New Guy

Third Person's Point of View

IT’S already evening. They already done eating dinner and currently, sitting on the sofa. Of course, she’s beside Gavin while his hands were embracing her. How she wish that moment will not end. She still wants to experience the good and sweet acts on Gavin towards her.

“I’m tired. I can’t drive home,” her Dad said.

“Me too and I’m so full,” Gavin’s dad said too.

“If that’s so, our driver will drive you home and—” She didn’t finish what she’s going to say because her dad cuts her off.

“You don’t have to. We’re going to sleep here.”

Her eyes widened because of what her Dad said. It can’t be! Their parents shouldn’t know her real relationship with her husband. They shouldn’t witness their fights! She looked at Gavin, asking for help. They need to do something!

“But Dad, our guest rooms are not—” Gavin didn’t finish his sentence because their parents cut him off too.

“Why you don’t want us to see here for tonight?” Her mom’s eyebrow quirks up.

“It’s not—”

“If that’s so, where’s our room?”

It seems like they don’t have a choice but let their parents stay there for tonight. So, she looked at Manang Belen meaningfully. Manang Belen secretly went upstairs to lock Gavin’s room. She already discussed it to Manang Belen before, so, they can still hide the true happenings between her husband and her. When she already saw Manang Belen walking down the stairs, she guided their parents to the guest room that they’ll use tonight. While Finch chose to go home alone because he has something to do.

When they already accompanied their parents to their rooms, she chose to go to her room but she automatically stops as Gavin went inside too. Gavin laid down in her bed and didn’t even leave a space for her. She locked the door, so, their arguments will not be heard.

“Don’t cover up the whole space. You’re not the only one who’ll sleep here!” She irritatingly said.

“Who told you that I’m going to sleep with you?” Gavin coldly said as he threw her a pillow. It landed on her face. “Sleep on the floor.”

Her lips slightly parted. “Are you serious?” She inquired incredulously.

“Yes, I am.” He didn’t bother to glance at her.

“You’re such a jerk,” she hissed. Did he really want her to sleep on the floor? It was so cold and she doesn’t have any blanket. Gosh! Her husband is really heartless and yet she’s still in love with him.

She doesn’t have a choice but to lie down on the floor. The coldness of the floor was enveloping her body. She closed her eyes but she opened it again when her phone rang. She sat on the floor as she answered the unregistered number.

“Hello? Who’s this?” She asked confusedly.

“Is this Ayana?” The guy on the other line asked.

“Yes, I’m Ayana. Who are you?” She’s still confused. Where did he get her phone number?

“I’m Evan. I’m Lucas’s best friend.”

Her lips slightly parted when the realization hits her. So, he’s the guy that Mica was talking about.

Little did she know, Gavin was grimly looking at her back, wondering who’s the person she’s talking on the phone.

“Mica gave your number to me,” he casually said. “Do you have any idea why I’m calling you?” He timidly asked.

Mica doesn’t consider her decision! She told her that she doesn’t want to meet someone; but there she is, talking with the guy Mica chose for her.

“Yes, Mica already told me,” she massaged her temple. Mica gave her a headache again.

“So, where can we meet? When can I date you?” He straightforwardly inquired.

She took a deep breath. “Can you give me time to think about it?”

He gently laughed. “I guess, Mica was right.”

“What do you mean?”

“She told me that I should be patient if you will be hard to get because you didn’t date any guy for once,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m willing to wait. Just tell me if you’re ready.”

Another headache for her! But one thing is for sure, she will burn Mica alive when she sees her tomorrow.

“Sorry, Evan but I think I’m not ready for this.” She stated nonchalantly.

“I’m willingly waiting, Ayana until you are ready,” He softly said. His voice was like hypnotizing her. A half-smile curved at her lips.

“Okay, waits for my call then,” she said with a chuckle and already ended the call.

She went back from lying down on the floor but she unconsciously looked on her back and she met the most dangerous that she ever saw.

“Who’s that?” Gavin asked coldly. She didn’t answer. “Don’t make me mad, Ayana, I said who that is?” He was glaring at her.


“Why he’s calling you in this late night?” He seriously said.

She can feel him raking a hot gaze on her. “You don’t have to know,” she seriously said too.

“But I wanna know,” he grimly said while still staring at her.

She successfully met his grim eyes then smirked. “Why you’re interested in me all of a sudden?”

“Right, you’re nonsense.” He drawled. Gavin turned his back on her and didn’t bother to look at her again.

She bitterly smiled. Another pain for her bleeding heart. Great! So, great!