Chapter One: Two New Badass Students

Edited: July tenth, two-thousand twenty-one.

Kirishimas POV:

Yawning through the hallway, though his feet glided swiftly, sprinting against the school tile, Kirishima Eijiro had finally reached the classroom door. He pushed it open, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 'It will never not be too early for this.'  He surveyed the room, realizing he was in fact, not late, but rather early, much to his minor frustration. Rolling his shoulders and making note to change out his clock, he walked further into the classroom, glancing around.

It looked normal, same as last week. And the week before. And then the year before.

But something was off. He did a mental comparison, four desks formed a new row at the back of the room. 'Huh...'

Adding it to his internal list of 'I Swear To God This Weird-Ass School,' he went and sat down at his own desk, glancing around at what classmates of his were there. Iida Tenya, a tall, blue-haired teen, was seated at his desk and was talking with Uraraka Ochaco, a brunette with pink cheeks, Asui Tsyuyu, a frog-like girl, and a plain, green haired boy named Midoriya Izuku. Despite the fact that Iida was practically shouting, Kirishima decided to tune him out and avoid looking at them, Iida was making chopping motions as he talked, and, unfortunately, due to his friend group, who seemed to be missing from the room with no surprise from the red head, all he could think about when Iida did his hand motions was Boi, Boi, Boi, and he hated it with ever fiber of his being (oh sweetie sameee).

He looked around some more, seeing a pretty girl with long, dark hair, Yaoyorozu Momo, talking excitedly to Jiro Kyoka, a short girl with a punk-rock-esq. style, while Jiro looked on, a small smile on her face. Kirishima grinned at them, they had started dating in the beginning of that year and couldn't be happier with each other. A quiet boy, Koda Koji, was doodling something, a tall muscular teen, Sato Rikido, was reading, the invisible girl, Hagakure Toru, was talking excitedly to a sleepy blond teenager with a tail, Ojiro Mashirao, and a disco ball of a boy, Aoyama Yuga, fiddled with his appearance in a mirror that Kirishima wondered if he could even fit in his bag. (What are you doing? I am doing my eyebrows! Well that's a big ass mirror! Well I have big ass eyebrows!!)

Kirishimas eyes caught a boy with the head of a black bird, Tokoyami Fumikage sitting on a desk. He sat only halfway on so he did not touch the feet of a rageful boy with spiky blond hair, who's feet were, like usual, kicked up on the desktop. They chatted, the explosive Bakugo Katsuki doing most of the talking by the looks of it. Head down, eyes shut, arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair, he scowled, the look seemed to be a part of his face constantly. Tokoyami spoke lightly, a small smirk on his face.

Kirishima couldn't make out what they were saying, his desk was too far away, but for whatever reason, he wished he was talking with them. "Tch, the hell do you know anyway!" Bakugo suddenly growled loudly, jumping up threateningly, lip curled into a snarl and hands flexed for his usual explosions, but his hands were void of light and sound, barely the flicker of a spark. Tokoyami didn't even flinch, he simply grinned a little wider.

With that, Tokoyami said his farewells to the blond, looking to Kirishima to give him a nod before standing up and walking over to a tall boy with multiple arms, Shoji Mezos desk. After he left, Bakugo sat back almost defeated, removing his hearing aids before a grabbing a book from his bag and glaring at the pages, not even seeming to read. Now Kirishima really wanted to know. But before he could even make a guess at what it was that caused such a reaction from one of his best friends, the other members of his class barged in, talking loudly and gesturing wildly, before crowding around the desk in front of Kirishimas, not even registering his existence.

"Are you positive, Kami?" Asked Ashido Mina, a girl with mostly pink features. Minas arms were crossed, she stood next to the desk, leaning against it a little.

"Abso-fucking-lutely! Bitch is gone!" The yellow-blond boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair, Kaminari Denki, leaned back with his hands behind his head. He looked purely ecstatic, grinning widely while tapping a song only he knew with his feet. To his right, Mina looked at him apprehensively.

Her face grew into a smirk, "Positive like that time you said "Tokoyami-laid-an-egg-and-Shoji-was-the-father" positive or-"

"No! Jesus Mina! And yes I'm positive!" Kaminari glared and pouted over dramatically before moving forward to grin playfully at his friend. "I swear it on my very brain cells." (my sense of humor is so cursed)

A boy with longer black hair and a contagious smile, Sero Hanta, chuckled, "That's not saying too much, bro."

Kaminari whined before lightly kicking Sero, Mina giggling at the twos antics.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kirishima moved closer to the three in front of him, who turned to him, or, in Kaminaris case, leaned his head over his chair, looking at him upside down.

Finally acknowledging Kirishimas existence, Kaminari was buzzing with energy. "Oh, dude, you'll never guess the latest tea!" He smiled with his tongue between his teeth, eyes dancing with electricity, and before Kiri could ask 'what', "Mineta got expelled!"

"Fucking finally! What for?" The red head hit his table with excitement, turning a few heads.

"Tsu rejected him again and he said something about her autism! Aizawa heard and got PISSED, he was immediately expelled and dragged to Principal Nezus office," Kaminari finally turned around in his chair facing Kirishima with a smirk and a theatrically wave of his arms. "Haven't seen him since!" 

"And where'd you hear it anyway?" Mina tilted her head, amber eyes narrowed a bit as she listened to her friend.

"That's the thing... I saw it!"

"Like when you saw Tetsu and Kendo making out in the hallway-" Kaminari lightly smacked Kirishima on the shoulder at the second mention of his poor gossip past. Chuckling, Kiri raised an eyebrow at him. "Well?"

"I ACTUALLY saw it, I swear!"

"The Tetsu and Kendo thing or..."

"THE MINETA THING GUYS! YOU ARE SO HORRIBLE TO ME, YOU KNOW THAT!" The group laughed at Kamis pouting and whining, Kirishima almost forgetting just how exhausted he was. Almost.

"Yo, Bro-Bro, why didn't you do your hair today?" Mina suddenly questioned, looking confused.

Kirishima reached up and patted his head, "Shit! My alarm didn't go off and I thought I was going to be late! I guess I forgot about it... shitshitshit!" Kirishima slumped back in his seat. "Do you guys think I might have time to-"

"Sit down everyone."

"Shit." Aizawa Sensei, their sleep deprived teacher, walked through the door, running a hand through his now-greying hair as if it were to clear his weariness. He sighed before turning to fully face his class, who were navigating to their seats.

When Kirishima glanced over, Bakugo had his head out of his book and one hearing aid in, his red eyes halfway glaring at their teacher, but his mind seemed elsewhere. Kiri wanted to ask his friend what was wrong but didn't think that A), this was a great time, and B), he'd get a good reaction from the blond. Though he did wish things were different...

"Now that all of you have shut up, as some of you may have heard, Mineta Minoru has been expelled from UA High school."

Cheers erupted through the room before quickly quieting, the class waiting for Aizawa Sensei to finish.

"As to be expected, you are all not exactly disappointed by that fact, you all saw it coming." He smirked a bit in Tsus direction before continuing, "And that means there is an opening for a new and much deserving student to finally enter the hero course. But, we will also be receiving another new student to join this class. Please be polite and respectful to the two of them, or there will be consequences." His glare might not have been pointed at Kirishima, but even after a bit over a year, it still made his blood run cold. "You might also have noticed the new row of desks in the back of the room. You will be granted free seating so you can better get to know your new classmates and other peers." This time though, Kirishima was sure there were a couple of directed stares this time around. "Choose wisely or I will reassign them again."

"Yes sir!" The class was tense with excitement and apprehension.

Two new students AND free seating??? What is going on??? Is someone dying??? Kirishima was shocked to say the least, but also pretty ecstatic. He could sit with all his friends all of class, no problem! (Livin' the dream dude, cherish it)

"Sir! If I may ask, why is there a whole new row of desks instead of one extra? It doesn't make sense," Iida was up and standing at attention, or at least that what it looked like to Kirishima.

Aizawa Sensei sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Symmetry. A shocking majority of this school has OCD-induced anxiety and things of the like, including staff. (I draw out my plans and it makes me feel better deal with it) Whether you deem it 'sensible' or not, its there now." Aizawa clicked his tongue, surveying the room before huffing. "'Also makes more sense for the new free seating arrangements, incase some of you can not behave yourselves and must be separated." He glared pointedly at Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima, who decided it was best to accociate their attention with an interesting looking wall or ceiling.

"Alright, lets get this over with. First up is Shinso Hitoshi. You all know him from the sports festival last year and some training we did. Come in Shinso." Aizawa gestured to the door as a tall, purple haired teen with heavy eye bags (that shit G U C C I) strode in. He walked with his hands in his pockets, eyes to the back wall, staring a hole into it, obviously a little nervous but far from wanting to show it.

He took in a deep breath before looking at the actual class and giving a small wave, "... Hello..." he quickly glanced at Aizawa Sensei, silently begging to be allowed to sit down.

"Anything you want to say, Shinso?" Aizawa prompted, in that way parents do when they need you to be polite when you don't particularly want to be. The thought made Kirishima almost chuckle.

Shinso glared, but gave in, turning back to his new classmates, all silently looking at him, whether excited (Midoriya and Kaminari), blank (Bakugo), or mildly mortified (Ojiro, and also Kaminari).

He sighed, closing his eyes, scratching the back of his neck, "You all know who I am, my quirk and everything is nothing new to you... I'm excited to be in the hero course, finally, and to be working with all of you... I can't wait to train with you and work to become the best hero I can be..." he looked straight at Aizawa after his overly sarcastic speech, "Did I get that right?" Shinso drawled. Rolling his eyes Aizawa nodded, gesturing towards the desks.

Before moving towards the new back row, he flashed Aizawa a very snarky looking thumbs-up, which got a giggle out of Kaminari, and a shake of the head from the sensei himself.

Kirishima smirked. To him, Shinso didn't seem all that bad, maybe a bit rough around the edges, a bit too blunt for his own good, but who wouldn't be. He had a strong, but misunderstood quirk and was willing to work harder than anyone to get to where he wanted to be, and Kirishima could respect that. He would even say it's very manly of him. (Kiri I love you you little dork)

He flashed Shinso a warm smile as he passed him, barely receiving a glance in return. But that was fine with Kirishima, he needed his space and he got that. Kaminari on the other hand, was not doing so great with this "new-student" thing. He was twiddling his thumbs and his leg was bouncing worse than usual.

Kirishima decided the best approach was to poke him. "Uh, you good dude?"

Kaminari whipped around, rosy around his cheeks, eyes wide with something like terror, "Me?? Yea... yea I'm good..." his voice shot up around three octaves, making him look even more embarrassed. To say the least, his friend wasn't buying it.

"Uh-huh, well you sure don't sound too good... are you sure?" Kirishima was trying to put the pieces together, he seemed just fine earlier, and he thought he would be over the moon now that his latest tea had been confirmed to be actually, well, tea.

The only logical conclusion was that it had to do with Shinso. Which didn't make any damn sense to Kirishima in the slightest. "Is it Shinso?"

"No?! Of course not?! What the hell are you on, Kirishima?!" Kaminari was more defensive and his answers were more like questions than anything else.

"That wasn't an answer?" Kirishima leaned forward over his desk while Aizawa droned on about something or another for a minute. "Don't bullshit me, bro. What is it?"

Kami sputtered for second, utterly at a lost. "I-I- fuck, man-"

"Kaminari, turn around and face the front." And with one last confused and flustered look, true poor boy turned around and hit his head not-so-lightly against his desk.

Aizawa Senseinarrowed his bloodshot eyes, but undoubtedly decided it wasn't worth it, and gestured towards the door, "Our next student is here from the States, where they went to a prestigious hero school there. But they moved here to Japan last week and have been admitted into the UA hero course. Please treat them kindly." The teacher gestured to the door.

After a small, slightly awkward moment of pure silence, the door creaked open and someone peaked out. Their eyes darted around from where they peaked out from the door way, before landing on an disgruntled Aizawa Sensei, and with that they widened with what can only be described as "Oh shit." The person had paler skin covered in freckles, kind of like Midoriya, a rounder face shape, two-toned blue hair only ever seen on Todoroki Shoto, and wildly different eyes. One was sea green in the iris with white sclera, the other, a shimmering silver with black sclera, which immediately made Kirishima turn to Mina, who seemed in awe of the teenager in their doorway. (Pictures will be above when I find the time and motivation to actually draw good ones- so just stay alert T-T)

"That was the time?" They asked, their voice had a slightly feminine tone to it, but was completely androgynous to Kirishima. Scrunching up their face, they answered their own question, nodding and muttering "That was the time..." before rushing through the door to stand next to Aizawa Sensei. They waved awkwardly and bit frantically, anxiety was written all over them.

Aizawa Sensei sighed a little before resting his hand on their shoulder and turning to the class. "I gave you explicit instructions as to when to enter. Were you listening?" Still talking the teenager, his faced seemed as expressionless as usual, but his tone held a slight annoyance usually saved for people like Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Uh, I'll be honest, not even a little bit. I'm distracted easily, and there was a really pretty girl. You can not blame me, I did not choose the ADHD life, the ADHD life chose me." They stared up at Aizawa for a moment completely blank, while the teacher blinked hard at them. Kirishima was trying so hard not to laugh at the ADHD line, but it was so true. He could see Kaminari in front him doing his best as well to contain his own amusement.

Finally resigning, Aizawa continued on, "This is Sozoryoku Natei. They shall be welcomed fully into this class. Though with the amount of interest being displayed by a certain someone, I don't think it will be much of a problem..." He glanced pointedly at Mina, who turned red and hid her face by planting her forehead against her desktop. Sozoryoku smiled at her, waving a tiny bit, which only managed to further fluster Mina. (Pronounced; So-Zoe-rye-YOU-ku NOT-tay)

Aizawa patted their shoulder as a sign to start talking, and they tensed up again immediately. "Uh, hi, I'm Sozoryoku, but Sozo works fine too..." they groaned a bit, glancing everywhere but the class. "Shinso, you definitely had the easiest entrance..." They whined towards the purple haired boy, who shrugged at them in a 'what can I say?' gesture, sticking out his toungue. Sozoryoku flipped up the middle finger, not-so-casually hiding it from Aizawa, who just sighed and facepalmed. Sozo huffed, straightening their shoulders. "Welp, I guess I should talk about my quirk some... um well it's kinda weird to explain... basically, it's a creation and transformation quirk." They looked around quickly for something, eventually picking up three pens off of Aizawas desk. "It's called Abra-Cadabra. I can take just about anything and turn it into something else with a wave of my hand." While talking they waved their hand over the pens, and seamlessly turned it into a small pistol. They held it up to the awestruck class. "The trick is knowing exactly how the thing you're trying to make works and what it looks like. And to put things back I simply have to think 'reverse' and..." they waved their hand back over it again and it turned back to the pens that were on Aizawas desk, "Walah!

"Things I turn also build up a sort of memory to them, so I just think 'reverse Beretta Pico Pistol' and they turn back into something they were before." They waved their hand again and the gun appeared back into their hand.

Gasps and sounds of amazement was heard through the class. Kirishimas jaw dropped. They were extremely impressive! 'That... that was a mother fucking gun! They turned three pens into a gun!! What the shit??'

When he coincidentally glanced over, even Bakugo seemed slightly stunned. Both of his aids were in and he seemed focused for the first time since his conversation with Tokoyami.

Kirishimas head snapped back to the front when Sozo started talking again. "I can also make modifications to organic matter the same way! I can replace hormones, mend bones and muscles, take stuff on and off, et cetera. I once fixed my brothers arm that he popped out of socket!

"But the only real downside is, depending on the size of the object I am transforming, it also limits what I can make." They picked back up the pens from earlier, that they must've turned back when no one was paying attention to it. "Like I can't take this and turn it into a machine gun or something. It can be quite limiting in a pinch, but it has its ups and downs." They grinned sheepishly.

"Oh! Yea! For the most part I can also copy quirks!" They narrowed their gaze as they searched the room, eyes finally landing on...

Small little cliff hanger for ya! Hope you are enjoying this so far! What do you guys think of my character??? I'd love to read any feedback so far!