Chapter Five

Iron Maiden's Chow Hall

(Whoa... what is this place?) Akifa chuckled softly, watching the Icer lean up on his talons, looking around the wide, circular room with different restaurants, vending machines, and various machines to pick meals.

"This is our chow hall, ah... cafeteria? It's kind of more like a food court, but whatever. Point is: it's a place to get food and fill up. Breakfast is 5am to 9am, lunchtime is 11am to 1pm, and dinner is 5pm to 7pm. During those meal times, our food comes free, so we don't have to worry about paying it. Outside of those times, these restaurants shut down to prep for the next food round, while the shops and vending machines stay open to get snacks for different times. Our missions can go anywhere between an easy hour to maybe days at a time. You have a specific diet we need to pick up, so we have to go this way," Akifa added, taking the Icer's hand as he headed over to the biggest serving restaurant, staffed with half a dozen chefs taking orders as they continuously pushed out dishes and carts filled with trays.

"Hey Meg! Hey girls, I need you. I got a special diet case," he mentioned, showing the medical ID card the head doctor gave him for the Icer, swiping it on the machine. The chef dressed in white was dark purple skin toned with dark fur around her cheeks and wild thick hair tied and balled up under her hat. She held wide, yellow eyes with catlike pupils while she pulled on plastic gloves, looking over the screen.

"Mmm... that's a lot of high priced seafood. She's got it coming out of the infirmary's budget, thankfully it's only a week. I'll see what I can whip up quick, anything specific you want me to alter, change overtime?" she asked, glancing to Akifa who leaned over, whispering softly.

"He's got telepathic communication abilities, but I don't know about his hearing. If there is a way to put in substitute foods, so it's less of a strain on your kitchen, that's fine. He's already got a list of meds and vitamins he's got to take. Any chance you can give him like filler shakes? Something to tide him over during his orientation? I don't want him starving between meals, I may not always make it in time," Akifa whispered, glancing up at Wren who watched the breakfast crowd filtering around various restaurants and food chains. He sniffed the air, turning as he waved, Akifa cringing as he heard a high shriek from across the way.

"Oh gods, it's too early." He groaned, glancing down as Meg shoved a black mug of fresh coffee into his hands, patting his shoulder as she barked orders in her native tongue. Akifa went over to Wren, pulling him to an empty table as he sat down. Wren yawned softly, sitting awkwardly on a stool as he grumbled, flexing his tail to help rebalance him when Oracle ran up, holding a tray of food as she set it down.

"Good morning, everyone! Ohayou gozaimasu!" she repeated, smiling wide as she sipped a cup full of fresh, green tea with honey, Akifa sipping his coffee mug slowly.

"Mmm... you're not human, how're you so full of gods-damned energy?" he grumbled, finishing his mug as he snapped his fingers in the air, summoning a droid filled with fresh coffee to refill the mug. Wren cooed softly, leaning forward as he poked the droid, tilting his head.

(So strange... do you have lots of these little things?)

"What, coffee droids? Yeah, there's all kinds. Oh, did you ever get a name? I don't think Akifa told us what your name is," Oracle added, smiling softly as Wren chirped softly.

(It's Eiwren'Teiran... but Akifa prefers Wren, it's easier to say.) The Icer watched Oracle reacting with wide eyes and her mouth forming an O as she smiled brightly.

"No way! Oh my gosh, telepathic communication?! That is a forgotten ability from most of the universe!" Oracle chirped excitedly as she went over, sitting closer to Wren with a wide grin, looking over his face.

"Fascinating! Can I keep him for the day?" Oracle asked, smiling brightly as Wren sat back, scooting closer to Akifa with a soft hiss towards Oracle.

(She's too much for me...)

"Sorry Oracle, he isn't a big fan of you. You're a bit too much energy for him," he added, chuckling as he rubbed Wren's back, helping the stiff position slowly relax.

(Sorry... I get so nervous around her.)

"It's okay, I'll help you learn how to ignore her mainly. She's definitely an Energizer bunny from Hell. For now, it's breakfast," he grinned, gesturing to the cart rolling over with a covered tray. Wren gently touched the handle, watching it disappear under the tray as it was piled high with scallops, shrimp, crab legs, and lobster claws. Some steak rested underneath in thin, long cuts with a small cup of the multivitamins Wren had to take.

(Wow...! This is amazing!) Wren grinned, licking his lips as he downed the multivitamins with dry swallowing as he heard Akifa gag next to him, finishing his coffee.

"Ew... how do you do that?!"

(What? You just aim it to the back of your throat, and swallow, let gravity handle it.) Wren responded, starting to eat hungrily as Oracle turned on her handheld device, holding it sideways to record Wren eating.

"Interesting... he eats the shell so easily, so is it actually nutritious for him? I didn't think there was anything in them worth the minerals, and tooth ache."

(Not quite. The shell is filled with minerals and fiber to help us digest, and it also helps sharpen our teeth, so we consume large amounts of these.) Wren chomped on a full lobster claw, licking his claw tips carefully as Akifa's tray came over.

"Mmm... thank the gods, steak and eggs, yes!" He groaned, starting to eat with soft moans, Wren giggling softly.

(Are you eating that, or... eating that?) Wren snorted as Oracle burst into maniacal giggles until she snorted, Wren giggling softly before shaking his head, humming softly as Akifa purposely shoved a piece of steak and egg into his mouth with an obscene moan.

"But it's sooo good! It's sooo firm, and soft, and wet in my mouth, so fucking hot...!" he groaned, causing the two to burst into giggles again as he smiled, finishing his food as he used the toast to clean up the soupy mess of egg yolk and steak juice.

(So, what're we doing today? I... I kind of need some clothes, but none of you are built like me.) Akifa hummed, checking his glass device as Oracle tapped her lower lip, finishing her green tea and breakfast.

"How about I help with that? If you go with Akifa, everything will be black and gold, and honestly it would clash with you so much. C'mon, it'll be fun!" she cooed, smiling as Akifa sighed softly, finishing his second cup of coffee.

"I need to hit the range as it is, so go for it. You know where all the best things are to help customize suits and clothes. So! We'll meet back here at noon?"

"Umm... with me? No, it'll be dinner time. So, we'll meet at 5!" she exclaimed, smiling brightly as she took Wren's hand, helping him up.

(S... should I take the tray back?)

"Nah, the droids will collect it, and the tables recede into the floor to clean themselves," Oracle answered, smiling as she led Wren over to the halls, pressing a hand to the lift as it opend the doors.

"C'mon, I have to change real quick, and you can wait in my room, I have a bigger apartment than Akifa does, but all my stuff is technological and needs the room. I kind of run a lab?" she smiled, bumping the elevator button as they traveled upwards until stopping at a floor, opening to reveal a jungle of wires, computers, and monitors. Wren slowly crawled in, glancing around as he crept across the floors, turning to Oracle.

(This is your room?!)

"What? So it's a little crowded, c'mon, it's fine! Just go this way," she mentioned, moving out in front of him as she led him through the maze of tech and pulled apart machinery, showing a second half of the room as Oracle turned on the lights, revealing a neurotically cleaned living room with pristine floors, couch, monitors, game stations, and a pristine desk filled with neatly aligned tools and bits. She headed down a hall to her bedroom as Wren sat on the couch, perched nearly like a bird as he glanced around the room, sniffing in the air.

(No living being... just her, no other pets or partners. Hmm... I guess she isn't terrible.) He glanced up as Oracle came back in, dressed in neon green legs, black calf high boots with a dark red plaid dress. Her hair was long and black, neatly put up into a bun with pins and clips of various designs and colors as she took out a large pair of glasses.

"Okay, let's go shopping! Oh, and you don't have to call me Oracle if you don't want. My real name is Kimi, nice and easy!" She smiled brightly, offering a hand as Wren took it gently, shaking it up and down slowly like Akifa showed him. He stood up slowly, smiling softly as he followed Kimi out another door into a different elevator, causing his head to spin.

(Where does this elevator go to? How many are there?!)

"Well, if you think about it, this is a Dreadnought class carrier, built to basically house a small planetoid's worth of population and commerce for the interior while also armed to the teeth with fighters and ammo to defend the ship. I have two elevator connections to help me get around the whole ship, and the cool thing is, they move side to side, not just up and down. It'll just feel like it," she added, stepping inside as he slowly crawled in, perching next to her with his tail coiled around his feet.

"So! First thing is first, we need clothes for you, and a standard jumpsuit, because I'm pretty sure they'll put you through pilot training and defense classes, easy enough. Clothes range anywhere from formal, to business standard, to work clothes, but the cool thing, is I know some vendors have the ability to trace and create clothes with the help of nanites to help fit strange bodies. They also give some really wild perks! Like Akifa's jumpsuit? It reflects his body tattoos so we can all see how he's doing. Mine allows me to interact with nearly every kind of technology known throughout at least our half of the universe," Kimi explained, flipping through her glass device as she showed Wren different styles of clothes and jumpsuits. He tilted his head, watching the screen flash by various styles and options as he glanced over to see the doors opening.

"Let's get going! C'mon, we'll go to the Lamianic Sisters, they're experts at clothing problems," Kimi replied, leading Wren over to a shop filled with flowing silks and fabrics of every kind. Customers were standing around, touching the various textiles as Kimi went straight over to the back, knocking on the door. A tiny door slid open at even Wren's eye level, two wild amber eyes narrowing at them as a low, hissing voice echoed through.

"How can I help you...? Need another new jumpsuit, Kimi-ling?" it asked, opening the door to reveal a humanoid torso with the lower half of a massive, thick coiled serpent body. Her skin was covered in the pattern and scale of a rattlesnake with a long tight braid of dark hair.

"We need to outfit this new buddy of ours! We picked him up in an abandoned building, took him in, and he's currently in recovery, but he is technically naked," Kimi added, pointing to Wren slowly standing upright to watch the Lamianic slither out towards him, slowly moving around to watch every movement of his as two more pairs of amber eyes poked through the darkness.

"Eurydale, Stheno, let's get to work. We'll need something... flexible, form fitting... able to breathe and allow filling," she hissed, exposing curved needlelike fangs as Wren followed her in, trying to see through the darkness.

"It's all right, Ancient One, just rest your eyes. You need to get used to the dark again, let your eyes relax, and it'll focus in on the lamps and candles. You were meant for dark waters, plunged into darkness matching the Void," she hissed, moving in the darkness as Wren closed his eyes, rubbing them gently while he perched on the floor. His ears perked up, hearing the three bodies moving across the wooden floors, soft hissing and talking coming through as gentle hands carefully measured along his body. After what felt so long, but merely a few minutes, he felt a strong hand lifting him to stand on his feet, holding his arms spread out.

(What're you doing?)

"It's all right, Ancient One... we're simply measuring out what your body is now, and trying to see if we can estimate what your body will be in the future once you fully recover. My sisters are deciding the best choices of fabric for you, something that allows for both wings and tail movement, and perhaps maybe allow for some movement for the claws and webbed fingers. Just breathe... relax your mind, I can feel your voice continuously screaming out into the Void," the oldest sister crooned, massaging the back of Wren's neck as he felt his telepathy slowly recede back in. He never realized he never quite stopping screaming in his own head, desperately trying to get ahold of someone like him in space.

(Ancient One... what do you mean?)

"Well, all of us are hundreds of years younger than you, and you are still technically a little one. Your kind went through the universe so easily, bending water, ice, even air at your beck and call until you finally settled on a world befitting your race and diet. You have powerful minds, able to speak across the Void, and accessing minds of creatures hundreds of minds at a time. We used to admire you, but when we heard of your extinction, we gave up, but never forgot the power of your people. You moved and shaped worlds, along with Night Mothers, Solarian angels, Earthen Shakers. So many ancient, primordial species that no longer exist because smaller, less powerful species began to utilize and build technology, cancelling our evolution. I feel on behalf of my species, I should apologize, but I understand you know more of who is the true culprit?" she asked, tilting her head as Wren looked up at her, inclining his head.

(It's... it's terrible to hold grudges, to convict an entire species based on the actions of a few, but I feel there will always be a pain there. Some small rage and fear that I would gleefully lash out and attack them. I can't feel like that, but there is no one else really to talk to.) Wren whimpered softly, closing his eyes to prevent the familiar tearing up as the snake-woman gently clasped his shoulder, pressing a soft, gentle kiss against his brow.

"There is always a species to talk to... someone somewhere has similar pain, but you need to have the bravery and will to find that companion, even be able to begin to talk about your pain. Once you find that friend, always keep in mind, someone has suffered perhaps worse than you," she responded, petting his braids as her younger sisters slithered up, holding arms filled with fabrics and textiles.

"We're ready for the fitting!" they chirped, clicking their fangs as Wren slowly stood up, extending to his full height when a light blue laser started at his shoulders and slowly moved downwards. Wren glanced down, seeing a suit beginning to form as the oldest sister helped press and make sure the fabric fit around his stumps and tail. Using pins and bindings, she helped shape and fit the suit to Wren's strange body, even having the sisters use nanites to help control where the fabric goes.

(So very strange... what exactly are these little... things?)

"These are nanites! Nanotechnology termites, or nanites! We can control where they're going with sound waves or an application program on our handheld glass devices that help us coordinate the swarms a little easier!" Stheno grinned, flashing her fangs as she used the app to help pin the suit on easier, sealing and forming it to fit his physique. His ears could hear the tiny nanites crawling and sewing the suit onto his body, even creating small bindings and a zipper on the front and back to help free his tail, wings, and body.

(Thank you, but ah... can I change the color?)

"Of course! Here, this is the program, just swipe your hand over and change the colors as you want! It's even detailed to include patterns and designs if you want. I could even help you download this into your own device! Do you have one?" Wren whined softly, shaking his head as he opened his hands.

(I have nothing...) The youngest snake-woman gasped, as if unable to imagine someone didn't possess one of these strange devices when the eldest slithered over, taking the device and started to cause his suit to shift tones of blue and green. He watched wide-eyed as the suit became a dark onyx blue with brilliant sea foam green highlights, similar to Akifa's gold markings on his black suit. Wren gasped softly, touching the material as it disappeared, the nanites flying into a jar with the sister sealing it shut.

"This will be sent to the hangar, to rest with the other flight suits we have for the pilots once they set out on missions. Yours is only for training, but soon enough, it will become your own. Once you officially pass as a member of the Iron Maiden, you will be gifted a craft of your own kind to take on missions. As you probably have seen, most of the fighter craft are only big enough for maybe three people, at the most. Yours will have to be a special work indeed to fit your body, but I think it can be done. It was whispered in old stories the Iscerians had rare battle cruisers that were almost alive, able to mind meld with their own pilots and crew like a living, symbiotic harmony. It should be interesting trying to see the humans come close to that bio-organic miracle," she added with a smirk, moving into the darker recesses of the shop as the middle sister, Eurydale, came over.

"My turn! I'm here to help you get some regular clothes to wear, and sleep clothes if you want them. I know some prefer to sleep in the natural state, but I simply ask just in case. We will have to get you some formal wear, the captain loves holding galas and balls for holidays, or major successes with pilots. Hmm... looking at your body... I may actually have you try on feminine clothing, I don't think male will work, unless maybe it's Gaultic clothing. But that wool tends to be itchy, and the plaid?! Eugh..." she made a face, showing her fangs as she went through the different styles on her pad, the shelves around him lighting up with mannequins and dummies outfitted with various styles. Wren nearly crouched when the sister pinched his thigh, causing him to start as she glared.

"You have to stand upright! If you move, or perch, I can't easily measure and see what'll fit you with those knees of yours.. Though technically it's your ankle, but still. And those claws... mmm... may not have to worry about footwear," she muttered softly, moving around his body as she tapped the tip of a stylus around his body, pressing to certain body curves and joints, mumbling as she went over to the mannequins, picking out different styles of loose-fitting silks and light weight fabrics. Wren yawned softly, glancing over as she came back with skirts and flowing tops, having him try them on as she adjusted each type with his stumps and tail, making sure each type fit him easier.

"How do these feel? They're not masculine by any means, but they give the best movement, and it fits to your body much easier, so it'll be easier for me to alter it to your body curvature. Now! What colors do you want these in?" she asked, setting the silk outfits aside as Wren tilted his head, flicking his tail gently on the floor.

(I like blues and light greens... I don't mind black, but anything else I'll try and see if Akifa likes it.) Wren glanced over as Stheno giggled softly, her mind in delightful squeals as he faintly heard: He's got a crush on Akifa... They're totally a couple!

"All right, we'll get these altered and colored for you, and send them up to Room 13 for you. Anything else you're looking for with Kimi?" Eurydale asked, tilting her head as Wren hummed, scratching his throat gently in thought.

(I guess I need to look into getting one of those glass things... maybe see if I can something to do to kill the day before 5, that's when we're going to dinner I think.) He hummed softly, stepping off the pedestal as Stheno held out an outfit: an open robe with a simple belt to tie it closed with a skirt cut to fit his tail easily with a V in the back, and a matching dip in the front, both materials colored in a soft sea green with gold belts and ties to bind them easier.

(They're beautiful! Are you sure I can afford them?)

"Call it on the house, it is our gift to you, Ancient One. Please come back anytime if you need anything else," the eldest responded, holding Kimi's hand who smiled wide.

"Go try it on, Wren, it should fit you easily!" Wren blushed lightly, taking the outfit as he slipped it on carefully, Eurydale helping to show him how to adjust the ties and bindings, making sure it fit correctly before he stepped out of the store with Kimi.

"Shopping selfie!" she squealed, smiling wide and making a sign with her hands in the shape of a V with her forefinger and middle finger, as Wren simply tilted his head at the camera, letting out a low chirp of confusion as the glass flashed.

"Ahh so cute! C'mon, I gotta show you the other stores, you'll love them!" Kimi exclaimed, taking Wren's hand as they headed throughout the hall, lined with shops selling all styles of clothes, accessories, weapons for jumpsuits, and even cosmetic shops for hair, eyes, and even skin splice treatments.

(What is this... splice treatment?)

"Oh, it's a new kind of cosmetic surgery where you can add like feathers, scales, different kinds of eyes, stripes, that kind of thing to regular skin. It doesn't hurt, and you can always get it removed. I technically got it by transforming myself into an antique Earth "Japanese model girl", so I can fit all my clothes and I totally pull it off. It was rumored my grandmother was a long descendant of the original bloodline, so really, I just made sure I look the part," she added, smiling brightly as Wren hummed softly.

(Interesting... but somehow, I don't like the idea of someone altering themselves that extremely with such ease. I feel it's not safe if that someone was a villain or criminal.) Kimi gently took his hand, letting him glance down at her as she offered a softer smile.

"It's okay, they do very careful background checks to ensure no one is getting surgery to recreate themselves to hide from authorities after them. It works on both government bounty hunters, and even rogue hunters that go after contracted targets. Besides, I got permission from my family, so they were okay with it. Anyways, I don't think you ever should, you have a beautiful unique body all to yourself, and I think it'll be incredible once you're all healed and recovered," she mentioned, smiling softly as Wren flicked his tail lightly, gently pulling her into a close hug as he chirped happily.

(Thank you, Kimi...)

"No problem, sweetheart, now! Onto accessory shopping!" she announced, taking his hand as they started a long trip down the various small shops. Wren glanced around the various shops, starting in a small store called "Sylph Sparklies", filled with homemade rings, earrings, bracelets, and more. Kimi giggled, looking through ones decorated with cute animals and a strange white cat with a bow as Wren looked through the different types of jewelry. He tilted his head, seeing some with sea shells and pearls, items he was more familiar with as he glanced down at his clawed feet.

(Mmm... hey Kimi, is there anything I can wear with my feet as they are?)

"Hmm? Well, you definitely can't wear shoes. Mmm... oh, I know! They do have anklets and garter belts for decorating your legs! They're over here!" she explained, going over as she picked out various kinds to hold up to Wren for him to see. He gently took a couple, placing them against his leg as he tilted his head, humming softly.

(I like the pearls, they're very nostalgic for me. Mmm... maybe something gold or red to cut through all the white and blue?) Kimi hummed softly as she rifled through the jewelry, pulling out various bands and anklets for Wren to try as he heard a sharp gasp, causing his head to look up.


"What in the gods' name are you doing?! I thought you cut yourself!" he exclaimed, huffing as he stomped over, brushing off the red items.

"Let's not give you red... I get scared to death."

(But Akifa, I bleed clear... my blood is very similar to your water supply, since we needed blood to dissipate in the waters without a predator hunting us, so it's similar to water.) Wren explained, his tail twitching lightly as Akifa sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Mmm... let me think a second. Oracle, try maybe... opals, sapphires, colored diamonds," he listed, Kimi grinning secretly as she went to hunt for more jewelry. Wren stood still, letting Akifa gently move his legs and arms as he tried out various trinkets and jewelry as he hummed, muttering in his native tongue as Kimi kept retrieving and taking away jewelry that Akifa passed on.

"Ah... maybe not in this store. You need something a bit more practical... and what's with the clothes? They're a bit... ah... feminine?" he asked, glancing to Wren who shrugged.

(Sorry, but the sisters chose it for me. I don't like the top though, makes my skin itch.) He lifted the top where Akifa saw scratch lines in certain spots where the ruffled layers bugged him.

"Oh that's easy. Stay with Oracle, I'll get you a top. You look like a size... mmm.... Large?" He gently checked the tag at the back as he disappeared from the store, Kimi coming back with a pout.

"Well, so much for that fun idea. Hmm... maybe we can check a different store for some accessories. Anubis may be a little paranoid, but he does have a point, it's never a bad idea to have something practical," she answered, taking his arm as they headed out the store and went down the hall, going down towards the stores selling gadgets, upgrades, and pieces for craft and spacesuits.

"Mmm... let's try... Oh! Perfect store!" Kimi smiled, going into the small store lit by black light lamps up above as Wren followed, sniffing the air.

(Mm... something's in here. They're watching us.) He hissed softly, suddenly turning his head to see a large, mismatched pair of lenses glowing in the dark as Wren growled low.

"Hey hey, easy, sorry friend! I wasn't sure what I was looking at here. Hang on, let me get the lights!" Wren heard clicking, clattering, and strange sounds as the black lights disappeared, giving way for bright, harsh white light.

"There we are! Much, much better! Welcome to Gidget's Gadgets Emporium! I'm Gidget, how can I help you?" the voice replied cheerfully, revealing to be a tiny human man wearing a massive pair of wild goggles that expanded and whirled as it adjusted his eyesight. His back was curled over with an apparatus similar to a bug's carapace for support as long arms of mechanical material clicked and whirled as they helped him stand up to Wren's eyesight.

"We're looking for accessories! Anubis mentioned it should be practical for our new rookie here, Wren! He's a bit of a unique build, so we thought we needed some expert advice. Any ideas, Mr. Gidget?" Kimi asked, smiling softly as the old man's goggles expanded and clicked with the dark eyes looking over Wren's body.

"Very interesting... I've never seen a creature like him before. Hmm.... Let me see now, I may have a couple basic items to help. First, and foremost, a GLASS." He took out a box and opened it, revealing a line of the glass hand held devices that Wren leaned in close, tapping his claw gently.

(Can I use one of these? My claws are a little long for these, aren't they?) He asked, furrowing his brow as Gidget held out a glass device, letting Wren hold it carefully with the claws.

"Just try to press a fingertip to the glass, and it'll register you. It might be a while, since I may have to put in information manually to register your species. For now, just tap the glass with a fingertip." Wren hissed softly, lifting his claw carefully as he tried to press the fingertip to the glass without scratching or cracking the screen. Wren made a small trill in his voice, watching the GLASS glow bright before emitting a beam as it slowly moved over his facial features.

"Species: unknown, user: unknown. Please identify." The device vibrated in his hand slightly before Wren watched the screen fill with questions on the screen.

(I... I can't read this.)

"Ah, Oracle mentioned you were telepathic in her earlier memo to me. Don't worry, we'll work on these while you look around and find some basic accessories. It's nothing fancy, but they can work as armbands, leg bands, or collars simply to help make it easier. Take your pick, I'll be working on this," Gidget suggested, taking the device as he and Kimi went over to the counter, starting to work on the questionnaire together with her bestiary uploaded.

(Akifa!) Wren offered a soft smile before going over to the store entrance as Akifa ran over, panting softly with a black top clutched in his hand.

"G... got a... s-shirt... c-can't..." Akifa struggled to breathe, coughing and spluttering as he reached for his pocket, pulling out a strange device that he inserted into his mouth, clicking the top as it hissed into his mouth. Akifa finally took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling.

"That's so much better... Sorry, I got your shirt!" He held up the black top as Wren took it, stripping off the layered top before slipping on the shirt, sighing softly.

(So much better, thank you Akifa.) Wren offered a full, tooth filled grin that split up to his ears as Akifa chuckled, offering a grin.

"Thanks, that looks better on you anyways. Feel free to keep it, I got you a few more ordered through the sisters too, kind of more vest or tunic-like. The skirt doesn't bother you?" he asked, gesturing to his green skirt as Wren shrugged.

(Feels nice around my legs and tail. I don't mind these.)

"All right, now let's pick you out some accessories to go with your GLASS. Let's see... Easy enough is a GPS, maybe a heart rate monitor to keep our medics in check with you. Hmm... maybe an upper arm band might be easier for you." Akifa went through, picking out different kinds of bands as he helped size them to Wren's arm, once finding the right size, then choosing a different kind of color and metal.

"Hey Gidget, anything water proof? He's amphibious, and is still recovering, so we'll need something expandable once it's bound to him. Got anything like that, maybe bio-organic?"

"Ah... let me see... Hang on, I may have something here. It's a new experimental material re-discovered within a forgotten meteorite belt that was used once for mining. Here it is!" He presented a small clear box with a band of ice-blue metal inside, lined with strange diamonds that pulsed slowly, as if dormant.

(I know what that is! It's our winter-steel, forged from hearts of comets we would find and carve out to birth our bio-organic materials. I thought it was all gone?)

"Not quite, just simply forgotten. I have a feeling your species knew that the mines were very dangerous, filled with toxins in the air that could eat away a spacesuit. Here, I would be honored to give this to you, as it would be fitting for your race," Gidget replied, holding out the band almost reverently as Wren put forth his right arm. The band glowed brightly, snapping itself onto Wren's bicep as it began to pulse bright blue, echoing Wren's heartbeat as Akifa smiled brightly.

"That's awesome, it works similar to my tattoos. Although, that's much less painful," he admitted, chuckling as Wren flexed, seeing the band re-morph and size itself to his bicep. He purred happily as Akifa smiled, offering a hand.

"C'mon, let's grab a coffee and snack to help us out, I need recharging from Oracle's shopping sprees. Is there anything else you needed really?" Akifa asked, smirking softly as Kimi made a face and stuck out her tongue, Wren making a questioning trill.

(Why is her tongue a different color in that one spot?)

"Oh, that's a piercing. Some like to decorate their skins with piercings and tattoos, makes them feel prettier, or some logic like that. Why?"

(Mm... my race didn't necessarily do that, but they did used to put in runes and pearls into the braids to signify victories and major events in their life. Is there something like that?) Wren glanced to Akifa as he hummed, taking him down the shop aisle, going into a store as he glanced quickly through the wares, checking through the shelves and cubbies as he found a specific bead with three bands of color.

"Perfect! We can use this one for your first, gold for me, red for Camulus, and pink for Oracle, it's perfect for you," Akifa commented, paying for the bead as he went over, finding one of Wren's braids and helped redo it with the bead inside the braid.

"There. Your first major event: when we three found you." Akifa smirked softly, watching Wren stare at the bead in wide mismatched blue eyes before covering his mouth with a hand, bowing his head lightly.

(Thank you so much...) His voice inside Akifa's head sounded really choked up, on the verge of tears as Akifa gently rubbed at Wren's exposed biceps, feeling a slight hint of rage at the thin lack of muscle, and more bone.

"It's all right... now c'mon, the doctor wanted to see you. I got a page from her earlier. We'll come back and pick up the gadgets." He turned to Kimi who offered a smile.

"How about I get them, and bring them to Wren's room later? Since I'm guessing it's yours, Anubis?" she asked, smiling bright as AKifa huffed and turned away, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, the doc wanted me to keep an eye on him and help make sure he was okay." He groaned at Kimi's intense squealing as she danced on the spot, Akifa shooing Wren out the store as they headed to the elevator for the medical wing.

(What does the doctor want me to do this time?)

"From the sounds of it, it'll mainly be therapy. Ah... kind of a medicine to help you adjust for living on this ship. It's sometimes a little intense, so don't hesitate to tell her if it gets too bad for you to continue. That was the main thing she taught me when I needed therapy..." Akifa added, smiling as he rubbed Wren's back gently in small circles.

(You needed therapy...? You're fine.)

"Just because we talk, walk, and look fine, doesn't mean we are. As a mercenary pilot, we need all the damned therapy she offers. I needed it around the holidays, I got homesick. I kept turning blue on my tattoos, so Oracle got me a couple sessions. Hell, we mainly just grabbed coffee while I talked, and it helped immensely. She's an empath, she can feel what we are, and help us navigate a way for us to confront and understand it. It helps," he added, leading Wren back to the doctor's office as he knocked.

"That's odd... is she in here?" he asked, going inside the door as he looked around, checking the desk for a sign as Wren felt a pulse of luring in his head.

(She's at the pool?)

"What? Oh, you must've felt her. She does that..." He came back over, taking Wren's forearm as they headed down the hall, opening a pair of double sliding doors to a room filled with steam. The pool extended from just a few feet from where they stood out along the room, different walls to help separate the water.

"It's used for various purposes, but today, we're using the longest part of the pool, and I've had it redesigned for up to 30 ft. depth to allow some room for you. We're simply going to start building you back up," the doctor announced, coming over in the same, silver outfit from when Wren first saw her.

"You've got some clothes, Akifa tells me you were also getting some needed hardware. I'll be having Gidget help design a neural blocker for you to help suppress your telepathy until you're ready to control it better. There are just over a couple hundred thousand on this ship alone, just as passengers and not as employees. You need to start simple, and then focus on opening your mind back up. You've suffered in silence for too long, I don't want you getting overloaded with noise. For now, let's do swimming to help you clear your head," she explained, helping him move and stretch certain ways as Akifa went to the changing rooms. While he's practicing his swimming, I can at least hang out in the heating pools. My scars need it today... He grunted softly, stripping off his clothes as he put them inside his locker, going out to the heated pool with a soft sigh. Glancing over, he heard a splash as Wren dove in, managing to tuck the stumps against his back, almost like a second skin while using his tail as a rudder.

"Excellent, now, give me five laps! One is going back to the far end and coming back to here. Get started!" the doctor announced, clicking a timer as Wren rushed off into the water, never surfacing for breath. Akifa pulled out his glass, using an app to track Wren's movements as he frowned; the screen showed heat signs, signatures of nearby living organisms, but Wren never popped.

"That's weird..."

"Not entirely. He is more a reptile than an amphibious species. His kind are an entirely new, primordial race from before the classifications of life from antique Earth. He can meld his body temperature with surrounding areas to cloak himself from our infrared tech, it can also switch between deep pressure and land easily, without any bodily repercussions. Notice he hasn't come up for air? His body can shift to gills and reconvert his lungs to absorb the oxygen in water. His time is also getting faster and faster, he's on his last lap now." She pointed out to a tiny ripple in the water as Akifa noticed the spine surfacing first and shivered.

"I'd honestly rather not see a whole world of him in an aquatic world, they'd easily take over the food chain with that speed and stealth," he mentioned, smiling softly as Wren surfaced, coughing softly with his head shaking hard.

(Weird water, feels funny in my lungs...)

"It is a denser water, closer to what your world would've been in. I'm trying to help you get used to our waters now, more purified and mineral free to help the more sensitive kinds on our ship. For now, we have a record for five laps and we can work to shave it down. You did good... feel up to another exercise?" she asked, smiling as Wren pulled himself from the water, shaking himself off with his tail cracking like a whip.

(I don't mind. What do you want to do next?) He looked up at her, perching rather like a child at her feet as he watched the tall doctor look over her notes, holding up a new screen.

"Let's try diving retrievals. I have specific darts that can disperse at different depths, they won't glow or make sound, so you'll be relying on your senses to pick them up and retrieve them. I'll have the timer set for your record time of laps at 3 minutes. Ready?" She snapped her fingers as the darts fell into the water in different spots, Wren watching each ripple close as he crouched low, his tail sweeping slowly. Akifa giggled softly, watching him with at tilted head. It's like watching a cat follow mice across the floor. He took out his GLASS and took a quick video of Wren suddenly diving into the water, barely making a splash as the timer clicked softly down in the background.

Akifa hummed, setting the GLASS down carefully to record Wren's movements in the water as the timer pinged, Wren surfacing with a snarling hiss.

(I can't find these stupid things! How am I supposed to find something I can't see, hear, or even smell?!) He growled, lashing his tail to make small waves as the doctor reset the darts.

"There's ten, now start again if you're up to it." She shooed him as Wren went back underwater, his tail splashing up the water as Akifa chuckled.

"Looks like something can finally get under his skin. Good to see he's not all that impressive, I feel much less threatened." Akifa chuckled, leaning back as he sighed, closing his eyes as the steam helped his scars relax. He didn't intend on napping, but the seductive luring of fatigue tugged at his eyelids more and more before the dark finally took him.

Two hours later...

"Excellent work, Wren, You've successfully gotten 9 out of 10 darts in less than 3 minutes. That's amazing learning technique," the doctor praised, passing a feeling of pride to him as the Icer flushed to a pale mist pink on his cheeks.

(Thank you... I honestly feel much better, but my arms and legs are really tired.) He slowly pulled himself out of the pool, shaking off as he spread the black stumps, stretching catlike. He glanced over, smiling softly as he crawled over to Akifa, sniffing at the lunar silver hair before nuzzling it gently, purring low. The pilot hummed softly, lulling his head to the side before jolting awake, snorting softly as Wren giggled in his head.

"What the...?! Oh... gods-dammit, I didn't meant to fall asleep, I'm sorry Wren. How'd it go?" he asked, turning to face him as Wren purred happily deep in his chest.

(Really well, I got much faster once I got used to it, but it did take some time. Doctor says I'll need a couple months of this to be in top shape, but the food and vitamins should help me gain muscle easily.) His voice sounded much happier in Akifa's mind, helping him relax as he chuckled, going to stand up before stopping just as the water barely dipped below his belt line.

(I... umm... are you naked?)

"I... just remembered I technically am... is that all right, or would you ah... prefer me to get dressed first?" he asked, watching Wren's eyes slowly move their way down Akifa's body. The pilot snorted softly, putting his hands on his waist as Wren slowly traced the tattoos with his eyes, reaching out with a claw to gently trace one along Akifa's belt line.

"Mmm... you like these huh?"

(They're... very intriguing. We only have markings like these for ruling leaders and Mating.)


(Yes. On my world, you can set your Mark on a partner if you wanted to, but you are bound in blood. You share your life essences, to help prolong the life of your Mate and future children. I... never got one, and I was never declared leader, so I never had a marking. That being said... I never had a Mating either, though I remember being taught they were incredibly tough on the mind and body.) Wren explained, Akifa widening his eyes at the fact with a low whistle.

"Mm... is that so?" He grinned sneakily, pushing out of the water as he let Wren's eyes watch his naked form going over to the changing room to dry off and get changed.

"Hey, c'mon, follow me. There's a dry path here to help you get all the water off." He waved for Wren to follow as the Icer sniffed the air, feeling the sudden heat as he stepped onto the strange plantlike board walk. Sitting still, he gasped softly, feeling the air slowly blow and dry off his scaly skin until he shook himself.

(Wow... those are fast.)

"Solar bamboo, from Oracle's home-world. They absorb the water and it cycles through to the hydro-heaters. Basically a never-ending heat cycle to help blow warm air for the swimmers to dry easier. Cool part is, no humidity either, somehow the plants take it in," Akifa commented, wringing out his hair before dressing in his tight black pants and shirt.

"Get dressed, we'll head up to get food, it's nearly dinner time," he added, watching Wren crawl over before standing to get dressed in the unique skirt and shirt.

(Where are we eating at tonight? The cafeteria?)

"Well, you're still on the diet, but we can have that delivered. I'm kind of hankering for some pasta. Noodles and sauce with other veggies and meats to compliment it, and you can try your first drink of wine." He grinned, sliding on a simple pair of sandals before leading Wren out back into the hall. The doctor had left a chart for Akifa on his Health App for Wren as he went over to the elevator, holding the doors open for Wren to come inside.

(To the cafeteria!) Wren announced happily, flicking his tail as the doors slid shut, pulling them downwards as Akifa's GLASS pinged, showing a delivery at his door.

"Ah Oracle got the devices already, including your neural suppressor. I guess it's shaped like a simple hair band, so it's not too distinctive." He showed Wren the app as the Icer tilted his head, seeing the design with narrowed eyes.

(Interesting... And honestly, it might be for the best. I know she wanted me to start learning how to talk to, so I can communicate easier without all the telepathy. It's harder on me, since all I hear is silence in my head, after what was once a bustling, never-ending hive of voices and sounds from my race. It might be better for me to keep it on permanently?) He glanced to Akifa who hummed, tucking away the GLASS.

"Well, I don't think you should give up on it so much, it would be comforting to still have that innate born ability, kind of like my tattoos. It's a part of you, your people, your culture. We can practice your vocals easily, but it'll take time. Everyone has so many voices and dialects, so we'll start you on Universal Common Tongue, it's much easier. Now, according to the doctor too, you have perfect vocal chords, all healthy and not even damaged, but it'll take some getting used to actually using them as your primary way of communication. You were built to withstand massive pressure underwater, that doesn't really allow for sound, but we can work on it with your lungs in terrestrial mode," Akifa explained, leading Wren down the hall of merchant shops to the lifts that would take them down to the cafeteria floor. Wren sniffed the air, humming as he turned, standing a little higher.

(It's Cam... I hear screaming things.)

"Yeah, that's most likely Camulus. And I promise, they don't scream all the damned time, it just sounds like it," he added, chuckling as Wren groaned, wincing with his ears, trying to stop the noise hurting so much.

"C'mon, we're almost at the lift and we'll try to avoid it." Akifa took Wren's hand, tugging the Icer with him to the elevator when a loud, brogue cut through the murmurs of the crowd.

"OI!! You brown bastard, hold that bloody door!" Akifa groaned, raising his eyes up to the ceiling in mock prayer as he held the doors open, Wren whining softly.

(Here they come...) He groaned as Camulus came up, wearing a worn pair of overalls stained with oil and dirt, the children around him hollering and shrieking with joy as they clung to their mammoth father, cradling two tiny wrapped babies in his arms. A woman stood with him, carrying one crying toddler with bright red curls and blue eyes, dressed in an equally grease stained overalls.

"Sorry, I told him to let you go, I know they're loud..." she answered, a softer, gentler accent than Camulus's bellowing, thick accent. She stood in the back as Cam shut the doors, keeping the kids close to his legs when all of them turned to watch Wren with wide, speechless faces, their eyes bugging nearly out of their skulls. Akifa snorted, pushing the button for the cafeteria floor as Wren flushed, watching the kids staring at him as he glanced to Akifa.

(Am I really that fascinating to watch...?)

"Keep in mind, big guy, they've never seen anything like you. Just relax, they'll be in shock long enough for us to get away. Otherwise, they'll turn you into a climbing gym like their dad." He pointed to Camulus who grunted, having the little kids already climbing in on his legs as Wren covered his mouth, giggling softly to himself.

(OK, they're kind of cute, but in a strange, beastie like nature. I don't think I'd want any though.)

"Tell me about it, my mom was always so pissed I couldn't stand girls. Can't have kids naturally with a husband, so it never got brought up to me." Akifa shrugged, seeing the doors open as the wife started shooing everyone out of the elevator, offering a bright smile to bid the two as Wren yawned softly.

(Let's find the delicious food, I'm starving after that workout.)

"I'll bet, that doctor had you working that scaly ass off." He led them over to the same restaurant from the morning as Akifa showed the same identification card, the order ringing up on the screen as the chefs and technicians scrambled. Meg came out, charging the insurance card before turning to look at Akifa.

"What'cha eatin', love?"

(He wants pasta!) Wren chirped, Meg jumping at the voice inside as Akifa gently put a hand on Wren's arm.

"Sorry, he's working on that. Yes, I am hungry for pasta though, that sounds awesome."

"You better tell him to get to work on that... I'll do it, but no more telepathy, I don't want anyone inside my head like that again. I'm amazed I couldn't detect you," she added, looking up at Wren who whimpered, inclining his head.

(I'm sorry...)

"Ah... guess, we'll be working on that speech thing tonight once we get back to the dorm. Sorry, Meg," he added, the chef waving a hand.

"He didn't mean anything by it, I know, but I don't want him finding any memories of mine that might be too inappropriate or traumatic for him," she added, taking down the order as she headed back to the chefs. Akifa led him over to a table with a corner booth, sliding to the corner as Wren crawled in beside him, picking at his claws.

"Hey... what's wrong?" he asked, gently holding Wren's wrist as the Icer chirped softly.

(It's a curse with everyone here. I can enter their minds so easily, communicate with them but they're so scared of it... They hate having me in their brain...)

"Well, no one's used telepathy in so many years. No one has come close to the technology to do it so easily, simply with thoughts. We just have to work on having your voice out so you don't spook anyone," he added, gently rubbing the forearm as Wren cooed softly, slowly relaxing at the touch.

(Thank you, Akifa... I'm sorry I'm being such a pain on you. I know most people don't have the patience for me, not even the scientists in charge of "taking care" of me. Apparently I would be too stubborn, and they bounced me from biologist to biologist, but no one really wanted the "mind-speaker".) He answered bitterly in Akifa's mind, glancing down as the droids came over and dropped off a bucket of ice with a wine inside and two crystal goblets.

"Hey, I personally find it easier having someone who can read you, and know you inside and out of your mind. I have a hard time telling my thoughts exactly, I've got to cover so much of what I want to say to make it sound nice. I like your telepathy," he added, starting to pop open and pour the wine, filling the glasses as the carts rolled over, unloading the fresh trays filled with food.

"For now, relax, enjoy your food, and we'll head up to rest afterwards. Cheers, Eiwren." He held up his crystal goblet filled with a light purple wine bubbling inside as Wren held his delicately with his claws, tapping the edge of his against Akifa's.

(Thank you... for being such a wonderful friend, Akifa. Please enjoy your dinner.)