Chapter Two: A New Badass Bestfriend

Edited: July tenth, two-thousand twenty-one.

Kirishimas POV

They narrowed their gaze as they searched the room, eyes finally landing on...


"Bakugo Katsuki right? First place in the Sports Festival?" Sozos head tilted slightly, pointing a finger in the blonds direction.

Oh no... Kiri groaned. Please... not the sports festival... He internally begged Sozo to change the subject... Bakugos jaw was clenched and he sucked on his teeth, leaning back in his chair and glaring heatedly at Sozoryoku. Though he didn't seem... in-it, really. It was then that Kirishima noticed the bags under his eyes...

But just like that, Sozo was talking again and Kirishimas attention was torn away from Bakugo. "I'm gonna assume from the look on your face that it is a 'yes'." They're face made an 'well shit, that's quite the can of worms.' "Good to know. So, you sweat an explosive chemical known as Nitroglycerin if I remember correctly, right?" Sozo inquired quickly, raising and eyebrow.

"Yea, what of it, Mis-Match?!" He snarled leaning forward some, glaring, though it didn't match his usual fire. But he, among with the rest of the class, was taken aback when Sozoryoku snorted out a laugh.

"Really man? Mis-Match?? Is that the best you could come up with?" Only the laughter of the newest addition to 1A could be heard in the shocked classroom. "Meh, not the first time I've heard it. You go through the American public education system up until highschool, you walk away with a couple stories... not like you're wrong, really." And the harder Kirishima looked, the more he thought how that much was true. Their hair, split right down the middle, their eyes, even their asymmetrical piercings and other jewelry. Still, that comment and that thick scar running a trail from their cheekbone to under their jawline made him wonder...

"Anyway, good, so then you should be easy to mimic..." they waved one hand over the other, and soon their hand sparkled with explosions identical to Bakugos.

"... Holy shit..."

"Kirishima, keep that to yourself." He didn't even realize he had spoken until Aizawa Sensei was glaring at him. It was just so insane how their quirk worked, so easily powerful, but also easily weak and dangerous if not used properly. He glanced over and saw Bakugo looking at him, not the new kid, a little perplexed. He pointed up at his own spiky head of hair, raising an eyebrow at him. Kirishima hung his head, face getting warm. But he didn't for the life of him know why.

He gazed back to the class. Sozo was looking around, unsettling eyes finding the red head. They waved their hand again and the explosions stopped. Sozoryoku grinned at him, three lips rings curling, making Kirishima worry internally. "Yo, Kirishima Eijiro, right? Your hair is different than I remember..." Kirishima nodded his head, dying on the inside at the sudden attention to his hair. "You have a hardening quirk," Sozo spoke carefully, calculating in their brain, before waving their hands over each of their forearms. "I kinda like it. It's cool. Simple, really. But quite affective. Might have to borrow it sometime." Sozoryokus tone was appreciative. They crossed their forearms over their chest, hardening them into a perfect copy of Kirishimas own quirk. His mouth hit the floor. 

Who the hell is this kid???

"Alright, now that that is out of the way... since my brain is not yet over run by overwhelming anxiety at the fact that the twenty-ish students I will be spending the rest of the year with, and living with, are staring me down like I either created the universe or I killed God, any questions?" They leaned back on their heels, face tense with a nervous smile.

Various hands went up, some with questions about their quirk, America, and other things. Midoriya even asked if he could borrow them for questions later so he could take notes. Sozoryoku called him a fanboy, but readily agreed.

Kirishima couldn't help it, he put his hand up. "Yo, Red, wassup?" Sozo finger gunned at Kiri and he did everything he could not to laugh at the plain awkwardness of it all.

"Uh actually it might seem kinda rude... but I just really don't know, you haven't mentioned it... but what are your pronouns and stuff?" Kirishima winced more the longer he talked, he knew the kind of stress and panic this question can cause.

To his relief, Sozo beamed at him, "Thanks for asking actually, 'rather say it now then later to you all individually," they scratched the back of their neck. "I'm actually nonbinary! I'm neither a boy or a girl, kinda neutral but sometimes I lean more towards one than the other. But if you have too, male pronouns like 'Mister' or 'Sir' work just great! My normal pronouns are they and them. Anyone else?"

Iidas hand shot up next, while Ashido leaned over to whisper something to Kaminari. "Yea, uhhhh Iida!"

"I was wondering, and this might come across as possibly rude, but what were you originally, so I know what your dorm arrangements will be and what bathroom you will be using, as class representative of course!" Once he was done, Kirishima looked back to Sozo, trying to gauge their reaction, wanting to know if he should jump on Iida for that or if Sozoryoku has it handled. He still did want to get involved at least a little, even after he saw the crackle of rage in their eyes, knowing that Sozo probably wanted to end this fight themselves.

"Iida Tenya I do not be-" Aizawa Sensei stopped when Sozo stepped forward and slammed their hands on his, leaning forward at a hazardous angle to look Iida in the eyes with a nasty glare.

"Possibly?" They laughed, a hollowed out sound with the only recognizable emotion being described as 'Fucking Pissed.' "FIRST and FOREMOST you overgrown, four-eyed, Sonic The Hedgehog lookin' motherfucker, class representative or not, it is none of your business, what-so-ever, where I sleep, eat, shit, or shower. That is MY business, and frankly, has absolutely nothing to do with you. I can do what I want and I will do what I want, whether with or without your class representative B.S. approval or not.

"I've dealt with people like you everywhere I've ever been. You are nothing new, Iida Tenya. I hope I make myself very clear, now sit. Down."

Iida sat down hard, stunned so bad his jaw hung open. Uraraka hit him on the head with her notebook from the desk behind, chastising him for his behavior, but the boy barely flinched. (Don't get me wrong here I love Iida, but someone needed to ask the question man)

Sozo turned to Aizawa Sensei, who seemed almost as shocked. "If he's says anything else, I will remove his mouth from his face." Turning back to the class, with an almost Kaminari-like smile, "Anything more?"

Kaminari, unfazed and matching perfectly Sozoryokus smile, raised his hand, and Mina looked like she was having heart palpitations for whatever reason. "You, Pika, Pika, Pikajou." Sozo pointed, having moved to leaning on Aizawas desk.

"Okay, first of all, wow," Kaminari looked humorously offended, hand over his chest like he had been wounded. "Second, you single?" Kaminari smirked, resting his hands behind his head while Mina fumed, red from anger and embarrassment.

Sozo laughed, drawing Minas attention. "Well, depends on who's asking," they shot Mina a wink, chuckling a little bit when she kicked at Kaminari.

Mina finally gave up, sighing back into her chair. "I mean... you are kinda cute..." she shrugged and it was Sozos turn to be flustered.

Kirishima, to be frank, (Only Heroes of Olympus fans will know why I really wanted to capitalize that last word) had no clue what the fuck was going on.

What he did know, was that two new students meant two new possible friends, and who was he to pass up on the opportunity?

Kirishima leaned back in his chair, pointing up at Sozo, "We are bestfriends now, we are getting dumplings later."