Chapter 26

[A/N: Don't forget this is fanfic and some requirements are changed]

"I didn't expect this to be hard to master..." I said disappointed and tired as I maintained a giant skeletal spirit around me

When I had time to train myself again I decided to use the ability given to those who awaken both Mangekyō Sharingan, the Susanoo.

But even after some years at Konoha of trying to materialize a full-body Susanoo, I could only make a full skeletal one.

Thought I couldn't even give it a complete humanoid form the bones were far sturdier than they were the first day I used it.

My Susanoo was black colored, his eyes were a piercing white and the chakra had a brighter black color.

It had some muscle that started forming and covered all his right side, as well as two horns growing from each side of his head.

[Here, too hard to do for me, so I just took a black recolored from the web]

Well, I was slowly getting the humanoid form but it takes me so much chakra for it to slowly evolve.

But now that I had a full skeletal Susanoo, I could materialize this state with ease.

So I hypothesized that my Susanoo requires a multiplier of my chakra capacity, at least for the first time.

One negative point for me was the fact that I have within myself an extremely high amount of chakra that I keep sealed until I need it for life and death situations or to use extremely costly techniques.

This meant that my Susanoo requirement was based on all my chakra, sealed or not.

So yes, I could use all my stocked chakra to form a complete body Susanoo, but it took me twenty years to gather what I have right now, and the possible next conflict is 'too soon' for me to disregard all of it.

'If nothing was changed because of me about the Land of Rain, I should have the complete body Susanoo by the time Konoha enter the war'

Thankfully, I provided my chakra at night, and by the morning, I fully recovered my usual chakra capacity, by not enabling the seal to absorb any drop of it until I'm done.

"I'm done for today, let's leave." I said out loud leaving the isolated room where I trained Susanoo

I immediately took a shower before going back to the bedroom with only underpants as Tsunade was already here in a nightgown seemingly waiting for me.

"Need a body massage tonight too?" she asked as she tapped on the bed

"Why would I ever refuse?" I replied smiling before laying myself face on the mattress

Since I was training and nearing chakra exhaustion from time to time, she decided to give me a body massage that was for 'stabilizing my chakra' according to her.

Though usually, she couldn't resist and go a bit further than a recovery massage and induced us for another sleepless night.

Finally able to relax, I thought of what happened the last few years.

Four years since I am back in Konoha, I was able to completely establish Origins, the twins have long become Jōnin and so I made a special finger claw for each of them.

They now have a weapon to slice their targets getting another way to access their target's blood along with their piercing Stiletto.


Orochimaru did some advancement in his research, mostly about the human body limit but also in other subjects.

His research is hidden from everyone, only both of us know about it and I help him when he needs to be unnoticed by making a perfect clone of him.

He still didn't found a cure or a way to be immune to the meteorite but that's not surprising considering he's dividing his already low research time.

But we discovered something, the meteorite chakra takes over its victim's chakra, slowly modifying it into its own.

The user gets afflicted by the meteorite toxicity because his chakra gets completely replaced by the meteorite special chakra.

We ended up making a hypothesis, what if you could instead overtake the meteorite chakra with your own, getting its abilities but keeping your chakra without any toxicity.

Now I'm not willing to try using my chakra as an experiment, but I may have an idea of what kind of chakra could overtake it.

Lastly, for the experiments, it's hard to get our hands on Konoha's Dōjutsu in a time without war but it will come.

I don't need them but if I can learn more about their limit I won't let this chance slip out.

On another subject, because I can obtain knowledge about some profession by vio- I mean visiting workers' mind, I created multiples Wood Shadow Clone and opened different shops across the world.

I opened some restaurants, jewelry, and carpentry shops in different countries' main cities.

For now, I opened them in the Land of Iron, Honey, Hot Water, Earth, Sand, and Fire.

Thanks to them, I had a lot of money on my hands... Well, a portion was missing because Tsunade lost it by gambling over the years.

I had to give her 'pocket money' all the time, not an issue since we are now rich but if I let her access the money she may end up using everything in a single day... An impossible feat except for her and maybe Hashirama.


"What? You're not enjoying it?" Tsunade said as she pressed her hand stronger on my back

"No it feels good like always, It's just... I was remembering something that bothers me." I said as she got softer with her hands

"Is it still because of what the Great Toad Sage told you? Jiraiya informed me that his prophecies are usually highly accurate..." she said to which I replied "Yes... Even though we shouldn't be in a death-threatening danger, I still feel uneasy about it."

*Flashback no Jutsu*

"Hey Jiraiya, could you bring me to Mount Myōboku?" I said as I appeared behind him on a rooftop

"Wh-!? Oh it's you, thank God..." he said as he was trying to hide some sort of peeking tool

"You can keep peeping the hot spring I won't sell you... Unless you try to do it on Tsunade and I warn you her punch would be the least of your worry." I said making him gulp

"Hey! I may be a pervert but the first rule I have is to never touch a friend's spouse!" he said slightly offended

"I know, I know I was just teasing you." I said laughing a bit before adding "So, about Mount Myōboku?"

"I can bring you there but because you aren't a toad summoner, we have to go on foot and it takes a month..." he said rubbing the back of his head

"Can't you summon a big enough toad to let me travel there within it?" I suggested furrowing my eyebrows

"Uh, I could but I'm not confident on who would be summoned for now..." he said dodging my gaze

'That's why he was nervous when telling me about the one month travel'

"If you think you won't have enough chakra until you get a good-sized toad then I will have you eat this." I said showing him a weird-looking pill made by Orochimaru

His body shook looking at it before saying "Alright I will try! I don't want to eat this...thing that Orochimaru already gave me once!" seemingly remembering some unpleasant memories

'I don't even know what stuff Orochimaru put inside of this but he was right when he said Jiraiya accept anything to not eat it again'

We then moved to a more spacious place so he could summon a bigger toad now that he was 'motivated'.

Thankfully, he was able to summon a toad big enough for me to get inside with ease, so he could go back to Mount Myōboku with me.

The toad he summoned agreed to bring me with him because apparently, the Great Toad Sage knew I would come one day and they are all aware of how I look.

Jiraiya didn't come with us and instead send back the toad, who once the travel was done let me leave his body.

Leaving the toad without an inch of saliva on my fabulous body, I was fascinated by where I appeared.

This place that was supposedly almost impossible to find on foot was exceptionally big. There were a lot of giant rocky mountains with numerous waterfall coming from them and rivers running through most of the land.

Some mountains were highly bending to the side instead of being vertical, giving a more mysterious feeling to the place.

It was also heavily forested and the climate was tropical, a place I honestly enjoy a lot.

"Quite an amazing place you toads lives in uh." I said out loud still looking around me

"Isn't it, Yuichi-san." an old voice said behind me

Turning myself I saw an old small green toad with white hair, eyebrows, and beard.

"Oh forgive me, I'm Fukasaku, one of the Two Great Sage Toads along with my wife. Nice to meet you." he announced in a friendly manner

"Nice to meet you too, Fukasaku-san." I politely replied

He smiled and said "You are a polite one, unlike someone." then after a sigh, he continued "Anyway, please follow me, I will bring you before Ōjiji-sama."

Agreeing with his offer by nodding we then moved from here and I was surprised with his speed as we were moving through the forest, well he was jumping fast more precisely.

Appearing in front of the house where Gamamaru was I briefly saw Shima, the other Great Sage Toad, who had her hands full, I guess.

She was occupied so I didn't interact with her as Fukasaku brought me until I was in front of a giant door, before telling me "I will not follow you starting from here, Ōjiji-sama's demand."

I pushed the giant door and was greeted by a giant pale orange toad, sitting on a throne-like seat, surrounded by giant scrolls with a multitude of inscriptions on them.

He was wearing a professor's hat with an orb on top of it, as well as a necklace with the symbol for 'oil' written on it.

The Kanji for Sage was also written below the shallow pool of water that made his seat.

After looking at him for quite some time I couldn't help but say "Excuse me?" because he was completely unmoving, I couldn't even hear the sound of his breathing or heartbeat.

Seemingly awakening with a twitch he said "Uh? Who are you?"

'I forgot he was senile, thank God I'm patient'

"I'm Yuichi Senju. Some time ago, I was informed that you wished to see me." I politely replied because I respect him, he lived since Kaguya's era after all

"Ah yes... I have a prophecy about you..." he first said in a slow manner

"Something unexpected happened... My prophecy about you nullified an ancient one." he continued slowly but without any expressions shown on his face

"May I ask about this prophecy's content?" I asked because it was the reason for my presence here

"Indeed... Who are you again?" he replied as he already forgot me

"I'm Yuichi Senju." I replied not impatient about his short memories issue

"Mmh... I saw that you would either be the world savior or destroyer... All of it depends on a simple choice that every life will have at some point... But if it happens too soon, it could bring a disaster." he first announced

'Too soon..? Is it about me trying to free Kaguya somewhat earlier or...'

"I also... Who are you?" he tried to continue before forgetting me again

"I'm Yuichi Senju and you said you saw something more than a choice." I replied, seeking more information

"Oh Indeed... I also know that you may resolve a huge misunderstanding that will mend ancient shattered relationships, which will be helpful to you." he announced again

'I think I know which relationships I will repair'

"Then, you said a previous prophecy will no longer happen, may I know what was the content of it?" I finally asked

"It was something about a blue-eyed boy that would unite and change the world..." he said completely carefree

'Naruto..? I hope It's just because I will take care of the Ōtsutsuki instead of him later on, not about his entire existence...Right?'

I stopped pondering over it for now and said "Alright, thank you Gamamaru-sama for your knowledge."

"I am just doing what I should do... You are?" he finally said as I left the room saying my name one last time

Outside were Shima and Fukasaku who seemingly waited for me to come out.

"Nice to meet you Yuichi-san, I'm Shima, this old stubborn's wife as well as the other Great Sage Toad." she said presenting herself

"Nice to meet you too." I said smiling as we could hear Fukasaku complain to the side

"Would you like to stay for a meal?" she kindly asked me

"Sure why not." I replied, fully knowing what we would be eating

'To be honest I'm curious about the taste of some insects... If it is edible, I want to try it, just because it is some insects doesn't mean it's bad, just unusual'

*End of Flashback no Jutsu*

Thinking back to the meal, it was awful raw but once cooked it was decent.

And I understood later that Jiraiya got a prophecy but it isn't the same one as in the canon, I tried to ask him about it but he told me that if I knew it from someone it would be pretty bad.

"I know you are strong enough to win against any threat Yuichi." Tsunade said convinced as she brought me back to reality

'Well I only told her that in the future I would confront someone extremely strong that may destroy the world if I am not strong enough'

This is because I don't want anyone to know what my choice could bring upon the world, to not make me waver at any point.

"And I'm not alone right?" I said smirking as I turned myself to face her

She smirked back and said "That's for sure!" before slowly moving her hand on my chest

She learned the 'Strength of a Hundred Seal' those past few years and stored chakra within it.

One thing I want her to get will be the molding ability of the meteorite chakra, once it has no chance to make her sick, so she would be able to adapt her Taijutsu.

I also want to find a 'perfect' version of her seal as well as a way to lessen the drawback of the multiple techniques she will be able to use with it later on.

Locking eyes with each other as she was still slowly caressing my body, we started kissing before engaging to another sleepless night enjoying each other's warmth.

'And I have to meet the academy students that I will lead as a Team Leader tomorrow morning'

I guess I will be a bit late and will have to find an explanation.

I'm sure a grandma will need my help on the road.

[A/N: I know Susanoo doesn't work as I said but I changed it only for the Mc for a good reason that you will see later on.

Then I don't know if you can travel to Mount Myōboku like I made the Mc do but I did.

Explanation about the lack of chapters in the Author's Though]