Journey Up The Volcano

The base of the volcano, it's so green and beautiful. Trees are everywhere and animals are scurrying all over the place. I look up and see the volcano, it's so big. Why are we here? "Trinity, what are we doing here?"

"Huh? I thought I said why earlier?" I shake my head and she frowns. "That's right, I was going to but then that guy was following us and trying to stop us." She looks at me and smiles. "I think it's safe to say you can walk, kind of."

She moves away from me and looks down, I'm standing but it hurts, I hurt everywhere especially where the assassin was cutting me. "So, what are we doing here?"

"Oh right, you have to get in the volcano."


She points to the peak before looking at me with a small smile. "What do you mean? There's no way that's happening or that it's even possible."

"You have to do it you're the only one that can help Rin and the others but you have to get in the volcano. You'll be able to save him and stop the people that are attacking us."

"You're telling me I have to climb all the way to the top and get in?" I stare at Trinity hoping she's joking. She nods and urges me to hurry up. I have to start at the base of the volcano and climb all the way to the top then as if that's not hard enough I have to jump into the lava…the hot boiling lava… "Won't I…you know….die?"

"Don't be stupid. There's a low possibility of that happening."

"So, there's a chance?"

"Yeah, although I'm almost positive you'll survive. Well, get going we don't have all day."

I look at the volcano not prepared for what's to come. This is it if I survive everything will change. I leave Trinity behind as I start to climb the volcano. I'm starting to run out of breath; I look down to see that I've barely gone up.

"Please don't tell me you're tired already!" Trinity yells and I can hear her sigh.

"I'm still injured, you know. You expect me to climb up this thing in my condition?"

"Stop being a baby."

Out of nowhere, there's a line of fire shooting from the sky. Trinity takes out her daggers and stands ready to fight; I watch the path while holding onto a rock. A couple of minutes after the line of fire people are running towards Trinity and me. She starts blocking as they attack her and I try to dodge while holding onto the rock.

"You need to go now!"

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine just go!"

"Will you?" A voice surrounds us then there's a laugh. The people stop attacking and two men walk up to Trinity. One of them looks at me before their eyes widen. "Stop her, get her down!" The people focus on me and try to knock me down, but Trinity makes a barrier around me.

"Your majesty's we've secured the ones at the foot of the hill." Someone runs up to the men and bows quickly.

The ones at the foot of the hill? Are they talking about Rin and the others? We have to help them. Just as I'm about to jump down a gust of air blows past me, Trinity. I look at her to see that she's shaking her head.

I start climbing the volcano, but then I feel something grab my leg. A dog?! It looks like it's on fire, there are flames all around it and it has black eyes. It's snarling as it has a grip on my leg and tries to pull me down. I use my sword and thrust it into the rock wall, hoping it'll hold.

"I'm sorry, but we can't allow you to reach the peak." I kick my leg hoping the dog lets go but it doesn't. "Do you know why she wants you to go in the volcano? Has she given you a reason?" I look at Trinity, but she looks away from me. "You don't know what could happen. You could die; she could take control over you."

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Mika and this here is Luca my brother, your brother." My brother? That's right that assassin said something about my brothers wanting me dead.

Trinity throws one of her daggers at the dogs and it hits the dog in the neck causing it to let go of my leg. "Skye, go please for Rin's sake. You have to do this."

I need to do this, Rin trusts her so I can too. I start climbing the volcano; Luca and Mika try to stop me but Trinity steps in preventing them from doing any harm to me. There are snakes and bugs, a little path so I can walk a bit instead of climbing, flowers and little trees.

It's easier than I thought it would be, after what seems like forever I finally reach the peak. I look down; all I can see are little figures moving around. This is a giant volcano, though it didn't take very long to get up here. I look around and see a board, it's sticking out into the mouth of the volcano. Am I supposed to use this and just dive into it?

I walk onto the board preparing myself to jump in until there's a rumble, I look around again and notice that there are stairs made out of rock that lead down the mouth. I decide to use the stairs instead; there are markings along the wall. The lava is boiling and bubbling, I jump back every time it pops not wanting to get burned.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs there's a little platform, nothing happens. What was the purpose of me doing this? Did I climb all the way to the peak just to go down some stairs? I turn back to go help Trinity if she's still there and okay, but then something strange happens.

"Who are you?" Is that a mouth? "Why are you here?" Is the volcano talking? "Answer or I'll have you burned alive."

" is Skye Banks….and I was told- told to get in the volcano. I don't know why though."

"Skye?" The mouth disappears, I hear the lava boiling rapidly I look over to someone emerge from it. "I know why you're here. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. All you have to do is get into the lava."

"Why? What will happen?"

"I can't say, it's different for everyone, although you're The Unspoken Child, The Forbidden Child, a curse, anything could happen. I'm curious to find out." She holds out her hand for me to grab and a path clears for us to walk. I grab her hand, we start walking, as we walk deeper into the lava she starts to melt? Huh? The lava is surrounding me, but it doesn't burn or hurt. I keep walking until I'm fully submerged in the lava. "Good luck." The voice echoes as everything goes black.