect Konoha... Ugh I knew you would do something like that but can you assure me they won't betray us?" asked Hiruzen

"That you have my words, I can activate something in case they want to bring harm to the village." I half lied

I knew they won't betray me, but if it was ever happening they would regret it forever.

"And the third member?" Tobirama asked, curious

"Shikuro." I said, surprising them

"But he's already an ANBU you know? Does he know about this?" asked Hiruzen

"It's a promise we made some years ago, he also entered the ANBU to learn more about the way they work." I said which caused Hiruzen to sight

"... If he already agreed then I won't stop it. Please tell me you have nothing more to say." Hiruzen begged me

"My report is over." I said my hands behind my back

"You can go then, I have too much work now." Hiruzen said while Tobirama stayed inside

But when I moved my hand to the doorknob I heard Tobirama ask "How will you call your ANBU branch?"

I smirked before looking back at them and said "It will be named 'Origins'." and then left the office

[A/N: If you want an acronym it's 'Order of Rapid Intelligence Gathering and Independent Necessary Slaughter'... It seems to work just fine in my opinion but the 'backstory' for the name will be explained later.]