Chapter 3

Opening my eyes, I was welcomed by, too bright a light, I had to put my hands over my eyes to reduce the amount of light flooding into my eyes.


"Son... Do me a favor and get your lousy arse out of bed to school now"... My mom said behind the door.

Then it struck... The bite, The Adventure, Mason, and wait... How'd I get home?... Pushing that question aside I touched my side having not felt any pain coming from there earlier.



The pain is no more, I climbed out of bed dragging my lazy legs to the mirror to get a better look at the wound.

"Shit... How come? "... I asked no one in particular but myself

"It's gone! "... I half exclaimed.

"What's gone Jay darl? "... Mom asked behind the doors

"Huh... Mom, I had a boil, but I'm surprised it's gone this morning"... I lied easily

Mom came in opening the door and looking at me for a fraction of seconds before advancing to me.

"Awwn... Jay, you never mentioned the boil to me"... She asked in one of her saucy tone.

She's been doing lately after Dad's demise.

"Mom... I thought we talked about this, I'm old enough to look after myself"... I replied her

"Young man... Don't forget you're still under my roof dear"... She said giving me one of her sheepish smile.

"That I know of mom"... I replied turning my back to her while advancing to the bathroom.

"Wait there young man... Is it just me or is there's been a change in you?"... Mom asked why closely inspecting me

"I don't know mom... Maybe cos you've not been doing a good job watching after me"... I said smiling even when I knew twas gonna hurt her

"Jay!... Don't u say that, I've been trying my possible best to look after you, it's just work darl... Everything will change soon"... She said almost teary.

"Promise"... I asked

"Promise"... She replied back

"Okay mom... If you keep at this, I won't be getting to school any early"... I said, evading any more questions she would've loved to ask

"Jay?"... She called to me

"Yes mom"...

"Just be careful baby"... She said it with so much worry that I had to remember I was still that frail child that needs help from any one.

I was hurt.

"I will mom... I will"... I answered not meeting her eyes this time.

After a quick bath, I rummaged through my clothes for a better outfit. I settled for a cyan T-shirt and a deep blue crazy jean. I put on the shirt and was surprised it didn't fit in my body again... Twas like the shirt shrunk or something.

I walked back to the mirror and took in my whole body...

"Wow"... I exclaimed

The flesh I didn't have had already filled up and Boy... Could I see muscle?... Damn I already had muscles...

"That's sweet"...

I quickly changed from the Cyan T-shirt to a yellow hoodie that was way bigger than me in my former form.

The good thing is that it fits


Getting to school... I scanned everywhere for the slight trace of Jake. I felt bad already that I hadn't waited for him or better still help ward off that monster. How I found my way out of the wood last night was a miracle to me.

"I hope that beast didn't get to Jake... Cos I sure would be on my way to the station writing statements any time soon"... I thought

"What's the noise about now"... I turned trying to access what the noise what all about. I squinted trying to pick out the center of the commotion, only to see someone wearing a yellow hoodie and a dark blue crazy jeans advance towards my direction.

"Now what's with this popular kids causing such a scene"... I asked not bothering to see the face of the guy advancing.


That voice, I know that voice even in my sleep, I raised up my heads only to see Jake...

Wait... Is this Jake or another version of him, cos... I mean, he's changed, fill out nd slightly taller now.

"Jake buddie"... I ran towards him engulfing him in a warm embrace.

"I thought the beast had you there last night"... I asked in a low tone, not wanting anyone hear of our little adventure.

"I thought it had too... But Bro, I barely escaped it..." Jake replied grinning

"Don't worry... I'll brief you on the details after class today"...

"You had better..." I replied a bit anxious for class to start and end quickly for him to tell me.

"In the Cafeteria, usual spot"... He answered back smiling softly.

"Meet you there"... I answered and left for my class while he, his.

*Alexa's Pov*

"Huh... Girls what's up with attention everyone is giving that new kid, cos I don't think I've seen that kid around"...

"Uhm... Alexa... That's no new kid, I think that's Jake"... Amanda answered.

"Jake!"... Alexa, Melisandra, Lizzy and Rose said in unison.

"It can't be, I mean what type of attention can he attract than him committing suicide or fainting?"... I asked doing some thinking myself.

"Or probably him falling to pieces like the bag of bones he is".... A sarcastic Lizzy chipped in

"Girls... You may want to rethink all you've said"... Amanda said pointing in the direction of the now receding crowd.

"Huh... Isn't that Mason with the guy?"... Rose asked

"Sure... But that can't be Jake, I mean... Might be his twin brother"... I asked so surprised of what I'm seeing before me

"He never mentioned he has a twin"... Melisandra said

"Girls... Do me a favor and find out bout him for me, I can't have anyone reducing my popularity"... I ordered

*Jake's Pov*

This new attention I receive from everyone keeps irking me out, I'm not used to it though, but I liked it at first though... But it's getting unbearable already. Everyone wanted to know how I moved from one frail and weak boy to this present super cute me.

"I'm proud of me"... I thought

I was still deep in this thought when I felt something being lunched at me, or was it my instinct or heightened sense... Anyone.

My hand stretched out quicker than I could even control and caught the object thrown. Twas a paper rolled into a ball, I was about to launch it back until I saw that something was written in it... I opened it and saw that it was a message...

"Meet me in the basketball court after recess"...

That was all that was written in the crumpled note... I turned the back for any other clue but found none. But something struck, a very faint perfume... I could smell it still lingering in the note.

"So a girl wrote it"... I said to myself smiling

"I would find you later"

"Mr Jake, you might want to tell the class what amuses you in a Physics class"... Mrs Piston asked glaring at me

"No ma'am"... "I'm sorry ma'am"...

I heard chuckle from the back of the class and was surprised to hear other voices, not in the class but outside... Concentrating more I discovered I could also hear heartbeat of every one in class, each with it's own resonance and frequency...

I smiled, knowing fully well that I'm in a physics class, but I quickly wiped off the smile knowing fully well that if Mrs Piston saw me smiling again I might bag a detention.

Okay... Haven found out I have enhanced hearing, I tried smell too... Noting that each and everyone in class gives off different scent.

Smiling, "it won't be bad if I tried my sight too"... I thought. It's not as if i would be able to see through walls or something like Superman. But I tried all the same. Twas then I noticed that everyone in class including Mrs Piston were all giving off distinct colours, each different from the other.

"That's it... Mr Jake, if you don't wipe off that grin from your face, I'll wipe it off for you with Detention"... A pissed of Mrs Piston said

"I'm sorry ma'am"...

"Uhm... ma'am, I'd like to use the rest room"... I requested wanting out of the class at all cost

"You can go... But you have 5mins to return to the class"...

"Yes ma'am"... I replied hurriedly heading for the door.

Until I caught the scent of the perfume that was lingering from the crumpled note coming from someone. I turned in the direction the scent was coming from only to find out twas coming from Rose.

Wait ROSE! wasn't she part of Alexa's clique or what?... Our eyes locked and she winked and smiled at me before I hurriedly left the classroom.

Rose of all people?... Wants to meet with me?... Whatever this bite did to me, I think I want more of it, never had anyone sent me anything related to note or never have anyone had a crush on me. I glanced at the clock just above the hall and saw that I still had 3 minutes to get back to class. I needed to clear my head.

Now what's wrong with me, heightened hearing, smell, and sight. I just can't explain all this, and it's happening just barely 13 hours after the bite. Eish... I wasn't even worried the wound has disappeared and left no trace at all. Maybe if I tell Mason, he'll know what's wrong.

I was about to turn back to class when I heard Alexa's voice down the corridor, but twas like she was talking directly into my ears.

"How'd it happen?"... I heard her ask

"No one knows, twas like he did some sort of surgery or so"... A voice answered back, a voice I think belong to Lizzy

"He couldn't have pulled that one off within 24 hours and even if he could he doesn't have the money to do so"... Amanda chipped in

"I don't know how he pulled that off, but I'll surely find out what he did to himself"... Alexa said. I could sense the promise venom and urgency in her tone.

"Jake you've heard enough already... Back to class"... I told myself before slipping back in class.

"Ha... Mr Jake, right time for you to return back, we are about to have a pop quiz"... She said enjoying that it came unaware to everyone.

"I hate pop quiz"... I said in my mind

"Gosh... This can't be, not today"... I heard Rose say, or I thought I heard her say, cos her mouth wasn't moving. I think I'm going crazy...

"Oh my gosh... He's staring at me, isn't he something"... She reeled off in her mind but stopped when she noticed me smiling

"She mustn't find out I'm evading her privacy by listening to her thought"... I thought to myself

I could feel her staring at me. It took all I had not to turn back and look at her. I have a more pressing need right now. Passing the pop quiz.