I'm just waiting

To see if my coffee

Chooses to use

Its powers for good or evil


The next morning I wake up by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Tired, I get out of bed into the bathroom. After a shower to wake me up, I get dressed and go to the kitchen for breakfast. In the kitchen, I see that I am the first one. I put myself down in my chair and wait until the rest of the people stumble inside. I hear a laugh when Lizz runs into the kitchen and hides behind my chair. "Where is that little princess? I'm hungry' I hear a deep low voice saying. Screaming, Lizz jumps on my lap and hides her face in my neck, "Help me Lily, the monster wants to eat me!" she whispers. At that moment, Alex walks into the kitchen and looks at me in amazement, as if he wasn't expecting me here.

He scrapes his throat and turns his gaze away, no longer looking at me for the rest of breakfast. Meanwhile, Lizz has decided she wants to sit next to me from now on, so Finn has had to move a chair. After breakfast the three of us get into the car, on our way to our college. In my hands I have a takeaway coffee, hoping to make my day a bit better than my first day at school, last year, in Belgium.

Finn says goodbye to us when he gets out of the car, leaving me alone with Alex. After we also get out of the car, Alex walks away without saying anything. Sighing I decide to go to my first class. Arriving in the classroom, I see that there are already a few people. I look around for a place to sit when I see a black-haired girl waving.

"Hey Lexi" I say when I pop down next to her. 'Hey Lily, I had a question. Would you like to have dinner with me and my friends this afternoon?" she asks excitedly. Nervous I nod yes and try not to show my nervousness by smiling.

After a few hours of class, I follow Lexi' who goes to see two girls. The blond girl introduces herself as a Kim, the red-haired girl as a Britte. I can tell right away that Britte is the more serious of the group. Britte and Kim are both studying to be nurses. I can't suppress my smile when I look at the three girls. I can't get an image of K3 singing in the sports palace out of my head.

We are now in a cozy little coffee bar. All four of us have ordered a panini to eat. "Will you come to the game on Friday?" asks Kim when she's slurping her coke. "Game?" I'm surprised. "Yeah, you know. The football game," Lexi says like this is basic knowledge. I shrug my shoulders, not knowing if I'm gonna go and what this so-called game is about.

"You have to come. It's a tradition to go to every game. Friday after school you come to my house with us and we'll all get ready together' Britte decides. I laugh and say it's okay for me, keeping in mind that I have to send Justin a message before bedtime, saying that I've probably made 4 friends already.

After an hour of laughing and gossiping about people at our school, I and Lexi have to go back for our last class. On the way back I haven't stopped laughing for one second, happy to feel at ease between my new friends. Kim has already added me to their chat, which gave me a warm feeling inside.

'Bye Lexi, see you tomorrow' I say goodbye to Lexi after our class. I sit down on a bench that is fairly close to the car. Finn and Alex aren't there yet. I hear someone sitting next to me. I look to the side and see a boy with blond hair next to me, tie his laces. As if he has felt me looking up, he looks up. "Hey," he says kindly. I feel my cheeks warming up and look at my very interesting shoes. 'H-Hey' I stutter. In my field of vision, I see a hand appear, 'I'm Owen' he introduces himself. 'Lily' and I shake his hand, still nervous.

The boy looks at me and I see a little smile appear around the corners of his mouth. He looks at his watch and suddenly stands straight 'Shit' he mumbles as he walks away from the bench. After a few steps, he suddenly stands still, as if he has forgotten something. He turns around and looks straight at me, 'It was a pleasure to meet you Lil, but I have training and believe me, you don't want to upset the coach. I'll see you around,' he says when he leaves me dazed, Lil?

After waiting an hour, it starts raining, sighing I try to call Finn who gave his phone number to me earlier in the day, answering machine. I get up and decide to go home, I'm wet anyway. After another 40 minutes of walking, I arrive at the big fence, completely soaked. I hear a thunderclap and I feel drops of water sliding along my face.

The gates open and I walk fast until I am at the front door. Before I can ring the doorbell, the door is pulled open by an angry Alex. "Where were you?" he shouts angry at me, making me take a step back in the rain. He looks at me angrily and pulls me in by my arm. "I looked for you everywhere, you were just gone. Don't you know what could have happened' he shouts once he's closed the door behind me.

"S-Sorry" I say stuttering because of the fear and the rattling of my teeth. "Why did you leave?" this time he asks more quietly without letting any emotions through his voice. "I-I tried to call, but no one a-answers. I-I thought that--that you w-were already gone in another car and it started raining.' I stuttered. Sighing Alex runs away when he turns to me at the end of the corridor, 'Take a warm bath and go to sleep' he says to me briefly.

What does he think, first getting angry and shouting and then ordering me. Some people can be real assholes. But even though I am angry with him, I am also a bit intimidated by him and decides to follow his advice, or better to say, order.