Chapter 27

In an almost empty classroom.

"Do you think our team leader will ever come?" a young boy with long black hair and strange white eyes said as he was frantically tapping his fingers on his desk

"I don't know, but if he isn't here now there has to be a good reason." an older looking girl with short black hair and black eyes replied as she was lazily leaning back on her chair


"Indeed I had a reason for being late." I said suddenly opening the door as I heard them talk behind it

The three of them turned at me before I resumed "A poor old woman had her cat stuck on top of a tree, as a good shinobi I had to help her get him back."

They all had the same thought before the black-haired girl exclaimed "It's past noon! It shouldn't take you four hours to do that! As a Jōnin nonetheless!"

"It was a really tall tree." I replied smiling at them as I tried to make it seems like it was the undeniable truth

'I can't say WHY I was busy until 11 a.m'

I could see that they didn't believe me at all even though I put all my acting into it. Why doesn't it works in times like this? I remember when I was reborn, the medical-nin looked at me strangely for my wailing...

"It doesn't matter now that I'm here, follow me outside we will introduce each other." I said as I turned myself toward the door to change the subject

They quietly followed me outside until we stopped in the middle of the Academy playground.

Looking over at them I remembered why I accepted to become the leader of this era Team 8.

First of all, because I didn't leave Konoha for any mission in the last few years, Hiruzen wanted me to at least do something 'for the village'.

Well, I earn money and he's kind of mad because I don't provide Konoha much.

Also, I appear kind of lazy for most people because I pass most of my time training in an isolated place.

So I'm only known as the 'Lazy Senju Prince' which doesn't matter much for me.

I mean, most of Konoha isn't aware of what I can do, they may only have few memories of when I won the Chūnin exam ten years ago.

'But I was intrigued when he told me the names of those three and accepted Hiruzen's offer'

Facing the three of them I decided to speak first and declared "I will start introducing myself so you get an idea of what I want to know about each of you. I'm Yuichi Senju, 20 years old, I became a Jōnin around eight years ago, I like to have free time with my girlfriend and learn new Jutsu, I dislike being unprepared and forced to do something I don't want to. My hobbies are cooking and researching."

I then looked at the girl and asked her "Your turn."

She didn't seem ready but started talking regardless "Hum, I'm Chikako Uchiha, 12 years old, I don't know what to like, but I dislike the heavy pressure my Clan gives me. Also... My hobby is eating."

I could hear the disgust about her clan and I knew why.

She's older than most academy graduates of our era, at least when it comes from famous clans, and she's getting pressured by the Uchiha because of that.

She's not stupid but she didn't take part in most of the Academy's teaching and had to stay longer because of this as she failed in some of the required tests.

"Understandable. Now, your turn." I said looking at the young boy with long straight black hair

"My name is Hizashi Hyūga and I'm 9 years old. I like Taijutsu a lot and I dislike... being chained up." he said with a surprisingly mature answer before adding "I don't have any hobby but I do have a goal..." as he touched his forehead which was covered by some clothes but did not say what it was about

I do agree that the Hyūga clan's way of separating the main and secondary family is completely f*cked up.

And I would gladly have him as a member of Origins once he's old enough.

"Whatever that goal is, don't give up." I said to which he nodded as he took his hands off his head

I then looked at the last member of this team who was really quiet and hard to see.

"...I'm Shibi Aburame, 9 years old. I like insects. I dislike hot water and the smell of alcohol. No hobbies." he said in a surprisingly long talk for an Aburame but keeping the usual stoic tone they have

He was a kid with the typical dark glasses and high collared outfit of his clan. He has very short black spiky hair and I could sense the high number of insects inside of him.

"I know about you from Shikuro, he told me you have talent with your clan's techniques, I'm sure he wasn't lying." I told him as he seemingly knew about me as well from Shikuro

Shikuro's and Shibi's families are pretty close with each other, they developed a brotherly relationship over the years because of the time they passed together.

'I have a team of two Dōjutsu holders and an Aburame, of course when Hiruzen told me this I got interested'

"First of all, even if Shikuro and you have a good relationship I won't give you better treatment." I said to which he understood and didn't expect me to give him a better one anyway

"Second, because I was rightfully late I will bring you somewhere to eat something for lunch and I will be paying." I added, making them brighter because they were hungry from waiting for me

"...And after that, I want to see what you are capable of, only then you will truly be Genins under me." I lastly announced making their smile vanish a bit

'I don't care much about the teamwork between them, but I want to see their individual capabilities'

"Where do you bring us for lunch?" asked Chikako as they followed me on the road

"It's a new restaurant that opened this year, their specialty is promising." I replied as we arrived in front of a small and simple restaurant that doesn't stand out at all

Nobody seemed to be eating there even though it was noon, only a young boy with short black hair and a square-like slightly tanned face was here and saw us before saying "Oh Yuichi-san you arrived! Come in, come in!"

This young boy was a 12 years old Teuchi, he inherited this place from his parents.

His mother was a great cook, and her ramens more precisely were what gave Teuchi the ambition to make the best ramen in the world.

Sadly they both passed away and Teuchi had to take care of everything at such a young age.

I discovered Teuchi not too long ago and instead of opening a restaurant in Konoha, I decided to invest in Ramen Ichiraku and helped Teuchi with gathering ingredients, tools, and even gave him some other recipe in case someone doesn't want ramen... In a ramen restaurant.

He doesn't want to change the restaurant to make it bigger or more appealing, at least for now, and I guess it is caused by attachment.

I made a reservation for today's lunch, hence the lack of client right now.

He may be young but he's great at making ramen, though he will still get better by the days, and he's already quite mature for his age.

"Alright kids, chose whatever you want, how much you want, I will be the one paying." I said as I could see Chikako grin "But don't forget that I will test you just after, don't start having a stomach ache."

Hizashi and Shibi ate a normal amount of food but as I expected Chikako just dived in multiple bowls of ramen to the point her belly grew four times its normal size.

'How is it possible' I first thought looking at her oversized belly

'Well, I did warn her'

Like I told them, once our lunch was over we proceeded to a training ground where I will ask them to spare against me.

Cracking my neck I turned myself to them before saying "I will ask you to fight against me one by one. Your goal is simple, you have to make me defend myself, either by making me use a Jutsu or block one of your blows. I can dodge as much as I want, and you have five minutes each."

I then looked at Shibi and said "Your turn first." then at the two others "You can go a bit further so you won't get in his way."

Seeing that the two are far enough, I turned myself to Shibi and said "Alright, it starts in three, two, one... now."

As an Aburame, he didn't straight-up run into me but instead raised his arms to let a huge amount of Kikaichū cover the area.

'Same old way of starting a fight'

And as expected, he made his insects rush at me from every side, and I had to pass through them to leave the area if I couldn't use any Jutsu.

But I let myself get engulfed by his swarm, which surprised him, before feeling my chakra getting drained by the insects.

"I won Yuichi-sensei." Shibi said as only my face was visible from the swarm

I smirked at him and said "Why would you be the winner? I'm not defending myself at all right now."

When I raised my arms we could see many of the Rinkaichū stops covering me because they were full of chakra, until I was completely freed from them.

"See? I'm still alright, no Jutsu or blocking movement used." I said as I still had enough to continue all-day

"But that's a pity, you should've come near me during this time to force something else instead of leaving all your chances to your insects."

As as I said that I had to dodge something that came from the ground behind me, and Shibi barely missed me with a kunai in his hand.

'I knew I talked to an insect clone, something I didn't expect was possible'

I kept on dodging his attacks, always at the last moment, until I had to change direction or I would be falling into a trap he made by digging with his insects.

'Using insects to divert me and change the surrounding terrain as he tries to stab me'

A good strategy if you are against someone strong but sadly not good against great sensors who can detect every trap and insect inside the ground.

After running around for quite some time evading every stab, I saw one of the places without insects that could allow me to leave.

'Not enough insects or control over them to completely lock me up'

I jumped out of it and when I landed I said "Time's up! You can join your teammates and tell Hizashi to come now."

He nodded as he took back his insects, not questioning if he passed or not before doing what I asked him to.

"Your turn boy." I said as Hizashi took his stance in front of me

'It's a bit peculiar for him, I want to see how much he can do with the 'Eight Trigrams Palms''

"I will not evade your hits for five minutes straight or it wouldn't have any meaning. I will let you hit me with your best technique... Oh, you don't need to hold back." I said making him slightly offended

'I'm not a masochist if it doesn't hurt right'

He darted towards me and swiftly started multiples consecutive strikes.

He started with two consecutive strikes, then two more, it suddenly became four at once and was followed by eight strikes.

However, he wouldn't just stop with sixteen palms and started another sixteen consecutive strikes achieving the limit of what he was able to learn as a branch member.

Yet, he surprisingly continued with thirty-two consecutive strikes and even more, started doing sixty-four more achieving the 'Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms' on me.

Everything happened in an instant, I didn't even falter from my position and Hizashi was exhausted by what he just accomplished.

Even though it didn't do any damage to me I started clapping and said "Impressive Hizashi, I'm eager to train you into the best Hyūga clan member ever."

'I know Neji was capable of doing this much but he wasn't 9 years old at the time'

He has 'talent' for sure... like father, like son I guess.

"Well, the five minutes are still up but I'm not sure you would be able to land more right now, go join your teammates and call for Chikako please." I said as I gave him some chakra to recover right before letting him go

'Now it's time for the big eater'

I looked at her while she was moving toward me and I could see that she didn't have time to digest all the bowls of ramen she ate.

'Let's see if someone rejected by the Uchiha is worth teaching'

"You can start in three, two," I declared as her eyes changed from black to red

'Two tomoe at twelve years old, not bad considering we are currently in a small era of peace'

She then took out a Tantō in her right hand and a Fuma Shuriken with her left hand.

She threw the shuriken at me which was aiming for my neck so I dodged it by bending back.

I heard her jump at me from where she was, trying to take advantage of my current position, but when she was near enough to slice me I used my hands to backflip and evade her charge.

As I made some distance between us she abruptly vanished from where she was and appeared in front of me in a single instant forcing me to evade to the side.

'What a surprising Body Flicker'

She left no trace of her presence while using it, something only a few could do...

She was pretty fast for her age and I had to change my pattern of dodging many times because she was able to get used to it easily.

'Great instinct'

She realized that trying to hit me with her Tantō wouldn't work so she took a step back and used the 'Great Fireball Technique'.

The size was bigger than most of the Uchiha could do while using the same amount of chakra.

'Nice control over chakra too'

Sadly for her, it's quite easy to dodge for me because it lost speed by accumulating size.

After letting the fireball hit the ground behind me I looked at her to see what else she would do but she was currently kneeling with her hands on her stomach seemingly in pain.


"I told you to not eat too much before, serves you right." I said while approaching before helping her get up to join Hizashi and Shibi

"So Sensei, none of us made you use a Jutsu or make you defend yourself right?" Hizashi asked to which I acknowledged

"Then we didn't pass the test?" he asked again sounding disappointed

"No, you did." I shortly replied

He looked at me with surprise and asked once more "Then what was the point of giving us an objective?"

"That was just a way to limit myself and give you a driving force." I replied while smiling

{How did Sensei come out unscathed from having one hundred and twenty-eight Tenketsu blocked} I heard Hizashi thought

'That's a secret and you won't have an answer for now'

"I will warn you now, there is a lot of training waiting for you... And I won't be gentle." I said as my smile faded away

Shibi is like Shikuro and needs more physical training to have greater stamina, speed, and strength.

For Hizashi, I want him to be the first-ever Hyūga clan member to block every Tenketsu of his opponent while using the Gentle Fist style.

As for Chikako... She already has speed but lacks a decent style with her Tantō as well as some diversity with her Ninjutsu.

'I will have to go out with them for team mission one day or another too'

"You can go back to your home for today kids." I announced to end our first day together

They left the place without complaint, Chikako still had some pain in her stomach and had some difficulty walking home though.

I can finally go to sleep today... Last night wasn't restorative at all even if it was a pleasant one.


[A/N: I said before starting this fanfic that I would delete reviews that just word spam, blame harem (when a tag for 'small harem' is here), etc, no matter the stars.

Currently, the story has 17 reviews and 8 are, in my opinion, entering my criteria (which is just to tell what you like or not if you don't want to go deeper, and you can use your language in case you're not comfortable writing it in English).

Because a notation is given starting 10 reviews I want to wait till then to delete 9 of them (1 is 1 star, 1 is 3 stars, 2 are 4.5 stars and 5 are 5 stars).

For those that did it with good intent, even though I'm happy about it, it's not how a review should be in my opinion, it's usually to help new readers as to whether they want to read or not, so I hope you won't feel offended by the future removal.

Thank you for reading and supporting me, and I'm feeling better now.]