"That was all that happened Mason"... I finished off after narrating all that happened to Mason.
"So what other things can you do? "... Mason asked
"I don't know for sure right now, guess it won't be a crime to find out though"... I answered
"So you are saying Rose sent you that note right".. Mason said, changing the discussion.
"Yes buddy, she did, for a reason I don't know, cos I thought that clique hate my gut"...
"Only way to find out what she want is by going to see her where she asked you to meet with her"... Mason said, somewhat looking sad.
"Shit... Can I also smell emotions, this can't be any good for me"... I reeled off in my mind
“Okay buddy, I'll do just that...” I answered with a blank expression not wanting him to suspect anything.
I checked my watch, past Twelve already...
“Hey buddy, mind if I excuse myself for some time, I've got to know why Rose wants to see me”...
“No probs bro, I'll see ya later”... Mason answered winking.
I reeled off to the basketball court in high anticipation of finally getting to meet Rose, not that I like her, but the prospect of her being the first to make me come meet her... Hmmmm, I'll think about that later. As I cornered the corridor towards the basketball court, I had a feeling in my gut that something's not right. I waited a few heartbeats and heard several heartbeats advancing towards me.
“Well... Well... Well... What do we have here? If it's not the newly turned lycan”... A guy I knew to be known as Charles said as he came into view from the corridor alongside his other three.
“You really think you can escape from us?”
“What do you mean by US?” I asked confused
“Do you mean you're also like me?”...
“Yeah... Like you, if it's to be put that way, but a pure blood and not a mongrel like you”... Charles answered advancing with his 'brothers'
“Mongrel?... Why's that?, Cos I was turned?... I reeled on
“Jake... You know for a newly turned Lycan, you sure talk a lot”...
“When has asking questions become a crime"...
“I just want to know what's happening to me, All this changes, it's actually new to me"...
“Oh... Bout that, Since you're freshly turned, you still have a lot to learn, like your control, strength and the like”... Juan was the one to answer this time.
“So?...” I asked with a quizzical expression plastered on my face.
“So... You'll have to come with us back into the woods this night for the training, and for you to meet 'Our' Alpha who "turned" you... Raden spoke up this time and somehow paused a lil bit on the 'turned'.
“Turned?... Or you mean tried to kill?... If 'twasn't that I was able to reach that barrier of a sort, I'm sure I'd have been dead by now”.
“But you aren't dead stupid”... A pissed off Josh fired back
“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr”... I let out a growl and was surprised I actually did.
“Don't you dare growl at me kid”... Josh growled out, his eyes glowing a fiery blue
I looked at the other three and saw that they also had glowing eyes too.
“Tw... Twas just the fact I said, if 'twasn't for that barrier that saved me I'd have been dead. And it's what you guys know”.
“Hey Charles let's leave this joker alone, we have more pressing issue to attend to... And by the way, we'll be expecting you in the woods tonight... And I'll advice you not to try anything funny, cos that luck that helped you out there might run out on you this time”... Raden said, with disgust written all over his face.
The four brothers left the same way they came and left me there with my thoughts.
“Fuck the woods, I ain't going anywhere near that woods anymore”...
I smelled her before she got near.
“Hey Jake, been expecting you... Why didn't you show up at the basketball court?”... Rose said as soon as she saw me.
“Was bout to come, but I was caught up with something, Erm... I'm sorry...”
“Huh... The apology is not accepted...” She said giving me one of her flirty smile. “You'll have to prove you're really sorry for keeping me all by myself”.
“Anything I can do?”... I asked suspecting I might not like what she'll say but trying hard not to show it
“Huh... Maybe dinner at my place would fix it”.
“Ahem... Seems nice”. I said not sure of which emotion I'm willing to grab at the moment.
“Seven o'clock it is then”... She said and left the same way she came swaying her hip.
Now, I don't understand what's going on, cos I know Rose for who she is, being part of Alexa's clique, and those group of annoyance have been the apex of disturbance for me as far back as I can remember.
“But what would she want with me now?”. I mused aloud.
“I don't like her a bit”... My wolf said distastefully.
“I agree with you, but let me take a shot at this first”.
“She's all but trouble, and don't say I didn't warn you”. My wolf finished off before returning to it's corner somewhere in my head.
“Thanks for the advice Wolfie”... I said expecting a come back from him, but nothing came in retaliation.
“I gave you a little assignment, and you couldn't even do it!”.
“I had thought you guys capable of doing it before giving you such assignment, and now look what you've done”.
Alpha Xavier stared hard at the four boys as they stayed bowed in front of him, none of them could dare lift their head or mutter anything. Earlier that day, he had requested them to persuade Jake the 'turned' werewolf or as he would plainly put it 'the mistake', to come over, and now all he heard them say was that he wasn't coming.
“Xavier”... Emily called to her mate and draped her arm around around his shoulders. “I'm sure it's not their fault dear”.
She glanced up at her mate, emotion plastered on her face. “Why not have them watch him closely before the full moon nears, at least we've got 'bout a week before the next one”. She reached up and brushed her fingers across his cheeks, knowing full well the effect it always have on him.
“Alright...” answered the alpha. “But that does not make you guys fully pardoned”. He said pointing at the four boys.
“Thanks Alpha, Thanks Luna”. They answered in unison. “We'll make sure to keep an eye on him sir”... Charles finished off for the rest.
A soft cry came from within one of the numerous rooms in the alpha's lodge. Emily turned and was leaving toward the direction the cry was coming from.
“Twas high time he woke up for his lunch... Let me go and tend to him dear”. She planted a kiss on her mate, turned and left.
Turning to the four boys before him Xavier had no other option than to dismiss them.
“You're dismissed, all of you”.
They all stood up to leave, but before they all left, he called back Charles.
“Yes Alpha”...
“Just one thing from you, If you see him growing violent, don't ever hesitate to take him down”. The Alpha said with an unsure glint in his eyes.
“Yes sir”. Charles answered, turned and left, leaving the alpha alone with his thoughts.
A moment later, a young pup ran towards him beaming with smile, he lifted the pup and launched him a bit higher up.
“That's enough Xarvis, leave dad alone, I'm sure you know he's got tons of pack work to attend to”. Emily said standing akimbo by the doorway and smiling hard at both the Alpha and her pup.
“Okay mum, just one minute”. The young pup pleaded still grabbing tight to his dad.
Carrying him back to his mum, Xavier said. “Look who's gonna grow up and become the next Alpha”.