Someone needs to

Create a new essential

Oil called "Leave Me

The Hell Alone"

I'd rub that shit

All over me.

After breakfast, we all went to change. Now all ten of us are looking at the lake. Even though we are in California, it is still winter so the water is not so warm as before. 'I'm not going first' Kim shouts head-shaking as she takes a few steps back. I see Finn secretly looking at her as his corners curl upwards.

I am lifted up and look in shock at Alex holding me. He looks at me with a grin before he walks into the water, still with me in his arms. Screaming he stumbles and we both go under. I show up coughing. I try to stand but notice I'm just too small. Alex, who in the meantime is also above the water, sees me stumbling and steps towards me. Once in my reach, he grabs my hips and pulls me against him. I hang my legs around his hips and look up at him.

I see that he is already looking at me intensely and my cheeks turn red. Even though we have been together for two months and we are both in college, this is the most sensual position we have been in. He bends his head and his lips become hungry for mine. I kiss him passionately back and pull him closer to me. His hands go off my hips under my butt when he squeezes them briefly. I open my mouth, frightened, and he slides his tongue in.

"Alex" calls Owen and Jax warning when Alex, against his will, retreats. He looks at me and probably sees that my cheeks have turned redder and smiles sweetly at me before he kisses my lips one more time.

'Are we going to play cockfighting in a duo?' Aiden asks enthusiastically. I look up from my book I was reading in the hammock and look at Aiden, who is still standing in the water with the rest of the boys. I see the rest of them nodding happily and decide to join in. I walk into the water and when I'm standing with the rest of them, Owen comes to hit his arm directly around my shoulder. 'I claim Lily' he shouts happily when he sticks out his tongue to Alex. 'But she's my girlfriend' he pouted. "And my sister. And she's already been in the car with you, it's my turn for Lily-time' Owen looks at Alex defiantly. Alex only looks back at him angrily as he comes to give me a kiss. Quickly, I whisper another "I love you" in his ear.

'I take Kim' says Finn when he puts an arm around Kim. Kim turns immediately red and I wink at her. I think the pause is about to end. The other boys are ready to claim one of the other girls since there are 4 boys and only 2 girls left when Britte surprises us. 'I'm going with Alex' she says before she walks up to him and puts a hand on his arm. Lexi looks at me questioningly as I shrug my shoulders. Jax decided to go with Lexi what Aiden left with Rayen. "Why do I have to wear that fatso?" Aiden whines. "Who's the fat guy here?" bounces Rayen back.

"Okay, the first game is between Owen and Alex.' Calls Finn excited. Owen puts me on his shoulders and I see that Alex does the same to Britte. I see her rubbing Alex's hair with a smile, and feel a sting of jealousy going through me. No one was allowed to touch his hair, I am the only one who got permission from him. Owen's going to stand in front of Alex when Finn calls start. Britte pushes me straight back but I can just make sure I don't fall. Then I push her first softly to push her harder immediately after, causing her to fall into the water.

'We've won' Owen shouts joyfully from under me. The next match is between me and Kim. It turns out that Kim is not good at this game at all because after the first push she is already off. I hear the rest cheering for me, but two voices I don't hear in the crowd. I look around and see that Alex and Britte are having a water fight with each other a bit further down the water. The next match I also win against Lexi, but this one was a close one.

"Ready to lose?" Rayen grins at me looking over Aiden's shoulders. I grin back and on the starting signal, I push Rayen as hard as I can. Unfortunately, Rayen can stay put and pushes me back. Owen has to take a few steps back to keep our balance. Meanwhile, I look at Alex and Britte and see that they are chatting. Suddenly, Britte takes one step closer and puts her hand on his arm again. Alex only looks down on her with a smile as she gets close.

I don't realize Rayen's pushing me until I fall hard into the water. Disoriented, I am pulled along by a small current and scrape my arm on a stone. I feel someone grabbing my arm and pulling me up. Happy for breath I hold Jax's arm tightly. "Shit Lily, I didn't know I was pushing you so hard, sorry" Rayen apologizes with big eyes. Before I can say anything, Jax beat me to it. "You're bleeding" he shouts with wide eyes. I look at my arm and I see a big cut. Jax looks around to find Alex when he sees him laughing with Britte. A frown forms on his face when he sees how close they are. He looks at me and sees that I am staring at the interaction of the two while my wound continues to bleed heavily. I have tears in my eyes but don't know if it's because of my wound or because of the scene I see.

Jax leads me out of the water and just as we step out of it, we hear Alex shouting. "Where are you going?" when Britte looks at us upset. Jax looks at them both dirty as he answers bits, 'I'm going to take care of Lily's arm, but you don't have to start worrying now. We won't bother you.' I see Alex's eyes grow big when he finally sees the blood dripping from my arm. But before I can look any further at him, Jax leads me into the house.

I sit on the counter as Jax stands in front of me with sanitizer in his hand. "Lucky it doesn't have to be sewn," he mumbles. We hear someone rushing in and see Alex panicking looking at me. "Shit Lily, what happened?" he asks. 'While you were almost bawling at someone else, Lily fell down and sanded her arm to a stone," says Jax angrily in my place. I decide not to look at Alex while Jax puts a big sticker on my arm. 'I wasn't doing that' Alex shouts.

Jax turns around angrily as he looks at Alex. "Why did she get to play with your hair? Why were you laughing so happily, a few feet away from us? And why did she have her hand on your arm when you almost stuck together and you didn't do anything about it. Your attention was completely focused on her, so you completely forgot Lily, your GIRLFRIEND,' he shouts in his face. My heart breaks when I see realise I wasn't the only one who had noticed and jump off the sink, which attracts the attention of the two boys.