
Third Person's Point of View

AYANA came awake from her deep slumber. She was about to get up but she was stiffened when she felt something so close to her. Her eyes were suddenly widened when she felt that someone’s breathing on her neck. His arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her close.

Her heart thuds loudly knowing its Gavin. If she’s not mistaken, she slept to the floor but why she’s next to Gavin now? Did Gavin carry her and lay her down on the bed next to him? Why he did that?

She was flabbergasted when Gavin’s hand suddenly moved. She immediately got up when his hand went to her right boob and squeezed it. Gavin woke up because of her sudden move. He even scratched his eyes and still yawning.

“What the hell?” He said grimly.

“To the hell with you, Pervert!” She shouted nonchalantly. Irritation was visible on Gavin’s face as she shouted in front of his face.

“Don’t trigger me, Ayana.” He’s controlling his temper.

“Why don’t you grab my hand and hurt me like you always do?” She confidently shouted.

He opened his eyes and glanced at her fiercely. “Just wait until our parents are gone.”

Gavin stands up and went to the toilet. He even got her towel. She just took a deep breath and placed her two hands on her cheeks. She can feel her face reddened. What has he done?

She just got her office attire and stop thinking of why she ended up sleeping beside Gavin.

The toilet’s door opened. She turned around and her jaw dropped. Her towel was wrapping on Gavin’s waist. The water dropped from his hair down to his nape and going down to Gavin’s six-pack abs. Her husband was freaking hot.

“Don’t just stare,” his face was serious, “If you can touch it.” The smirk grooved again to Gavin’s lips. She’s freaking blushing.

‘Damn! Why he needs to be like that?’

“You wish.” She rolled her eyes on him and confidently walked towards the toilet but before she steps in, Gavin called her.

“You forgot something.”

“What is it?!” She irritatedly asked. When she turned around, her eyes widened.

“This,” Gavin stated as his hand was holding the tip of the towel and it seems like he’s ready to strip. He seductively looked at her and he even bit her lower lips.

‘Okay, what was that?’

Is that the right time to see that thing? Is she going to see Gavin… naked?

Gavin smirked at her and took the towel off that was covering his lower part of his body.

Her lips slightly parted when she looked at him down on his thing. But her excitement brushed away when she realized he was wearing boxer.

“Disappointed?” He acidly said. She grimaced.

‘I really am.’

“How can you move on if just seeing my body makes you drooling? How about more if my di—”

She cuts him off. “Then, I will cut your dick if it’s the only way to move on.” She left him speechless.

She went to the toilet and locked the door. She burst out. One thing is for sure, everyone will be drool at her husband’s body. He’s so manly and shouting sexiness. That’s why all girls fall for him. He has a charismatic way that no one can resist.

When she already finished, Gavin and she went downstairs together to meet their parents. They should see them a lovable couple, so, they acted again as if they’re really in love with each other. Gavin even fed her and wiped her lips. Their parents were complementing the sweetness that bonds them together. But little did they know it was just an act. Everything was a lie.

“You both, can you give us grandchild by this year?” Her dad joked but half true.

“I really hope when we visited, here again, there are already kids playing in the living room.” Gavin’s mom laughed as she uttered those words.

Gavin went to her back then wrapped his arms on her waist and rest his chin on her shoulder. She can feel the electricity running through her skin the moment Gavin touched her belly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll work hard to create a little angel inside her womb,” Gavin gently touch her belly and a sudden sensation covered her inside. Her cheeks were flaring red.

“Keep your words, sweetie.” Her mom said.

When the parents already went away, Gavin harshly pulled his hands away from her. It seems like she’s the most disgusting person that he never wants to touch again. Gavin went to his room.

Gavin shouldn’t promise to their parents about her pregnancy. How could they make a baby if he doesn’t even want to lay his hands on her? She was pretty sure that his promise will never happen. They’re just giving their parents false hope. She heaved a deep sigh as she entered inside the kitchen.

She helped Manang Belen to clean the kitchen.

“Did you sleep beside Gavin?” Manang Belen asked.

She nodded. “But he ordered me to sleep on the floor first.” She rolled her eyes and grimaced. Manang giggled and shook her head.

“What if Gavin was just controlling himself to not to express his true feelings to you? What if he really cares—”

“Stop it, Manang. Don’t give me false hope.”

“I’m just saying—”

“Manang, please. I’m tired of hoping.” She grimly said.

She doesn’t know how many times she felt the pain. She’s controlling her emotions for her not to cry again but she’s always failing.

When she can be immune to those emotions that killing her inside?