I was going to take

Over the world

This morning but

I overslept.



"All packed?" Alex asks when he walks into my room. I nod yes and Alex picks up my bag before he leaves my room again. The exams ended three days ago and today we leave for the Martin family's holiday home. I quickly look around my room to make sure I haven't forgotten anything when I walk downstairs.

Outside, there are three cars. The boys, my girlfriends, and Finn all go to the holiday home. "Okay, who's driving who?" asks Owen. "I claim Lily" calls Alex as soon as he puts his arm around my waist. Owen looks at me pouting. "You can come with us" I suggest. Owen's eyes light up but when he looks at Alex, they are sad again, 'Nevermind' he grumbles. I turn around and see Alex looking at Owen with satisfaction. I roll my eyes and stomp my elbow into his ribs. "You're an evil woman" he pouted.

Jax comes over to give me a hug. "If there's anything, you can call me anytime," he mumbles in my ear. I pull out and give him a kiss on the cheek. Jax gets in the car with Owen, Aiden, and Rayen. In the other car are Finn, Kim, Britte, and Lexi. I also get in the car and Alex doesn't get in much later. "Ready princess?" he asks as his hand is on my leg. "Ready" I smile when I connect our fingers.

It is about, without traffic jams, 5 hours drive to the Mammoth Lakes where we are going to stay for a few days. I go to the radio and change posts until I get to a post with country music, one of my favorite genres. We were only able to leave around 18:00 because we had to get our results first. I'm more than happy with my results. All my points are around 90%. Alex has also done a great job, these points are equal to mine. For the rest of my friends, it went well too. Nobody has to remake their exams.

I get a call an hour after we started our journey. "Yeah?" I ask when I see Owen is calling. "We're going to make a quick stop to buy something to eat in the car.' I say bye to him and turn to Alex. "We're about to stop and buy something to eat.' I tell him before I see him breathe out relieved. "Finally, I'm fucking hungry" he mumbles quietly yet just loud enough to hear it. I chuckle and bow to him. I give a kiss on his jaw and a smile graces his face.

I am sitting in the car waiting for Alex, who was going to buy the food when I see him walking by with a big bag. "What did you buy?" I ask with big eyes. I see him take two cola bottles from the bag followed by a pack of chips. Two packs of candy and a pack of M&M. Finally, he takes out two sandwiches. I still look back and forth, with big eyes, between him and all the food. I see him laughing as he looks forward and kisses me softly. 'I know how much you like food and I didn't know what to take so I took everything I knew you liked' he says to my lips, 'and I'm very hungry' he adds.

We're three hours away and all the food is gone. My hands are on my stomach and my head rests against the window. A yawn escapes my mouth and it starts to get harder to keep my eyes open. 'Sleep Princess, you and our food baby need sleep,' he chuckles as he squeezes my hand. I squeeze back before I close my eyes and fall asleep immediately.

"Popcorn" I hear someone say when a hand caresses my cheek. I make a sound and turn my head away. I hear someone chuckle before I feel my seatbelt being taken off. My eyes open to crevices when I see Alex looking at me. "We're here," he says happily. I look around and see that we are parked in front of a big glasshouse. I am covered by a blanket and just want to straighten me out when Alex's voice stops me. "Stay down. I'll take you inside.'

I'm ready to say it's not necessary when I'm raised like a bride in Alex's arms. "I know it's not necessary, but I'm happy to do it. I'd do anything for you.'

He says sincerely as I bury my head in his neck and gratefully put a kiss there. Goosebumps spread on the spot where I kissed him and a little chuckle leaves my mouth. "Don't bully me little devil" he mumbles in my ear. I hear people talking as we walk into the house but instead of stopping, Alex walks on. He walks up the stairs and opens one of the doors.

I'm gently laid down in a big bed and Alex puts the blanket over me. 'Go to sleep, I'll be there soon' and with one last kiss on my head, I am left alone in the soft bed. I don't know how much time has passed, but I wake up by a loud bang. I sit up sleepy to see where the sound is coming from. Alex looks at me sheepishly. 'Sorry I woke you up. I didn't see the closet in the dark.' He apologizes. "No problem," I say sleepy as I let myself fall down in the pillow again. I hear Alex takes off his clothes before he, alone in leggings, crawls into bed. Immediately, I am pulled into his arms and put my head comfortably on his chest. "I love you" I mumble when I kiss his chest. 'I love you too' and with those last 4 words and a kiss on my hair, I fall asleep again.

The next morning I am woken up by Aiden who comes into the bedroom and jumps on me. A loud 'oompf' leaves my mouth together with my oxygen and sleep. 'Get off of my girlfriend fatso, soon I won't have any more if you keep suffocating her' Alex says when he pushes Aiden away from me and he ends up on the floor. In the doorway, Rayen is laughing, 'Dinner is ready lovebirds' he sings as he and Aiden leave the room. Alex drops back into the bed. "Why am I friends with them?" he wonders out loud. 'Because you're just as crazy' I answer with a grin, in consequence, I'm tickled.