Some days you meet

Someone and you

Immediately know

You want to spend

The rest of your

Days WITHOUT them.

Our eyes stare at each other, neither of us looks away. His brown-green eyes look at me in angry and inquisitive. I move my gaze to Lizz and then look at him again. How could I not have seen it, both have the same special eyes and brown hair? I hear Finn scratching his throat next to me so I move my gaze to him. "Do you want a waffle?" he asks when he points to a plate of waffles in the middle of the table. Gladly I nod and quickly grab a waffle. Closing my eyes I take in the aroma of the waffle, happy with this godsend.

When I open my eyes again I see that Martin is staring at me again in inquisitively. I quickly look at my waffle again. After my second waffle, Amy scrapes her throat. "Lily, Finn, and Alex will show you the campus before class starts tomorrow," she tells me. I take a quick look at the boy from the Christmas holidays, who apparently is called Alex, Alex Martin. I nod and just want to clear the table when Lucy walks towards me to stop me. Asking questions, I look at her. 'This is my job,' she says with a smile as she grabs my plate and takes it away.

"Get ready, we're leaving," Alex says briefly. Afraid he'll get angry if I'm too slow, I rush to the front door and put on my shoes. Alex comes down the stairs and looks at me from top to bottom. 'Maybe you should wear something else' he says bored when I look at what I'm wearing. I'm wearing my leggings from yesterday and a T-shirt that has a stain on it because of the bit of coffee I accidentally spilled on the plane when there was sudden turbulence.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I mumble a little and walk-up. In my room, I rush to open my suitcase on my bed. I'll clean it up this afternoon, I think. I take out a pair of jean shorts and a rose top. I quickly change and run the brush through my hair a few times. After a few minutes I walk back downstairs but Alex has already disappeared. 'He's already in the car. Don't take it personally' says Finn when he smiles at me and leads me to the front door.

There is silence in the car. 'Next time you have to be faster, popcorn,' Alex says threateningly when he looks at me through the rear-view mirror, breaking the silence. Surprised with the nickname, I think back to how we had met. Apparently, I'm not the only one who's noticed the nickname because Finn, who sits next to Alex at the front, looks at him questioningly. Instead of answering he turns on the radio, showing that the conversation is over.

On-campus Alex parks the car and we get out. Amazingly I take a tour when I look around. The campus is surrounded by green fields and the building looks big but historic. When I finally turn to the two boys, I only see one standing there. 'He's with his friends' Finn says as he grabs my hand to take me to the building where the studies for a doctor take place.

Inside the building, Finn says he will wait for me outside under the tree right in front of the entrance. Hesitantly I step into the building and open my mouth in amazement. I walk through the corridors but accidentally bump into something, better said, someone. "Sorry" we both apologize at the same time as we bend over to pick up the books the girl dropped. Almost stooped, we bump our heads together, which makes us laugh. 'I am Lexi' represents the girl with black hair and brown eyes, 'Lily' I say when I shake her hand.

"The first year, too?" she asks. I nod and help her collect the books. Once we've put it all back together again, we get up. 'It was nice to get to know you, Lily, hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow but unfortunately, I have to go home now' she says when she clumsily gives me a hug and walks out the door. Amazed I stand there for a few more minutes, not believing that for the first time I was able to talk to someone without being afraid or stutter.

Half an hour later I walk to Finn who is waiting under the big oak tree, just as he promised. When he hears me coming, he turns around and helps me carry my books. He sighs when he looks at the three books in his hands. 'What are you studying anyway?" I wonder. Architecture' he says proudly when I make an admiring sound.

Together we get back to the car when we put my books in the back. Finn turns around and yells at a group of guys. Alex turns around and says goodbye to the 4 boys he was with.

The rest of the day passed quietly. I spent most of the day in my room unpacking my suitcase. I also called mom and told her about the girl I met and about my host family. I did leave behind the fact that I've seen Alex before.

During lunch and dinner, I didn't say much. Most of the conversations were about football when Amy had joined Lizz to help her eat. At 11 o'clock in the evening, I'm still lying in bed, nervous about my first day of school. Repeating Justin's words, I hope to see Lexi again tomorrow and maybe, fort he first time, make a friend.