I have 3 moods:

1. Overthinking

2. Overreacting

3. Oversleeping

"Hey Lexi," I say when I sit next to her in class on Monday. The weekend had been busy. Saturday, I studied all day and wrote 2 theses. Sunday, Alex and I went to the park with Lizz. "Hey Lily," says Lexi very excited. I look at her inquisitively but I can't see why she is so happy. "What's changed?" I ask her. "Nothing," she still says cheerfully. Her cell phone's shaking, indicating she has a message. Lexi quickly grabs her phone and her smile gets even bigger. Quickly, I take her cell phone. "Lily" she yells as she tries to grab her phone. I turn around and turn her mobile back on. On the screen is a message from "Trevor".

"Who's Trevor?" I ask with a grin. Lexi starts blushing and grabs her cell phone back. "My boyfriend" she mumbles. "WHAT?" I shout happily as I jump off my chair "Miss Bowen, would you please get back in your chair" the professor asks. Embarrassingly, I nod and sit down again. Next to me, Lexi is laughing at me. "Ha ha ha, but you have a boyfriend? And you didn't tell me anything?' I ask confused. "Yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend'. She says with dreaming eyes. I look at her smiling, happy that my best friends have a boyfriend. Only she should have said it sooner.

After class, I move to the other part of the building. I step into one of the classes and go to the back. I open my backpack and look for my book which I end up with a BAM on the table. Since I'm still a few minutes early, I aimlessly browse through the book.

I look with a confused face at the piece of paper between my book. I read the piece of paper, my hands start to shake slightly and my eyes grow big.


"Hey princess" I hear Alex say when he pops down next to me and gives me a kiss. This gets me out of my mind and I quickly pick up the piece of paper and put it in my coat pocket. I don't want Alex to see this. "Is everything okay?" he asks worried. I try to look at him smiling, "Yes, everything is okay" I say reassuringly. I mentally give myself a pat on the back because I have been able to make my voice sound neutral.

Alex looks at me sceptically but is prevented from asking me anything further when the professor enters the classroom. Instead, he grabs my hand under the table and pinches it. After class, we walk hand in hand outside for the afternoon when we see a group of people standing around one of the walls. We look confused at each other and step towards the crowd. Arriving at the crowd, we see Jax and Owen standing in it. "What's going on?" I ask them. I'm definitely a head smaller than the boys, so I can't see anything. But since they are generally a bit bigger than the rest, they can see over the crowd.

'Nothing, let's go' says Owen panicking as he tries to push me away. Confused, I look at Alex but see that he is focused on the wall. I pull myself out of Owen's grip and slide forward between the people. 'Lily, wait' I hear Jax shouting but it's too late. Stiffened, I look at the wall, my hands start shaking again as the words repeat themselves over and over again in my head.

I'M ONLY GONNA WARN YOU ONE MORE TIME. STAY AWAY FROM HIM, LILY, OR YOUR FAMILY WILL HAVE TO FLY OVER TO ARRANGE A FUNERAL. It's written on the wall in red, dripping graffiti. "Lily" Alex is standing in front of me to block out the statue. "Lily," he says again, but my attention is somewhere else. I can feel the paper burning in my coat pocket. The person has been close by, otherwise, he would never have gotten the piece of paper in my book. 'Princess, look at me' Alex tries again while he grabs my face between his hands.

I look up at him and see him looking at me worried. "Are you okay?" he asks me. I don't answer, I don't nod, I don't blink. All I do is look at him. Alex looks at me panic-stricken as he pulls me back as carefully as possible to where Owen and Jax were.

"Lily, is everything okay?" asks Britte who is standing next to Owen. Lexi, Kim, and the other guys are stadning behind them with Jax. I don't say anything and just look out in front of me. The words keep repeating themselves until they get stuck in my head. My girlfriends look at me worried. "I'm going to take her home" I hear Alex say somewhere in the distance. Owen and Jax start arguing with him that they want to come along. Eventually, Alex gives in and turns to me.

"Princess, we're going home., I look up at him and feel myself getting dizzy. One moment Alex is still standing in front of me and the next, my eyes turn away and I end up in a black pit.

I wake up with a headache and hear some voices talking downstairs. I decide to go downstairs to look for a painkiller when I see Alex, Owen, and Jax in the living room. I step into the living room and Alex turns his head towards me. His eyes are red and I can see his bags from here. He jumps straight, warning the other guys, and walks towards me. He grabs me in his arms and lifts me up a bit. I put my legs around his waist as he steps back to the couch. I vaguely notice that Owen and Jax leave us alone for a moment but my attention is distracted by the wet drops that fall on my shoulder and roll down.

I rub Alex's hair while his head is in my neck and his body shocks up and down. After a few minutes, he looks up. 'Lily' he breathes out when he kisses me. This is not the kind of kiss he normally gives me. This kiss is not tender but passionate with all his feelings in it. I kiss him back with just as much power until we both have to gasp for breath. "You've been unconscious for three days, three fucking days," he says with tears in his eyes. 'I'm okay now, I'm here, I'm not leaving' I say while I give him another kiss.

I get off his lap when I see Owen and Jax entering the living room. Owen gives me a glass of water with a painkiller and thankfully I look at him. Then they both take me in their arms but quickly let go. 'We have to discuss these threats' Jax says seriously when he brings out my piece of paper together with another envelope that apparently was in the mail yesterday.