
Third Person's Point of View

A few days after…

AYANA just finished taking a bath and now wearing a simple blue dress. She’s still inside her room. Her parents and Gavin’s parents will visit their house. She filed a leave on the company and so is Gavin. It’s been a while since her parents visited them so; she’s kinda excited to see them again.

She opened her room’s window. The fresh air touched her skin. There’re no wounds on her skin because she cured it immediately so that her parents will not see any bruises on her body. Gavin is right. Her parents shouldn’t see her experiencing physical pain because if they did, for sure, they will file an annulment and get back their company from Gavin’s hands. And she doesn’t want it to happen. She wants to be with Gavin despite the kind of relationship.

She took a deep breath and went downstairs to help Manang Belen for preparing the foods. Any moment, their parents will be arriving. Gavin was sitting on the sofa while browsing his phone. His muscles were defined on his black t-shirt and his skin was like snow. Her husband was really handsome. That’s one of the reasons why she fell in love with him.

She went inside the kitchen. Manang Belen was together with their three maids.

“Is everything alright, Manang?” She asked as she tapped Manang’s shoulder.

“We’re almost done preparing the foods,” Manang answered. Manang Belen examined her from head to foot and a teasing smile furrowed her lips. “You look so beautiful on that dress, Ayana.”

There’s a blush crept on her cheeks. “I know right.” She laughed.

“Gavin will fall in love with you if you’re always wearing that kind of cloth,” Manang uttered and her smile suddenly vanished. She knows the fact that Gavin can’t love her back. No matter what she wears, her husband can’t love her the same way she loves him.

A weak smile furrowed on her lips. They heard the sounds of the engine of the car. She tapped Gavin’s shoulder to announce to him that their parents were there. They both went out to welcome their parents. Gavin snaked his hand on Ayana’s shoulder while Ayana hugging Gavin slightly with a big smile forming into their lips. They looked really love each other but the truth is, it is a big lie.

“How’s life, man?” Finch, Gavin’s younger brother greeted him, then, he looked at her. “You look beautiful, Ayana.”

“My wife is always beautiful, Finch,” Gavin interjected as he snaked his hands on her even more.

After they greeted each other, they entered their house. They were now inside the dining area. Her husband was sitting next to her right. Her parents were in front of her and her parents-in-law occupying the left part while Finch was next to her left and Manang Belen was in the center. They were now eating the food that Manang Belen prepared.

“It’s been a while since we visit here,” Gavin’s mom said. “How’s the life of the two of you?”

“It is so much fine, I guess,” Gavin answered while looking at her as if he’s really in love with her. She smirked secretly.

‘Yes, it’s so much fine with you while you’re hurting me.’

“Do you have good news with us, Ayana?” Gavin’s Dad was obviously teasing her.

“What good news?” She inquired innocently.

“Oh! Come on, dear. Don’t tell us, you’re still not pregnant?” Her mom asked incredulously.

A blush crept into her cheeks. She can hear Finch’s laugh. She looked at Gavin and she can saw a blush crept into his cheeks. How can she be pregnant if Gavin doesn’t even lay his fingers on her?

“You’re weak, Dude. It’s been a year but you still didn’t impregnate your wife.” Finch teased Gavin as he laughed so hard.

“Finch is right,” her Dad laughed. Her cheeks reddened. “She supposed to be carrying your child now like what you’ve promised to us.”

Their parents laughed and teased them to make a baby now. If they just know her real relationship with her husband, she thinks they can’t laugh that hard. That would be the end of a good relationship between Buenavista and de la Vega.

She was slightly startled when Gavin placed his hand on her shoulder again. There’s a big smile curving his lips.

“I won’t forget my words, Dad. By this year, my wife will carry your grandchild. Just wait a little more time,” he kissed her forehead that made her heart skip a beat. She can’t explain the mixed emotions whirling inside her.

An unknown emotion flickered in her eyes. If Gavin is treating her like that every day, she’ll be the happiest woman on earth. She can’t ask for more but to get her husband’s love. A bitter smile spread on her. She will never forget that his acts right now were just a show.

“I can’t wait to see my first grandchild.” Her mom said excitedly.

“I feel the same way. Make our first grandchild now!” Gavin’s mom and her mom laughed, synchronizing.

“Mom!” She timidly protested.

She was flabbergasted when she felt her husband’s lips on her right cheek. When she met the eyes of Gavin, there’s a glister in his eyes that she can’t explain. He smiled at her and said, “We will work hard. I will do all positions just to make you pregnant!” She can feel her cheeks burning because of what Gavin said. He even laughed so loud together with their parents. She’s the only one who can’t laugh at the moment. Her heart was nearly leaped out in her chest.

‘This is just an act, Ayana! Gavin can’t love you back. Don’t forget that fact!’