Dabbie's POV
Dabbie stayed put, invisible to every prowling eyes... Watching the unfolding fight between her mother, and the strange man. She'd always known what a great fighter her mother is. The scene unfolding before her turned out to be a very bloody one already.
She looked at the body of the lifeless man before her, a man she's always called father, and her Hero; she turned to look at her mother, who was battling for both their lives, and the man she's growing to loathe so much with each passing seconds.
The man who has ended her father's life at a go, and who is now trying to end hers, and her mother's as well; a stupid smirk plastered on his face, as he was inflicting cut on her mother who didn't flinch a bit.
“Give up already Devon”. He said not breaking off from fighting still.
“You're no match for me dear; you're fighting a lost battle”.
“I'll rather die fighting you Dormerac, than accept defeat and surrender to you; you aren't coming anywhere near my child”. Devon said; and Dabbie could have sworn she saw her eyes flickered to the exact spot where she stayed hidden before any lurking force.
Dabbie flinched when the attack Dormerac launched on her mother almost took off her hand, but being who she is, it healed back faster. Even with all the supernatural healing, Devon was already getting tired, the thread on which she's been hanging on for life was becoming thinner.
Something distracted her for a split of seconds, she looked through the window and could've sworn she saw moving objects on some sticks or some sorts. A fume of dark matter jolted her back to her former view of the battle happening before her, but to her greatest surprise, neither her mother nor Dormerac was within view again, twas as though they disapparated from the spot.
She looked frantically around for any clue where they might be, but couldn't fine them, as she made to search further for their whereabout, four figures made their ways into the living room each holding a broom. Or something that looks like it though. She began to panic.
“I think He knows we were coming”. The one with purple hair said first, scanning the living room with hawk like eyes.
“Do you think that's possible?”. A red headed one asked.
“Even if he got wind of us coming, he couldn't have left so fast though”. The third one said, she looks rather dorky wearing all black.
“Search around. . . The Mage might still be around here somewhere”.
Dabbie watched as the red headed witch went through her on her way to the rooms upstairs. She only got as far as 6 steps away from her, then stopped abruptly. She turned around and looked straight at where She was. As if she could see where she was.
“Lady Diane what do you see?” The purple headed one asked.
“I feel a presence here Lady Ellen, it's faint though, but whoever I felt is still there”. Lady Diane said
Dabbie stood still, petrified that she would soon be caught, she tried everything she could to refrain from sobbing and freaking out. But she couldn't control the little streak of glittering blue tears that escaped her tear bag.
“Alas! Lady Ellen she's here”.
“It couldn't have been, the tears of a Mage is something I can never miss”. Lady Diane said.
The other witches looked around not sure of what was going on though.
“Dabbie Donovan, reveal yourself, we're not here to harm you, we're here to help you”.
Dabbie flinch the moment she heard her name, being a werewolf alongside other supernatural, she listened closely to the lady before her. Her heartbeat told Dabbie all she wanted to know. She's telling the truth.
Dabbie let her guard down, and watched as the remaining witches stared at her perplexed, she looked at the witch standing very close to her, and discovered she wasn't a bit amazed like the rest were. Her gaze fell to the floor where her father laid, lifeless but still gazing to her. She couldn't hold back herself. She broke down into tears and ran towards her father's lifeless body.
The witches stayed put, emotion written all over their eyes.
“Dad's not dead is he?”. Little Dabbie asked even when it was obvious to her He already was.
“There must be something I can do to revive him”.
Lady Diane approached her and laid her hand on her shoulders, trying to comfort her the very best she could.
“Dabbie. . . There's nothing to do”. She said admist teary eye.
“Your father is gone”.
“No! I don't believe you, he said he won't leave me, he said he'll always be here to protect me”.
“He can't anymore, Dabbie, we'll be your new Guardians”. Lady Diane said comfortingly
Dabbie looked up at the faces of the witches before her, wiped twinkling blue tears from her face and sniffed..
“Where's mom?”
“She was only here some minute ago”.
“We'll help you find her Dabbie”
“We promise”
After Lady Diane made an end to that promise. Dabbie was sucked back to reality. Sweating profusely, finally she's broken the memory barrier the witches placed over her not to remember exactly all that happened that night.
At least now she knows her mother isn't dead yet. And that the witches made promises to find her.
She planned to bring up the topic the next time she was summoned to meeting with the rest of the coven.
As she laid down to sleep, a face flashed right into her sight. A very familiar one, the face of a young man.
“It can't be”. She said to herself perplexed that she just saw the face of the young man she saved days back.
“What connection is between I and this young man?”. She thought.
Closing her eyes to see if she could will his face to appear again, she slept after much failed attempt to do so...
“There's been another recorded death Alpha”. The Beta said shaking a little bit
“How many casualties?” Alpha Xavier asked disturbed by the news
“A lot sir”. The Beta said shaking
“Pan out and give me more feedback”. Xavier said with his Alpha tone.