If I was a bird,

I know who

I'd shit on.

I'm woken up by my alarm going off. I want to extend my arm to turn off the alarm when I'm pulled back. I turn around and see that Alex is looking at me. "Good morning," he says with a smile as he kisses me on the cheek. "Good morning" I mumble half asleep with my head in his neck. I sens that Alex hanging over me to turn off the alarm and then settle down next to me again. 'We have to get up' Alex says as I nestle deeper in his neck. I feel the vibration of his laugh and a little smile plays lazily around my lips.

'It's matchday' Alex says when he pulls me against him. I nod and mumble a sort of yes. "I want you to wear my sweater," he says. I raise my head and look at him apologetically. "I don't have one. The sweater I wore on holiday is still at home.' I see Alex thinking for a moment before he gets out of bed and walks out of my room. Ic confused look into the bed and then back to the door. I have just crawled out of my bed when Alex walks back into my room. "Here, you can have this one," he says as he presses one of his old sweaters into my hands. I smile happily at him when I give him a kiss on the cheek and push him out of my room. "Why can't I stay?" he pouted. "Because I have to change," I tell him. He still looks at me with the same look that makes me roll my eyes and slam my door in front of his face, boys.

Arriving at school, I walk hand in hand with Alex towards the boys. Because it is Friday, my girlfriends aren't at school yet. Owen is the first one who notices me and waving happily at me. Then it's Jax who sees me walking but his gaze wanders towards my hand which is held by Alex. Rayen follows Jax's gaze and happily walks towards me. 'My little girl has grown up' he says like a daddy as he lifts me up and swings back and forth. I have to laugh through the swinging, which makes him move even faster.

'Okay, that's enough' Alex says as he makes Rayen stop. I'm put down while I'm still laughing. Alex puts possessive an arm around my waist and looks down at me laughing too. "Ready for tonight's game?" Aiden asks excitedly. Excited, the boys and I nod yes.

The girls have come to me to change our clothes. Kim is wearing Finn's sweater and Lexi is wearing a player I don't know. I'm wearing Alex's sweater, which just didn't get on my knees. Lexi convinced me to wear it as a dress. Her exact last words were: He's not gonna be able to keep his eyes off you.

"you can't wear that," says Lexi with her hands in her side. "I can wear whatever I want" bites Britte back. They've been arguing for 15 minutes now. Britte's also wearing an Alex sweater, something that Lexi doesn't think is okay, at all. "No, you can't!" she shouts angrily as she throws her hands in the air. Quickly, I get between them before they can pull each other's hair. 'Lexi, it's okay. Several people are going to wear one of his sweaters,' I say reassuringly.

Kim, who in the meantime was painting her nails, looks up for the first time. "We have to leave. The race starts in half an hour and I want to have good seats.' We'll all jump in the car. I specially left Lexi in the front so she wouldn't argue with Britte again.

We sit around the middle with popcorn and drink in our hands as the football players walk onto the field. I see number one running from the front as he is looking around. His gaze crosses mine and I see him smile. I stand up and turn around to show that I am wearing his sweater. I see his smile widen when he winkles at me and joins his team.

After two hours, our school has finally won with two touchdowns more than the other team. Glad, I walked down, followed by my girlfriends.

We crawl over the fences and walk onto the field. I see Alex standing between the players. Chelsey, who swings his hip to Alex, pulls her skirt a little higher and happily shouts his name. Before Alex can react, Chelsey flies into his arms. Alex's eyes grow big before he pushes her away. He looks around and sees me looking at them. His eyes get even bigger, if that was even possible, and immediately steps in my direction with long steps. He takes me in his arms as he mumbles in my ear, "Please don't be angry, you're the only one.'

I look him in the eye and give him a kiss on his jaw. "What are you doing?" Chelsey asks while she looks at me with her eyes split. I've never been good at confrontations and just want to step away from Alex while looking at my shoes, as Alex winds an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "She's doing what a girlfriend should do," he says looking down on Chelsey. "What girlfriend? Don't make me laugh. You'd never be with the ugly duckling. Look at the way she's dressed, she's just an ugly duckling whore.' Says Chelsey when she puts a hand on his arm.

Tears jump in my eyes when I subtly want to pull down my dress. Alex steps back and takes me between his arms. My back is pressed against his chest when he looks angry at Chelsey. "Never say another lie about Lily, my GIRLFRIEND. She's anything but ugly or a whore. She looks beautiful in my t-shirt. Maybe you should pull your skirt down a little bit because if anyone's a whore, it's you.' He hisses through his teeth when he pulls me with him.

I see the guys following, just like my girlfriends, and they are all giving Chelsey a dirty look. I can feel a tear rolling down my cheek as I wipe him away quickly. But not fast enough because Alex stops walking and turns me over to him. He looks at me worried and looks with his jaws clamped together at the tears that are now rolling down my cheeks faster.

'You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Don't listen to Chelsey, she's obviously just jealous of you.' Says he while his thumbs wipe away my tears. I look at him with cloudy eyes and nod. He kisses my lips shortly before resting his forehead against mine. I see Jax walking towards us and holding his arms open for me. I let go of Alex, but not before I give him another quick kiss, and crawl into Jax's arms.

"Head up," he tells me as he lifts my chin with his finger. "You have to be strong. There will always be mean people in the world, but as long as you keep your head up, they won't dare be mean to you anymore. Show them you're strong. And I like that smile of yours a lot better than the tears rolling down your cheeks,' he tells me. I look at him gratefully and raise my head. From now on I will try to stand up for myself. Alex looks at me proudly and grabs my hand. I am no longer alone, I have friends, brothers, and a boyfriend. Now I just have to start believing in myself like they already do in me.