
Third Person's Point of View

AYANA was driving her car as she headed to the company. Her eyes were a little bit sleepy as she cried all night. Different thoughts made her awoke last night.

She just focused herself on driving instead of thinking nonsense things again. She yawned and slightly massaged her temple. She’s not feeling well. She needs more sleep!

She was driving carefully but her world stopped spinning when there was a black car hitting her car’s side. She was losing her control on the steering wheel as her body was bouncy. It was hitting her intentionally.

She tried to look who’s inside the black car that still hitting hers but the window was tinted. She really can’t see who’s inside.

She groaned in pain when her head banged on the steering wheel as the black car was already on her back and still hitting her. She wants to stop her car but she’s afraid that if she goes outside, the black car might hit her.

She touched her head and she saw blood on her hand. Damn! She’s bleeding and her sight was already blurred. Nervous and fear sipped through her. The black car continuously hit her. She was about to grab her phone to call for help but her head banged once again as the black car bumped hers. The big impact of it made her sight blank and she already lost her consciousness.

GAVIN was sitting on his swivel chair while doing his works. But his mind was occupied. He suddenly felt anger again. How dare Ayana go out with another man? Even though Asher is his cousin, it’s still not right to go with him. Add the fact that he never introduced Asher to his wife.

He rested his back on the swivel chair and closed his eyes for a second. Why is he thinking his wife?

‘You need to focus, Gavin. You have so many things to do.’

He was about to continue his work but his phone rang. He irritatingly answered the unregistered call.

“Who’s thi—”

“Is this Mr. Gavin de la Vega? Ayana’s cousin?” A professional voice lingered on the other line.

Confusion suddenly registered on his face. ‘Cousin? Is he just her cousin?’

“Yes, I’m her cousin.” He insincerely answered.

He heard the woman gasped. “Are you the CEO of de la Vega Company?”

He was a little bit irritated now. “What do you want? You’re wasting my time.”

He heard her giggled. “Oh, you’re really indeed Gavin de la Vega.”

“You’re just wasting my—”

The woman stopped him to hang up the call. “Wait, sir. This is about your cousin, Ayana. You are in her emergency call list and it stated there that you are her cousin. Sadly to say, Mr. de la Vega, your cousin is admitted to our hospital because of a car accident—”

He unconsciously stands up the moment he heard the word ‘accident’. “What?! How is she? Is she fine now? Who did that to her? What’s your hospital name?” He asked spontaneously. His eyes were wide and full of shock.

“Please calm down, Mr. de la Vega. We’re doing our best to make your cousin safe.” The woman said with a calm and professional voice.

Why he gets irritated every time the woman that probably a nurse called him Ayana’s cousin? He’s her husband, for fuck’s sake!

He jerked his head. And why the hell he reacted that way?

“How could I be calm if my cousin is lying on a hospital bed?” He emphasized the word ‘cousin’. Irritation was visible on his voice. He clenched his jaw. “What’s the name of the hospital?”

“Medix Hospital, sir—”

Before she could finish her sentence, he already hanged up the call. He harshly stands up and wore his coat.

He went out in his office and immediately walked towards the elevator.

“Where are you going, Sir? Your meeting will start in a minut—” He cuts her secretary off.

“Cancel it.”

“But sir—”

“I said cancel it!” His voice was powerful and deep. He glared at her secretary.

He drove his car so fast as if he’s the only one who’s driving in the road. The moment he arrived at the hospital, he went to the emergency room and there, he saw his wife, lying on a hospital bed—unconscious and full of blood.

What he saw was tearing his heart apart. He felt like a knife stabbed his heart for a million times. His stone heart suddenly melted.

Seeing his wife in that situation made him feel guilty. It seems like he can feel the pain that Ayana feeling right now. He suddenly wants to exchange himself in Ayana’s situation. So, he’s the only one who could feel the pain.

He slowly walked towards his unconscious wife. And he carefully touched her bloody head. His face was painted with pain. Why the hell is he feeling that way?

He closed his fist and stopped touching Ayana’s face. The doctor and some nurses came.

“Why the hell you didn’t still treat her?!” He sounded angry and certain.

“Sorry, Sir. We’re going to treat her now.”

Fear was visible on the doctor's and nurses’ faces. They might already know who’s the person in front of them. They brought Ayana in the operating room.

Her wife was still unconscious. He sat on the waiting area as his knees wobble. He was still thinking if he’ll call their parents or not.

Uneasiness was enveloping him. He needs to see her wife safe to stop himself from worrying. He took a deep breath as he leaned his face on his hands.

‘Damn it! I hate this feeling.’