So are you seeing anyone?

-You mean,... like a therapist

Or hallucinations?

I look out through the glass, as the trees and other cars fly past us. My energy has been drained as if Dracula has put his teeth in my neck and left me like a puddle. Next to me, Alex is drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, a puff I have noticed when he is nervous. With my head leaning against the window, I look at Alex.

"I don't feel so good" I mumble. "We're almost home, do you think you can hold out till then?" he asks anxiously when he casts a sideways glance at me. I nod yes and close my eyes, hoping that the dizziness disappears.

'We're here' Alex says when I open my eyes. I just want to get out of the car, when Alex appears in front of me. 'Wait, I'll carry you,' he says, when he picks me up in bridal style and walks in the house. No energy left to argue with, I'll let him have it. "Bathroom" I mumble when I get nauseous again. Alex quickly opens my room and walks to the bathroom. In the bathroom he immediately lets me go and quickly drops me next to the toilet.

The pizza and coke from before the game and the water come upstairs. I feel someone grabbing my hair, which has come loose and rub a hand over my back. 'Throw it all out, you're going to feel better' Alex mumbles in my ear when I feel another gust coming up. After fifteen minutes, I flush the toilet and put myself on the floor. Alex takes a piece of paper and cleans my mouth. Then he gives me my toothbrush and I brush my teeth with the leftover energy, meanwhile, Alex is taking off my make-up.

'Come on, let's go to bed,' he says as he walks out of the bathroom, 'my clothes' I mumble against his chest. "Can you change?" he asks when his ears turn red. I'm shaking no, but I'll come up with a solution. "I'll sleep in this T-shirt, I just have to take my pants off" I mumble.

I see Alex staring at my T-shirt when his eyes get darker. "No" he hisses when he leaves my room. Meanwhile, I try to get my pants off. Once I get my button open, with great difficulty, Alex comes back into my room with a T-shirt. Just like the t-shirt, I am wearing now, the one in Alex's hands is also a football jersey, but on his is number 1 and the name Martin, instead of Smith. 'Here, put this on. Normally it's long enough to serve as a sleeping robe. You're kind of small compared to me.' I change my t-shirt with the help of Alex, not even having the energy to turn red because a boy sees me in my bra.

Then follows my pants and I am put to bed. Alex stabs me in and then walks to the door, but he is stopped by a sob leaving my throat. With big panicky eyes, he walks back to me when he kneels down next to my bed. 'Everything's okay, you don't have to cry. You're safe now. No one will hurt you anymore, I promise' he says when he puts a lure behind my ear. I nod my head even if tears keep sliding down my cheeks. "What is it?" he asks when his thumbs try to wipe my tears. "Don't go away" I cry.

For a moment Alex looks surprised, when he nods and slides beside me under the blanket. I turn around and crawl closer to him. I feel his arms winding around my waist as I am pulled closer to his hard chest. He puts a kiss on my forehead when I fall asleep by the regular beating of his heart.

I wake up with a beating head as I wonder where I am. I open my eyes and see that I am in my room. My head starts beating even louder and I close my eyes again, thinking about why I have a headache. Just like a movie, all the memories of the day before are playing in front of me. Immediately, I open my eyes again and look at the heavyweight lying over me. I see Alex's arm lying over me as he spoons me. Carefully, in order not to wake him, I grab his arm and crawl out under him. On my tips, I go to my walk-in closet and take out a t-shirt and shorts while texting Lexi.

"You were drugged?" she yells surprised in the coffee shop, making an old couple look at her angry. She mumbles a quick apology, but still looking at me with her eyes wide open. I take a sip of my chocolate milk with whipped cream before nodding in the affirmative: 'I thought you were drunk, but I really didn't expect this'.

Next, I tell her about Alex. "I'm telling you right now, my ship is sailing," she says proudly. "Ship?" I ask confused. "Yeah, the Ally boat, you know, you and Alex" she explains to me. I'm just trying to tell her there's no Alex and me, when my phone interupt me.

'Lily, you have to come home. Alex is totally freaking out and thinks something happened. I've been trying to tell him I saw you leave, but he won't listen to me.' I hear Finn on the other end of the line panicking. I quickly say goodbye to Lexi and walk home.

When I get home, I open the front door as I see Alex walking back and forth in the living room, with Finn trying to calm him down. "Everything's okay with Lily. I've just spoken to her' he tries.

"If anything's happened, I'll kill the person. Nobody touches a hair on her head" spits Alex angry but in his eyes, I can see how worried he is. I step forward and put my hand on his arm. Immediately, he turns around and when he sees me standing in front of him, I am pulled into a hug. 'I thought something had happened again' he murmurs in my hair. I hug him a little tighter before I let go. Alex looks at me one more time when he turns around. "Mind Lily," he commands his brother.

Finn looks at me grinning, 'With pleasure' he calls Alex. We both shout "Marathon" when we walk, sprint, to the kitchen. I grab the chips and Finn the Ben and Jerry ice cream, when we quickly walk to the third floor, walking into the movie room. The rest of the day we watched all the Disney movies together and sang along with Ariel, Mulan, Elsa...