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chapter 5- BESTFRIEND?

I hurriedly ran towards the office THAT MAN !! HES GETTING INTO MY NERVES!.. and because I met so many people I had difficulty running!!. I was close to the office when I knew someone who was also coming into the office. its zyrene my bestfriend so i called her.

" heyy zyrene!! what are you doing here?" she immediately turn and smile at me.

" BESTIE !! OMGGG! I MISS YOUUUUU!!!" she immediately ran towards me and hug me so tight.

" zyrene pl-ease l-et g-o i can breath!!" she immediately removed her hug from me. and pressed me to the cheek. what the !! she's the only one who pinches my cheek!.

" where are you going?? " she asked. i rolled my eyes at her.

" youre brother took my cellphone and went to the office. Do you know that your older brother has been rude to me since the first day!"

"and he is so annoying!!" i said

she is starting to laugh so i slap her.

" whats funny?? is this a joke to you? do you want me to kick you both !?"

and she stop laughing .

" im sorry khione I ordered my older brother to take you to the office because I will come and I want to surprise you"

" I don't know if that's what he's going to do eh I am so sorrryy plaaaseeeee"

she said and pouted.

" fine. just get my phone from him or else-" she quickly interuppt me.

" I'll take it and return it to y -ou ,let's go into the office together!"

she grab me and open the door . i saw zyden is sitting on the chair while holding my phone. hes so hot!! but no khione!! you need to get your phone!!. i i ran toward him and take my phone . I got it so I immediately slapped him. I saw that he was hurt by the force of my slap because he immediately touched it.

he stand up and grab my hand. i was shocked . he was mad. i can see it in his eyes.

" what is your problem?" he asked.

" thats for taking my phone and for embarassing me !!" I felt his grip tighten on me. so I immediately tried to remove his grip .

" ITS HURT ZYDEN !! LET ME GO!!" i said. he get closer to me and whisper.

" dont do that again or else you will not like what i will do to you." I immediately felt nervous. i just nodded and he let go of me.

I almost forgot about zyrene's presence. HE SAW WHAT ZYDEN DID !! I felt the heat on my face so I immediately sat down on the chair .

" omg !! I thought you were going to kill each other !! at bro stop teasing khione !! she might lose her feelings for you and find someone else !!"

i look at zyrene with my eyes. she stop talking. she went to me and hug me. i saw zyden is saying something but i cant hear it. i stand up and turn to zyrene.

" I'm leaving I haven't eaten yet. "

she replied---

" LETSS GO EAT TOGETHERR!! I HAVE STORIES TO TELLL YOUUUU!!" she stood up. and held my hand .

I said just wait because I will just wipe my sweat. i saw zyrene and zyden is talking so I took my liptind from my pocket and immediately put it on my lips.

after i finished i called zyrene . and walk outside . I saw zyden looking at me seriously but I just ignored him .

" bye zyden!! see you laterrrr! khione waitt me!! " she said.

we went to the canteen and ordered. i ordered adobo and a water. while zyrene ordered a fried chicken with crab soup and soft drink. this woman will die early--- *smirk.

we sat on the table. and wait for the food . and then she started to tell me some stories.

" omggg mom says shell allows me to study here!! i told mom that you are studying here so she agreed!! " she giggled.

" what is your section?? "

" A! were classmates!! "

oh. so shes my classmate. i just nodded. she is telling me that we have to go to mall or something. i tell her that nates gonna fetch me. she took her cellphone and typed something. she immediately put it on her ear and seemed to be talking to someone.





then she hang up. she stared at me and whisper

" nate told me we'll go to his bar later " hier eyes immediately glowed .

bar? drink some beer again?

" text him. if he wants to die dont include me." she laugh

"we drank beer yesterday and now?" i rolled my eyes.

" well just understand him HAHAHAHA"

" REMIND ME TO SLAP HIM LATER OKAY?" she silently said yes.

we eat fast and go to our classroom. she introduce herself and the teacher ask her a few question . she sit beside me. yes she asked the person next to me to leave the chair because she said she wanted me next to her. the girl leaves. and she sat beside me.

everything went well. the teacher want us to find a partner because well be having a group activity. zyrene immediately wrote my name and hers. its already 4 pm so the class ended. we pack our things and retouch. she give me some pair of clothes and shoes. she says she buy that on abroad .

i told her to wait me there because ill change my clothes. she is not wearing a uniform so I'll just get dressed .

I remember what zyden said about the uniform and it makes me wanna ripped this.

i wear the dress that zyrene gave me. it was a blue cocktail dress it was a chanel mini dress with chantiny lace collar. it was weird but i know it will be good on me.

when i finished from getting dressed . i wear the heels too.

i immediately go back to the room . i saw zyrene was talking to someone. it was zyden again!

i think zyrene wont come. I walked closer to them. they noticed my presence so they immediately turned to me .

zyrene walks toward me and hide behind me.

" where are you two going??" he asked.

i raised my eyebrows

" its none of your business anymore. "

i said in a calm voice.

" zyrene in my sister . and thats my business. "

" go asked her then." i challenge.

I immediately felt his anger. he immediately approached us and now he is in front of me .

" now zy tell me where are you going?"

zyrene talked.

"zyden were going out with friends!!"

"then let me know where is the place?"

" zyden stop asking okay? im in the right age! stop treating me like a kid!!"

she screamed.



and the zyrene walks out. now it is only me and zyden. i was about to leave when he talked.

" and where do you think youre going? " his voice was commanding.

i turn to him

" leaving? "he smirk.

" no you two are going home..."

i stopped. i started to feel annoyed.

" zyrene is youre business , not me. and you are not my brother or even my friend to stop me " i said .

" oh really? then be my friend or bestfriend then."

he said. i was stunned. i cant even make a move. what the hell is he saying??

" can you stop?? if you are here to annoy me then you win?! CAN YOU LEAVE NOW?! " I SAID IN A LOUD VOICE.

" we are going home. "

he held my hand tightly and pulled me out of the room . i tried to let go but hes strong. we stop at the car and he opened it. he put me inside and immediately locked it.

WHERE THE HELL IS ZYRENE!!? i opened my phone and message nate.

to'; nate

hey pick me at my house

he replied fast

from: nate

okay. are you with zyrene??

to: zyden

no. and zyden is trying to stop us from going there. he locked me in his car .

after a minutes zyden is back . i immediately hide my phone and pretend that nothing happened. i looked at him and roll my eyes at him.

he just ignored me. hes not with zyrene. he open the door . he start the engine and drive.

" where is zyrene?"

" home" he says.

" can your sister will not come anymore can you let me go there now? I'm late."

i pleased. he just ignored me.

" hey are you deaf or something" CAN YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID STOP THE CAR!"

"NO ."

im tired fighting with him so i stay silent.

finally we arrived at my house .

he stopped the car and open the door. i open the door too .

i saw kier outside . when he saw us he walk towards us and smile.

"hey sis where are you going huh?" he said in a teasing voice.

i just looked at him . i

" dont let your sister go out late, its dangerous" zyden said.

my brother raised his eyebrows and smile

" oh did you hear that sis? dont come home late " he laugh.

i just rolled my eyes at them.

i started to walk inside . when i heard zyden car started the engine and leave. i look at kier and hes walking closer to me. he whisper something .

" it is your lucky day . whos picking you?" i smiled at him.

" nate is coming in 5 minutes"

" oh okay come home before 12 then. dont get caught . okay?"

THATS WHY I LOVE KIER!! i smiled at him and hug him .

" of course i wont"


" im going now, text me when he comes home okay?"

" alright."

i quickly rode at nates car and he start his engine and drive .