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chapter 6 - jealous?

I woke up because of the alarm. I immediately got up and went out of my room. I was about to go down the stairs when I hit the wall. huh? I thought there's stairs here? ouchh!! I immediately touched my forehead and opened my eyes . where am I??I try to remember what happened last night. i was so drunk!!!


whoooo!! nate lets dance come on!!"

no, let's go home you're drunk!!

* end of flashback

well I remember i am in Nate's condo.I immediately went to the kitchen when I heard his voice. I saw him talking on the phone so I approached him and sat down on the chair. he immediately saw me and says wait in a low voice. i just nodded at him. I can hear what they are talking about. i think its me.

" yea, she just woke up, yup I'll take her to school." and look at me and ask me.

" does your head hurt? do you have a hangover? "

" yeah. and I hit the wall earlier its hurt!"

i pouted. he laugh . after a few minutes he hang up the call. he went to the counter and took something. I saw that he was holding a plate and laid it down in front of me.two sunny side up eggs and hotdog with fried rice .

" You messed up last night!"

" what did i do?" i nervously ask.

"You vomited on my shirt, you were shouting . wait i have a video" he said while looking for the video . he give me his phone and watch it.

it was me shouting Reed's name and cursing him. and the next one is i was in his car and i was vomiting and i hear him saying not to vomit on his car .

I returned the phone to him . he looked at me badly and i just gave him a peace sign .

" im sorryyyyyyyyyyy "

" who were you talking to earlier?"

i asked .

" kier. he asked me where you were because you did not come home last night I said you're here were saved!. your older brother did not come home. " while eating

" he also sent your uniform earlier and medicine. drink it before you leave so that your head wont hurt".

i nodded. after we eat i take a bath first. theres a bathroom here in my room and i have some things here because i sleep here sometimes. after i bath , i wore my uniform and put a make up on my face.

i went out and went to the kitchen to take the medicine that kier gave me. i open my phone but its deadbat ,ill just charge it on nates car. i remember my bag is on my classroom. i didnt get it yesterday. after a minute Nate went out and we were ready ,so we went to the parking area .

he drives the car. i asked him the time and it was 6:55 in the morning .and hes late in school too. were in different school. he own a school too . so he is studying there too.

after an hour we arrived . i turn to him before i went out to the car

" im sorry last night nate!! ill just treat you next time okayy?? i enjoy last night"!! ill go now , love you!! "

hejust give me a disgust face and i laugh at him. i close the door and started to walk inside the school. i saw zyden is walking too so . i walk fast as i can . but destiny is really playful and now he is next to me. I immediately avoided him when he spoke .

"Do you think I didn't know you were in the party? and you are avoiding me. guilty huh?"

he smirked. damn.

" i am not guilty, and i am not avoiding you jerk i am late thats why." i reasoned. i saw him laugh and raise his eyebrows and he went close to me and whisper in my ear

" oh really?? that's why you avoid looking at me? " he smirk again and left me stunned.

i can feel my face heated. he is so close!. is he trying to seduce me? that jerk! .

i was late!! when i arrived at my room the teacher is starting to teach. i just give her a apologetic smile and sit on my chair. oh! i forgot zyrene is my classmate now! i look at her . i saw her eyes were swollen .

" hey are you okay??"

she look at me and smile

" no, zyden and i faught last night"

" its okay , im here okay? lets eat lunch together." i smiled at her . and listened to our tecaher.

" okay class you and youre partner has first task, you will make a report about global warming we need to know how global warming affects and what causes it. before our lesson begin. the deadline is on monday okaay? "

"yes maam"

and she left.

it is our snack so I offered zyrene to go to the canteen and eat first. she agreed so iwe went to the canteen. i just orered a buscuit and water. while she ordered a pie and chuckie. she is starting to tell me what happend last night.

she said. his brother was trying to tell her that he is just protecting her. and she said and she was old enough to care care of herself. he think his brother did not trust him. so she cried.

I told her to ignore zyden . and she agreed. we came back to our room.

after the 2 subjects it is lunch now and we get back to canteen . we ordered food again . while we are eating i heard someone calls me. I saw nate approaching me. he brought my phone I charged it in his car earlier .

" you forgot this" he said. i heard some people whispering .

" yea. thanks how did you enter?"

" because theres a door?" i look at him with my serious face.

" just kidding, the guards let me in."

" just eat here. here take a sit" i said and offer him the chair.

he recognized zyrene so we started to talk about last night. these two are mny childhood friends . eversince we live here they are my playmates. and we grew together.everything went well when suddenly someone intervened in our conversation,

" nathan why are you here?" it was zyden again.

nathan stand up .

' hey zy long time no see, I just returned khione's phone she left it my car earlier"

he says and smile. zyden seems serious now. he did not smile back.

" im okay. how did you get in here? " he asked again . nate was about to reply when i talked.

" youre guard allows him " he look at me.

" well i think you must go " he said to nate.

nate was surprised.

" oh sorry , okay i must go now" nate look at me and smile

" khione ill go now "

oh too inquisitive, I thought of something to annoy him.

I stood up and put my hand on nates hand. i immediately saw him frowned.

" i'll accompany you to the gate"

i smiled at nates . he look at me with the " what are you doing face" and i just answered him with a smile.

" its time now you are going to be late khione" I saw him taking a deep breath.

" its okay I'll just explain , come on nate , zyrene would you like to come with us?"

i think zyrene knows what am doing so she said no. we are starting to walk outside when zyden when zyden join us , i raise my eyebrows and smirk.

"oh where are you going?" i asked.

" going with you" he simply said. i just shrugged . nate whispers on me.

" youre using me huh"

i saw zyden is looking at us and his jaws clenched

" just go with the flow " i replied .

we are here at the parking now.

" i'll go now khione , zyy take care"

zyden just nodded. i rolled my ayes at him.

" take care okay? text me?" and i kissed him on his cheek . they were both immediately surprised by what I did .

i just smiled at them and started walked back to the room.

zyden held my hand .

" why did you do that?" he asked.

" why? why cant i do that?"

"you're a women and hes a man khione! "


i saw him sigh..


" whatever i am tired fighting with you "

I immediately lost his grip on me and started walking. annoying !! and now hes walking with me again.

i just ignore him. i turn left and walk at the hallways. we already passed in his room but he is still walking with me so ask him.

" What are you doing? there is your room" i pointed at his room

" ill take you to youre room "

hes voice was soft.

" why?"

" nothing just taking you to your room celestine"

" fine"

i have nothing to say so i just let him . we arrived at my room so we stopped. i look at him and our eyes met.

" next time don't be so harsh to nate"

he avoid his eyes .

" don't do that again."

" do what?"

i saw his ear become red

" kissing him on cheek"

" whatever , i'll go now"

i was about to open the door when he held my hand again.

our face was close and he kiss me on my forehead. then he let me go.

" bye "

I was surprised at what he did. and all I knew was that I was sitting in my chair and our teacher was teaching.

my world suddenly slowed down .