Dump Into Sexy Asshole

" ready... " jenny yelled..

" 5 minutes more.. I am coming out " I yelled back. I am in bathroom I wear boyfriend jeans. And sexy top.. make look sexy. Well it's party so I can't help it. Little dress up will be fine I guess. And dont wanted to do make-up. I like my original skin. So I just apply light lipsticks. And eyeliner. Feel Satisfaction I look good . I smile and Open the door and see janna waiting for me... she look very sexy... she wear black tiny shorts. And high hells. And to much make-up. But she look beautiful.

" you look beautiful Janna." I compliment her with genus smile.

" so you to baby... I dont know but you are have natural skin beauty"she said. I know that... I rolled my eyes. And thank her. She grab her purse. And I grab my cellphone and than We left our dorm.

" there is a lots for reach people. And lots arrogant people we meeting there. So we have to carefull about that.. the reach kids are to arrogant and to aggressive and dangerous So we better keep distance with them." She explained but I know indirectly she warn me.

" than why are we going " I asked curiously.

" also there are lots of food plus drinks. And yeah music's also damn good. You like there.. " she said happy. I nodded. I hope I like there.

Janna dont know about me. I dont know about her. I just know she's senior to me. And we share dorm together. She was to innocent but she smart. I don't know but I know somethin has she didn't wanted to share. Maybe she don't trust me. And why she could be. We just meet. Also I have lot's of secret if I was in her state I aslo never share my thing.. so I dont mind. I really dont mind. I just wanted to concentrate in my aim. And it's just one time thing. After that we both bussy in our won life. So didn't think about it to much. And we reach the destination. The music was blasting and lots more teenagers are dancing and make out some play beer pong. And lots of think. It's nothing to surprise me. just the party I always go and enjoy.

" wanna drink" she said when we enter the kitchen. And I broke my thought. I love to drink. But I do have to control. This is not my hometown were I standing. after long time ago I stop all this.. I don't this it's best idea to start over again right?..

"cold drink is okay with me" I said to her in low voice.

" you dont drink?" She asked surprisingly. I dont know what to say. So just shut up. I don't wanted to say anything to her.

" umm... I...." I wanted to say but she shut me up...

"Come on is just one drink. It can't be that harm" She said and handed me cup of drink. Well it will you don't know anything janna. Dont know what this was drink. I sip up and test like this is vodka. I smiled. And thank her.

It's just one drink.. I told myself.

Nothing going too happen. keep Consoling to myself.

It's to hard to me to control. When I know after one drink I just don't stop myself dont hesitate to give another one for me.

" wanna dance" she asked. I love to but I dont want to. So I denied her.

It's just that I did not comfortable. I just got here. And it's place totally unknown me.

I known that Janna also unknown for me but still. It's little bit give time to me normal and relax myself.

" you go will be fine her" I assure her. I know when she wants to that why she asked me.

" thanxx babe" she said and gone. Well that's was quick. I thought she will give me company well my bad. But I also can't stop her for my discomfort.

I am alone. There is lots of teenager but still I am alone. I don't know anyone. Why I said to her to go. I also go with her to dance. Fuck. I just walk there see people are dancing. Some are drinking. All are happy. They seems happy. They enjoy there movement. I love to do that. I know how I am when I am like this in past time. Freely, carefree, enjoy my every movement. but all are gone it's just like it's happen in yesterday. I made up my mind and ignore all thinking.

" hey ava right" someone behind called my nam. I didn't know anyone. Who called me. I turn around and than my eye's wilden. No... not now.. not again.

" hey ava... nice to meet again" he said in my ear loudly.

" hyy" I said loudly. " me to" I said Rollins my eyes .

" you look so sexy " he compliment me. I thank him. And just wanted to go away far him. But I didn't.

We both stood there. I just ignore him I dont wanted to talk to him. I am not interested to talk to him. He's not my type.

" sorry about earlier. I act like totally jark." He apologized. Wow really. He apologized. I my eye's again wild with surprise . I looking at him he know that I am surprise. That's new. Than why he smirk. I hate than people do that. I just rolled my eyes.

" dont look at me like that. Don't do that" He shyly say. Whooh.. that's new.. I rolled my eye's.

" its oky... but Yaahh you act like totally jark. which want me to punch you hard but you saved by your boss." We both laughs. Than we talk. He asked about my field. I told him about me my dream. He told about him. He's trainer. He train all boxers. He also told me about underground boxing. He also promised that next week we go there. And I accept he is offer. but also I little hesitate because I know one wrong move I will be in danger.

" drink" he said. I nodded. And than he gone. I didn't seen him around. He just gone. I stood there. Checking messages. My bro text me. Some other are my old school friends. I smiled. And started to chatting with them. Suddenly some one push me hard. I drop my phone.. what was that.. I pick up my phone and see who is he. .

" move bitch" he said. Bitch... I mean seriously. Who the hell is he. What the hell..

" excuse me" I said to him. He's taller than me. I seen him he's dark eyes. He look handsome. Sexy arrogant asshole. What I am saying. Fuck...

" I said move bitch" he said loudly again. Music was stop. Everyone looking at us. What the hell.

" you move mr asshol dice head." I said angrily. How dare he told to me like that.

" what you called me bitch" he said come close to me.

" I think you didn't heard it clearly... I said to you move asshole.. you little dick head" I said to him loudly angrily. I just cant bear it when someone call me that. All are looking at us. But no one dare to stop that. strange. but Why.

" how dare you talk to me like that.... you dont know who I am you talking to" he said with cold voice ready to kill me. Like I am scared of him.

" whoever you are... didn't you parents told you have to talk to girl.. " I said. All are looking at us. And I don't care about this. But he's lucky I didn't punched he's sexy face after calling me that...

what the hell sexy.. sexy my foot.

You agree that he's sexy.. well I also tell he's assholle and dick. I fight with my head. Stupid head.

" you are a bitch... go and see you face in mirror." He said. How dare he insult me. No one talk to me like that before. I slapped him hard. Everyone one watching show. I seen he's cheeks rad Mark of my ankle. And smiled appeared my face. Now I am satisfy. Now he little get that how to talk with girls. And give girl's respect. He's eye's wilden more than shocked or embarrassing.. like I girl slept him. Well then dont talk girl like that you jark.

But my smiled gone when he push me the wall. He push me hard. Fuck. I am ready to fight with this jark. He think that I don't do fight or I will going to say sorry or else. Well he Don't to whom he messing with..

" how dare you.... you little sult.." he said. He call me sult. and than ready to say something I cut him off.

"how dare you to call me that.. you piss of shit dumb ass..." I said to him and push him hard and punch him he's face.. and ready to give another one... but dont know were to but jenny appear. And she stop us..

" max... maxx... plzzz let her go... shes new... shes with me.. let her go... she dont know about anything." She said. He star at me like he wanted to kill me. And I m ready to kill him. He just looking at me in wild eyes. And more than surprise Like he thing that I don't punch him. And for he's info I punched him hard. Never any girl punched him like this before. Well he think that girls don't fight but it's not that well you never know me that. You boys like jark I know how to deal with them. If he thinks girl's are only for play or toy to her so mr your wrong. Than you have to see the world more..

Janna said him and control him. And he looking at me to ready to brush in to me but he than take deep breath And close he's eye's thinking something I don't know what and than open he's eyes and cool down little bit maybe. Wow he really control he's anger.

" fine..." he said and push me again and back off. How dare he I again to go to give him another one but janna stop me and looking at me like don't you dare.. than I stop there. She know more than all this. I am new here. I don't want attention. To I stop and looking at them closely. And understand this what going on.

" never ever mess with me..." he said. And he turn and look Janna. " next time if again happen like that i will kill her.. you get it..." he told her. Angrily.

" I said you get it.." he Yelled her and she nodded and than he walk away. Give me once last glear.

" you... jark...." I again wanted to say something. Janna shussh me with her hand. How dare he said like that or threaten her.

" thanx max" she said give him small smile. And he gone. And again all music start all are again enjoy there time. Like nothing happened here. But some are still looking at me. Some are surprise some are give me disgusting look. Like I said I care.

I ignore that. I exit started to walk in my dorm. I dont wanted to stay here. I just wanted to kill him. And who is he... and how Janna know him. Reached my dorm. I unlocked the door and started to Chang the clothes. I am still angry. Control my anger. I sitting in bed and open my laptop to do somethin to distract myself. But whatever happened it's not just good thing.

Door burst out open . I see janna walk in. And stood front of me... I look her. And than ignore her. I dont wanted to talk about this. I hate this. Why I am agree to attend this party. Fuck... I hate myself. I hate party now because of him.

" you know who is he" she said. I ignore her. I dont wanted to talk about it.

" he's a fighter.. No one dare to disrespect him. He do underground fighting. He own half of thi academy. No one dare to mess with him. " she said with dangerous voice. I look her. Waiting to my reply. I rolled my eye's. I dont wanted to but I did.

" he call me bitch.. I am standing there. And enjoying myself he started all of this... and whoever he is... I dont care... who's he. I am not scared of him.. you understand." I yelled her.

" dont do anything wrong ava... you dont know about him. He already killed lots of people in underground fights. And he dont care if he killed you. No one care about if he killed you. " she yelled. She wanted to me to scare. But why. I look her to say more.

" you think that I am scared of him.. I deal more than this worst.. so don't tell me all this.." I said angrily.

" I think I dont wanted too say more... good night ava." She said and Change her clothes. Remove her make-up and sleep.

I can't sleep. Whatever she said. I hate to admit but I am little scared. Lots of tweets and turn I finally got up sit in bed. Open my laptop and search about him. I dont know were to search him. So I just type goggle in max.. I also know he's first name. But I didn't work. I give up throw the laptop my study Table. And again try to sleep. And maybe this time I am success.