
The chief drove back to his office. Once he reached his workplace, he gathered some official papers to get them signed by the head so that they wouldn't have to go through trails and investigation.

He emailed the head and told him about the situation and asked for a meet up.

In the meantime, as he waited for a reply, he gathered some male and female clothes and got the papers for the ones that would provide Felix and Amelthia with food and anything they needed as long as they stayed there.

Chief got a reply and a date and time for the meet up. He texted Felix and told him an address and time where he was to come and collect the clothes. And for the time being see if they had any food packages in the safe house.


As soon as Amelthia walked in the safe house, she rushed in a room and took a bath. She wore her clothes back and came out with a towel around her head.

Felix did a perimeter search in the mean time, just to be sure no one had followed them or if anyone was lurking around.

Amelthia sat down on the couch and took a sigh of relief.

Felix sat down on the chair infront of her. He had read the text from chief and had to leave early next morning. He would be back in 2 hrs of leaving.

They sat there in awkward silence for an awfully long time. Amelthia stared at Felix and made him feel awkward.


He said, breaking the silence.

"Don't mind me. Just watching."

She said still looking at his face.

"Is there something wrong? Do i have something on my face?"

"Oh no. No, no!!!"

She said waving her hand in air in front of her to oppose.



Amelthia said.

" u like this??"

Felix said trying to start a conversation.

"What, the house??"

Amelthia asked pointing at the roof and walls.

He nodded.

"Well, i am used to living in very big spaces, but it's better than that small, confining hostel room."

She said smiling a little.

"You must be rich then. What do your parents do??"

Amelthia went silent again, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Sorry, I did it again. It's just how I have been since I was a kid. Asking questions all the time!!"

He said chuckling a little to calm her nerves.

Amelthia gave a weak smile but stayed quite for a minute before speaking again,

"Uh...i wanted to ask...what are the rules and my bed time??"

Felix looked at her astonished.

A grown woman is asking for bedtime?!?!?

"Uh what?? Bedtime??"

He asked a little shocked,

"Yes. My bedtime and any rules you might have. Like what to eat and what to wear. And uh what to do, when to do know...rules and regulations!"

Felix was taken back.

"You must have lots of rules back where you were living, huh??"

He asked.

Amelthia looked down at her lap.


She said fidgeting with her fingers.

"I had strict rules to follow, a bed time, a diet plan, my clothing wear, even...even doing little stuff like when to take a bath..."

Felix could see thousands of memories pass in front of her eyes as she said that.

He was too stunned to say anything.


a grown woman, rich, supposedly, having this many restrictions??? Maybe she must have everything planned out for her that's why?? But they way she says it....

After a while he spoke

"well you have no rules or anything. Just one. You may never, NEVER, leave my side. Always take me everywhere you go! No matter how short you would be gone for..."

He said emphasising his every words importance.

Amelthia's face lit up at hearing she had no restrictions and nodded happily at his one rule.

"That would not be hard to follow!!!!

Thank you!!"


Felix's stomach grumbled.

Felix said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Sorry I haven't eaten anything all day!!"

"It's ok!! We might find something in the kitchen cabinets. I'll cook something."

She got up and quickly went to the kitchen and opened the cabinets, searching for packaged food.

"Well, this safe house had been closed for the past month. The last person we had tucked in here was sent to Australia. I bet we won't find anything here."

"Found it."

She said holding up two packs of ramen.

"Oh...but they might be expired. We do-"

"Nope! It's says here they don't expire until next year!"

Amelthia said looking at the packets.

Felix: "oh..."

Amelthia giggled at his slightly embarrassed expression and made the ramen.

She brought 2 bowls of ramen after 10 minutes. And set them down on the table.

They sat down and ate and had a little talk in between but went silent again.

After finishing it, Felix got up and washed the dishes. Amelthia turned on the tv but turned it back off, seeing nothing interesting was on.

She sat quietly, thinking something and Felix sat back in his chair, with a police academy textbook and started reading it.

Amelthia, without realising, started humming and singing in a low voice.

Felix listened to the sound. He felt it was quite familiar but couldn't pin point why?? And after a few moments he realised why it felt familiar.

He looked at her but then got up and sat next to her.

"You miss your mother, don't you??"

He asked her as he patted er shoulder seeing how sad she looked.

She nodded.

"I miss my parents too. But I can't meet mine...they passed away!"

He said in a low voice, filled with heavy sadness.

"Oh...i-i am sorry for y-your loss..."

Amelthia said looking at him, being more sad.

"It's ok!! It's been 8 years now. I was very young!"

Felix said.

"W-what happened?? I mean how did they..."

Amelthia asked being sad.

"Oh, it was a burglary!! The robbers shot them but could never reach me. I hid in a cabinet...."

Felix lied to her. Well, half lied. They were shot and he was hidden in a cabin but they weren't burglars...he knew better.


Amelthia and Felix both sat in silence now.

"Can you...can you sing that song for me??"

Felix asked her.

"Huh, what?? Nooo, i am a terrible singer!!!"

Amelthia shook her head and laughed a little.

"Oh come on!!! I told you about my parents and now i am sad, might get suicidal!"

He winked at her playfully.

Amelthia laughed at that.

"Ok ok!!!"

He smiled at her warm smile, she looked more beautiful when she was laughing and happy.

It felt like she radiated sunshine.

She took a deep breath and started singing the verse her mom used to sing her the most, the one that gave her hope the most.

"Just keep breathing' and breathing' and breathing' and breathing'

And oh, I gotta keep, keep on breathing'

Just keep breathing' and breathing' and breathing' and breathing'

And oh, I gotta keep, keep on breathing' "

she kept singing it in a low voice.

With each passing second, Felix became more and more sure that this was the same melody he had focused on that day and it was the same girl.

He just needed to find out who she was and if she could lead him to the boy standing behind the trigger that killed his father.

Even after 8 years he distinctly remembered it all. He remembered his face, the boy whose first kill was his father.