
The chief sat in his office when an officer rushed in with a package for chief marked with a 4-point star,a mark used when it was urgent and used only when someone extremely important was in danger.

The chief looked at the package and he quickly gestured the officer to close the door and shut the blinds.

Once the room was blocked from outside eyes, the officer sat down infront of the chief.

"Officer Jones, who delivered this??"

Chief asked.

"Chief, a young boy left this on my desk and told me it was urgent. Along with this letter...It's got your name on it."

He said handing chief the note.

"I tried asking him who it was from but he said you would know and ran off.... Before i could stop or catch him he exited the building."

Chief took the note and immediately recognized the handwriting.

Chief - a guy in his mid-40s, tough and harsh, rarely out of words - was stunned.....

It had been so long since I heard from him.

Wonder What's this about??!

Chief dismissed the officer and warned him not to mention about this package to anyone.

The package was small and roughly the length of a chocolate bar.

Chief ripped open the packaging and a recorder fell on his table.

He picked it up and looked around for some reason, like someone might be spying on him.

Once satisfied, he played the recording hoping to find something. And then he heard a voice. Someone shouting orders.

Recording: "We raid the building tonight... And get her.Prepare the men. She will be with me tonight no matter what...."

And the recording stopped. His eyes went wide as he could recognize that voice even in a concert.

That was all he needed to hear to know who the recording was about. Chief looked at the time. It was a bit past 3. He had to get to WPC hostel building fast and get Amelthia out of there.

He had recognized her the moment she had walked into his office a few days ago. How could he forget her face. Her parents and the Chief knew each other, not on pleasant terms but still. And he knew Amelthia never interfered in what her parents did, she was innocent and clean.

He decided to protect her on the deal that she would provide him necessary info he needed. And she agreed to do, once she was in her right mind.

He listened to the recording again. And realized they were gonna attack tonight.

He grabbed his coat and badge, along with his gun, and swung the door open.

Felix was at his desk working on some other case, when suddenly chief told him to come with him, along with some other officer.

"No!! We will not use our police cars. We can't have attention drawn to us.... We will take our personal cars.Officer Blake, and Jones, you 3 take one of ur cars. Officer Judy and Mac, you 2 are together and officer leger, you come with me!!"

Everyone was confused but they obeyed.

All of them turned on their walkie talkies. And as they sat in the car, Chief explained what they were gonna do.

"Listen up everyone!! Safe house no.3 is empty right now.We are gonna transport someone there right this moment. We have to be undetected because the person can be under observation by the one we are trying to protect her from..."

Felix was driving chief's car. He snapped his head towards him, confused if chief was talking about Amelthia....

"Focus on driving, Felix leger!!"

Cheif said off radio.

"Oh sorry sir! Please continue. "

Felix gripped the steering a little tighter, wanting to find out about that girl so badly now.

Chief continued.

"We will pick her up right now and we will get separated from the WPC hostel building onwards. Even If they see us, they wouldn't know which car she would be in!! Officer Judy i want you to go towards the skid row street once we get her. Officer Leger and i will have the girl with us."

Officer Judy on radio: "Yes sir!!"

"Officer Jones, i want you to go towards the outskirts of the city."

Officer Jones on radio: "Yes sir!!!"

After a while,

They were near the building.

"Good. That's all. I hope you know what you have to do from now onwards. Over and out!!"

And the chief turned off the radio.

Felix looked at the chief from the corner of his eye.

"Officer Leger, you looking at me like this will not make me want to tell you anything."

Chief said looking straight ahead.

"But chief don't u think i have the right to know about what's going on here. Like, who is she and why are you taking her to the safe house.We use them for VVVIP!!!"

"Officer Leger, i would tell you once I feel the time is right.Right now, neither me nor she can trust or tell anyone. And one more thing..."

Felix looked up at Chief, stopping the car infront of WPC hostel building.

"Yes sir..."

"You are gonna spend 24/7 of your time with miss Amelthia now. I will assign a team to protect the house groundings, but you will be with her all the time. As her personal security guard....Is that clear??"

Felix looked at him shocked.

Felix protests.

"Sir that is not my job."

"Your job is what i order you to do. And i order you to be her personal security guard."

The chief bellowed, quick of temper as always.

On radio

Officer Judy: "Chief we are here! And we have exited the car. Going through the back door. Over!!"

Chief: "Roger that!!"

Felix was stunned but he didn't say anything more. He just agreed.

So now i have to be with a girl, whose hidden identity is killing me, 24/7... This ought to be interesting.

He thought smiling to himself. The chief and Felix exited there car and started walking towards the back of the building.


Amelthia was sitting in her room. She would get sudden tremors but she was not crying anymore.

She was sitting on her bed with a book when she heard some noises down the hall. She got up and walked towards the door. Pressing her ear on it, trying to figure out what the noise was, as the building was mostly peaceful and silent.

What is happening out there??

She heard several footsteps, like too many people were headed right towards her door. She moved back. Scared.

Her breathing got heavy. Her door was knocked a couple of times. Quite hard. Her breath hitched as she stood in the middle of the room. Shivers running down her body.

He is here!!! He found me!! I don't wanna go back to him!!! God please don't do this to me!!! Pleaaasssee!!!!

Tear's ran down her face.

She was jittering, her whole body shaking as she cried huge jarring sobs.

Another set of hard knocking.

"Miss singer, it's me chief Bogo. Open up! It's very urgent."

He loudly said.

Amelthia gulped down her lump and quickly opened the door. She was crying, too terrified.

The chief looked at her- looking miserable and so vulnerable- reminding him of his own daughter.

He hugged her in a fatherly manner and shushed her. All the officers along with Felix stood there, confused as hell.

" Shhhhh, it's ok!I will not let anything happen to u Amelthia. I promised you that. And u know I am very good at keeping promises."

He pulled back and wiped her tears.

Amelthia nodded.

"I know. I-i just g-got scared that it m-might be him."

She said, her body still shaking.

"Sir we don't have much time. The quicker we get her out of here, the better."

Officer Blake popped in.

Amelthia looked at chief, confused.

She wiped rest of her tears and asked,

"What's he talking about?? Are you kicking me out?? Please don't!! I would die out there."

"Amelthia no! Listen! He found out where you are.... We are just moving you to a safe house. It's near the old factory but still far enough... No one can find you there.. And officer Felix will be with you 24/7.Isn't that right mr.leger!!?"

Chief said looking back at Felix.

"Yes Miss Amelthia. I would be there to protect you."

He smiled looking at her.

Amelthia's heart skipped a beat seeing his bright smile.

His smile is warming.

She gave him her best smile.

"Thank you felix!!"

She said casually.

Felix blushed at seeing her beautiful smile and her sweet tone she used for thanks.

*Did she had to give me that smile??! She is soo pretty.....And innocent looking..Makes me wonder what her dark secret is.. Such an innocent face. How can i be with her 24/7, without falling for h-....

what are u thinking Felix! You are an officer.She is just another one of your case. Get it together! It's against protocol!

Chief explained to Amelthia what they were gonna do now. Amelthia agreed to everything.

"I don't care about anything else as long as he doesn't get his hands on me!!"

Amelthia said, standing a little straighter.

She quickly rushed inside to grab somethings she had with her, especially her mothers necklace.

"Let's go!!"

She said firmly, holding herself together and being strong.

The officers nodded and started to walk down.

Felix stayed behind the group, closer to Amelthia. He was so close that he could smell the strawberry shampoo she used to wash her hair.

Felix was 6ft. But Amelthia was short 5ft 6inches. He towered amelthia.

They sat in the cars. Amelthia hid her self between Felix and chief and quickly sat in. And they proceeded to drive as planned. They noticed a car following them but as soon as the 3 cars split, the following car started to go after Jones car, thinking they might be taking the girl out of the city.

Chief smiled as he had predicted this.

It was about 1 hour ride to get across to the other side of the city. But once they did, Amelthia already felt a lot safer. No one, not a single person was insight. And the trees hid the house pretty well, camouflaging it due to its wooden exterior.

The house was built quite nice. Two story house with a porch. 3 bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Kitchen, lounging area and a study room along with a panic/safe room.

"This is your new safe heaven, Amelthia."

Chief said.

Amelthia looked at it in awe as Felix watched her wondered expression thinking how adorable she looked.

"It's soo small. I only have ever lived in big houses or mansions.It's soo small that it is a refreshing change!"

Amelthia said still looking at the house and stood on the porch.

Mansions, big houses!!? Who is she and what is she hiding?!?

Chief patted Felix's back, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Protect her with your life, my boy! Nothing must happen to her."

Chief said with an unusual warmth.

Felix was shocked to see chief so soft. He was usually harsh and had a stone cold expression.

*what does she mean to chief for him to care sooo much about her???*

Felix nodded.

"I will get going. I will bring you necessary stuff tomorrow morning. Not by myself but you will get them. Take care!!"

Chief sat in the car and drove off and Felix went inside the safe house.

Unlocking the door with his retinal scan.

He called Amelthia and entered her finger prints and retinal scan in.

"Now u can open the doors and lock them on your own."

She nodded. And they went inside.The data input in safe houses was secure and was only accessible to higher ups, Amelthia knew that do she was relieved and didn't felt scared about her fingerprints, or that Felix could use them to find out something about her.

She was sure her parents had removed everything about her. she felt safer here now.With Felix beside her.


Man 1: "S-sorry sir, we lost her!!"


The guy flinched a little, scared for his knife. The boss was holding a knife in his hand, twirling it.

Man 1: "W-we followed the wrong car, b-boss.They just went to the outskirts and s-stopped th-there for 10 min. Then drove back to the police station.The girl never came out of the car."

The "boss" suddenly threw the knife the man.

The man looked down at his chest, the handle of the dagger sticking out, as blood soaked his shirt.

He fell down and bled to death. No one dare to move and help him.


He pinched the bridge of his nose.

And ordered one of his guys to call one of his workers in police station and find out where she went.

Boss: "I will find you, Amelthia!!! You can never stay away from me!!!! "

And he laughed maniacally.