
My mouth is a bit

Like a magician's

Hat...you just

Never know what's

Gonne come out

Of it.

After an hour, I'm in a circle with my friends, the boys, Chelsey and her club, the other football players, including Dylan. My head feels light when I laugh at everything someone says. I see Alex and Alex 2, looking at me inquisitively. Next to him, Dylan looks at me amused, just like Chelsey.

The bottle is turned and Chelsey crawls up to a boy I don't know and plants her lips on his. The kiss takes a long time. I start to think that Chelsey wants to eat the cute boy, so it seems until she happily withdraws. I leave a sigh and look at the boy happy. So there's no dead person today, yah! I do a happy dance, which probably looks very nice, cough, cough.

"Lily, you're" says Lexi. I choose to hold the second bottle when my hand touches the ground. Angry, I look at the bottle I don't feel but see, I stick out my tongue and grab the first one this time, making the second bottle jealous. I turn the bottle and see it end between Dylan and Alex. Jax and Owen look at me anxiously when in the meantime, they look at Dylan in anger. Aiden and Rayen are both working on something else. Rayen is eating a girl, something I have to talk to him about later, because cannibalism is not appreciated around me. Aiden is snoring and I hope for him that he dreams about flying yellow pigs, that would make him happy.

"Who do you choose?" I'm taken out of my mind. I look at the brown girl who is pointing at Alex and Dylan. I shrug my shoulders and crawl forward, just like I saw Chelsey do. I'm sitting right in front of the two boys now, choosing which one I'd take to eat, because boys deserve to be eaten, surely handsome ones. But before I can lean right or left, I already feel lips claiming mine. At first, I don't do anything but then my lips automatically move against his. After a few minutes, which in real life will probably only be a few seconds, the lips retract.

I open my eyes and look straight into brown-green eyes. I giggle and jump straight. 'I'm still alive! I'm not completely eaten' I shout happily. I hear some boys speaking and people laughing, when all of a sudden I am carried like a bride, in the arms of the brown-green-eyed person. My mind slowly starts to work when I try to stick a name to those eyes. Alex, they belong to Alex. Thus tot the boy who kisses me.

Still not quite understanding what happened, I hear someone say something to me. 'mmm' I answer absently. "How much did you drink Lily?" he asks again. I'm giggling and up to one finger. I see him looking at me in amazement when he asks me, "What Lily, what have you been drinking?' I have to think about this question before I answer, 'water'.

I hear Alex swearing when a second voice mingles, Jax. "What's wrong?" he asks worried. "Somebody gave her drugs" says Alex with his jaws clamped together. "Shit," I hear Jax cursing too, making me laugh. "HAHAHA, you say the same as him, I have to tell the yellow pigs. But I don't know where they are, they flew away without me' I start crying.

'Shit' I hear someone say again when all of a sudden I have to laugh again because it's the third time someone says that, shit. Such a funny word. "What happened?' I hear, I think, Owen say. "She's been drugged" says Jax. "What?" Owen shouts angry. Alex is still holding me when he walks somewhere and I'm put down on a mattress.

"Okay, Lily, this is important. You have to tell me exactly who gave you your drink and what you did after, okay?" Alex asks me. I nod my head, no. Alex says as if he tries to make me talk again, "Lily, please, it's very important. Will you please do it for me?' he asks sweetly and worried, as he grabs my hands. I think for a moment, but then I nod my head yes.

"I followed Rayen, dear Rayen, into the kitchen and there I saw Britte. Rayen was suddenly gone, BAM, like a magician, and left me alone with Britte. Britte gave me the water I had asked her. Water is tasty, I know it has no taste but it does, because the water of Evian tastes different from the water of, of ..., of that other water, and then you have water with bubbles, Hahaha those bubbles always make my belly tickle and ...' I am interrupted by Owen who fell on the bed next to me laughing.

Angry, Alex and Jax look at Owen when he turns to me again. "Okay, Popcorn, what happened after Britte gave you water?' I have to think about this, when suddenly, it comes back to me. "Then we left together on a trip to Lexi and Kim. But along the way, I met the naughty queen, Chelsey. She banged against me and looked at me with her witch's eyes and then flew away on her broomstick. Stupid Chelsey. Then I'd be in a circle with not one but two bottles on the ground, cool, huh? But when I tried to get the second bottle, he ran away so I had to get the first one, which was better anyway. And before I knew it,I was sitting in front of two guys,or four,I don't know for sure,but I think they each had a twin brother. The one on the left, the one with the nice black hair looks happy at me, what a sweetheart. And the other one in shock, I think he also saw Voldemort sitting next to me in the circle. But that, you can NEVER say his name.

But he did want to eat me, the boy in shock, who is also very beautiful. Not that I minded that he wanted to eat me, and I did want toe at him too, because he had very soft lips, too bad he stopped, he was probably full. But it was a very nice first experience to be eaten, now I know how burgers must feel'. I keep babbling until someone scrapes his throat and interrupts me.

'I wouldn't know who would have given her drugs, maybe Chelsey, but I don't think she'd dare. She's a lot of words, not a lot of deeds'. Speaks throat cleaner, aka Alex. "I'm going to put her to bed" he says goodbye to Jax and Owen when he picks me up and leaves the house.

"Bye yellow piglets'.