Meet Up With New Team

  Beeeppp..... beeeepp...

My alarm ring... I dont wanted to wake up... I ignore it.... I keep sleeping....  my head is painting.

Beeppp.... beeeppp...

Again my alarm... ughh....

" stop the bulshit alarm..." Jenny yelled. And throw me her pillow.

I open my eyes... search my phone and stop the alarm. It's  morning 6o'clock. I have to go for jogging... than I have to go to practice... I just wake up and searching clothing to wear for jogging... and when I done I open the bathroom door. Started to brush my teeth.. and then clean myself. I left the dorm...

When I reached play ground.. its 6.30 in morning.. I don't have tim to think.. I started to jogged... Started to music my phone and jogged... after 45minutes jogging walk toward my dorm. Rush there and pick up my all thinks. I dont wanted to let there. When I know today was my first day of my training. Again left the dorm. I reach my badminton court. I reach 10minute earlier. I dont like to be let... take my bag in empty batch. Drink some energy juice. Waiting for my coach. Who train me. I hope he is good. I dont want mess again like last night. Last night was worse night to me. I hate to thinking about this. Why I am thinking about him. He is asshole. I so much hate him. I don't wanted seen him ever Again. Interrupt my thoughts I see some students enter and take there bags.

They notice me. I dont know how to talk to them. So I just sit there waiting for enter the Coach. And some movement letter older man enter the court. He's seem like 30 or 35. But he maintain he's body. Fit and fine. Means he's to obsessed with diet. If he's fit and fine that means he's little strict with us about our diets our training.

" hello everyone.. my name is Jacob Wilson. You can call me Coach Wilson. I do like to know you all of you guys....." he said.. " but before.. all of you come here stand up front of me in line.." he instruct us.

We all walking toward him. And stand front of him. He smiled and nodded.

" so tell me about yourself. And why you want this championship." He said to us.

One by one student introduces himself.

" hyy my name is jack Gilbert. I am here because I love sports. " he said.

" Hyyy my Nam is Jessica Simpson. I am here because I want this championship." The next who stand besides girl introduces herself.

There is jack, Jessica, Alison, Zack, jade, harry and last one is Alexander. They introduces themself. Its my turn. All are watching me. I stand there. Don't know what to say. But I started.

" I m ava rose. Badminton is my life." I just said. And finished in one line. Nothing more to say else. I just don't know wht he wanted to know.

" you didn't tell me why you are here.. " he question me.

" I am here because. I wanted to be here.. to Win this compilation..  play for our country and  proud our country. That's... that's it" I said with little shuttering. And he's surprise by that.

He wanted to asked more but he ignore all and then he instruct us. How to we can this compilation. He told us about every little thing.  So we can Focus in this. We have two hours and this hours we have become more strong and be best player. He also told us how one little mistake can loss our game. N all he telling us. And I love it. He's god at this. I think we can be going to be best like he wanted to be form us. And doubt.

After 30minutes lecture. We started to play. Mr Wilson wanted to see how we are plying what our week point is. How to improve n all things. We all seen each others weakness. I observed how they play. No doubt they are good in there way. All are passionate. It's think that it's not only me there is they all are here for achieve something. There is more competition and I have to by hook boy crook I have to win this. No matter what.

This was my turn. I am scared. I am confident about my game. But I dont want that anyone catch my weakness. After seening all's games. They are all are good.  I try myself best to cover myself. And give my 200% .

" ms rose... good. But you have to work hard. Your nervousness  will losing you match. Dont be nervous. Dont be scared. I know you are confident but... in you face all show that so change you attitude. And that weakness your appoint catch it and you will be lose it so work for that. " he said and give me small smiled. And I nodded. He's right it's not good for me. I am confident and play well but it's new here so that why I hesitate but I will work for it. Plus he told our weakness to front of everyone so it's little bit bed news for us.

After coach left we practice hard. I know my weakness it's all or my face. So I totally agree with my coach.

Whatever coach said it's keep hearing in my mind and I train really hard. I wanted to work for it. After going some practice my phone beep.. seems like I am ready to go to my next training.

After my practice. I have to go to dance. When I search I didn't get it were is dance studio is so I when office and than They told me that our practice in basketball stadium. I walk toward stadium. Enter there. 12, 15 girls are there. Chatting and all I walk there throw my bag in ground. Search my dress to wear that. We have to compulsory to wear cheerleading clothes. I rush toward changing room and change my dress. I smell so nasty I wanted to shower but I can't. I don't have time that to.  So I ignore all smell and change as fast as I did. I just wash my face. And tie my hair tight in ponytail and left the changing room.

" so girls... welcome all fresher. I am the main caption to our team. My nam is scarlet knight. I am the senior to everyone. There is also five girls also teach you dance. Jenny, Maria, Bobby,Lara, bella and me. We all are teach you how to dance I mean cheer for our teams. Plus there are the rules you have to follow." She said. And all senior girls stand beside her. Jenny seen me and give me a small smile and nodd. I know she's upset with me about last night. But it's happened. Never mind.

" so rule no one..never ever breaks any rules. Rule no two. We have a dress code we have wear everyone day. Rule no three. Never ever mess with us" she smirked at us and said. I just rolled my eyes. What's that rules. It'd all rubbish.

" Rule no four.. whatever we say you have to do. Rule no five.. dont talk any guys without our permission." What the hell.. are she phyco or what. This she told and complete her speech. I already started to hate her. I just ignore all that. Well it's not that I am interested to talk with guys its just that we also have our won life. It's just dance practice nothing more but she's say like we are her selves.

" so girls..." Janna and some girl how's name is bella they both walk toward us and approach us.

" two day latertar we have football game so we have to prepare about that." Janna said. And wait for other complete what she wanted to say.

" and today we start with warm up." She said her name was some bobby. She said come toward us.

Last half hour we warm up. We did what they say. I just dont know what I am doing but I have to.. so I didn't argue. I seen some there girls they also pissed off. But they also doing. They know there are senior we can't do anything against them. so we continue did. And it's good for me to do that. I like to workout it's feels good. I burst out my frustration in it. It's feel relax. So I don't mind to doing it. I happily doing my workout.

" so guys about game. There was a 2days later. The match timing was 7o'clock.  We made some steps to cheer them up.. we will practice that tomorrow. For now you guys continue doing that... will be back" they both walk way. We all seen each other faces. Anger boiling our face.. but we all ignore that and continue doing this.

We seen those bitches are bussy with these phones. Some are painting there face and Neil and some are clicking there photos and whatever bullshit is that. I just tired doing that after going jogged and badminton practice. I doesn't get time to rest so it's little bit hard I love to do but for now it's not working me. I love dancing but this I hate this where is dance we not dancing and west our time stupid this thing what is warm-up.... I have other options why I choose this.. I just thinking about all this... if they don't want anything to do why didn't she just said to go to our dorm for rest. It's totally bitchyy move..suddenly door burst out open. We all stop. I seen one tall angry man walk in. And I just shocked. My eyes wilden.. What are he doing here.. all last night memory pop down in my head...