Room 13
"OK, so the first thing we have to do is get you used to actually using your voice, Wren. Have you done that at all, outside of maybe screaming, roaring, or something else?" Akifa asked, settling on the floor across from Wren in his black brief shorts, Wren curled with a blanket over his middle with the tail wrapping around it.
(Not really... we never had to think about it, since we all communicated via telepathy. I'm afraid I can't even guarantee I have a voice, Akifa...) Wren sounded apologetic, even doing a similar guilty inclination of his head much like dogs did when they were found out of something bad. Akifa scratched at his head, sighing as he leaned back against a pile of pillows.
"Well... easy enough, just try using your voice. Like humming!" Akifa hummed at a low tone, Wren narrowing his eyes as he took a deep breath, trying to imitate it but the growl came out much deeper and startled him. Akifa giggled, nearly cackling as he shook his head.
"Not quite, but at least we know it works! Ok, try maybe ah... a higher tone?" Akifa echoed a similar hum but at a lighter note as Wren huffed, flicking the tip of his tail before opening his mouth. Not quite a deep rumble, but a much lighter sound echoed through, Akifa smiling softly.
"Hey that works! OK... try saying something. Anything at all." He sat back, watching excitedly as Wren took a soft breath, his skin turning a bright pale pink on his cheeks and around his ears. He opened his mouth, taking a soft breath before emitting a slight squeaky "A... A...Aki...fa..."
"Hey!! That's a voice!" Akifa cheered, smiling brightly as Wren tried saying his name again slowly, finally emitting a solid version of his name. The pilot didn't want to admit it but Wren had a deep, soothing tone in his voice, not quite meant to be high pitched, but definitely backed with enough power to roar and scare away creatures.
"I... I think... I think I'm getting the hang of this..." Wren whispered, smiling brightly as Akifa chuckled.
"Yes, that's awesome, Wren! See? Little practice, you won't sound any different than anyone else on this ship. Besides, you've got a nice voice, I like it," he admitted, his skin flushing a deep burgundy for a blush as he glanced to the side, not noticing Wren's smile growing with full, bright teeth.
"Thank you, Akifa," Wren stammered, flushing as the pilot grinned, getting up to go to a hidden cabinet in the wall, as he pulled out a mysterious black bottle and two glasses.
"Okay, I know we had a little wine, but I figured this could be a reward for you talking so well on your first try. It's from my home-system, but it's a bit more potent than the wine you had at dinner, so take it easy. Remember what I taught you?"
"Sip slowly, don't gulp it?" Wren answered, glancing up at Akifa who chuckled, pouring the two glasses.
"Most important rule: you always say no if you don't feel safe to drink it. If it's too strong, if you don't like feeling fuzzy, or light-headed, just say no. If you're with good company, they won't mind, but if you're with a bad crowd, get out of there. Usually they'll try to spike your drink too," he added, handing Wren a drink as the Icer sniffed at the wine, emitting a curious trill.
(Smells really sweet.)
"Ah, ah... c'mon, use that voice, you have to practice... but I guess you're okay in here. Just try to use it when we're out of the room, okay? In here, I don't mind if you use your telepathy," Akifa replied, smiling as he sipped his own glass, emitting a soft hum of approval. As he and Wren spoke through words and their minds, they grew comfortable, telling each other small little secrets and facts that most kept to themselves.
Akifa told of his life on his home-world, his mother and little baby sister, and their small village filled with mainly women and young children of boys and girls. He admitted how he found out he came to like men more, finding girls hostile and dangerous to himself, so he gravitated more towards men that preferred action to words. It was easier for me to show my attraction and commitment to someone, but by our world's laws, I was to be stoned and cast out in to the Desert of Lost Souls until I became a spirit myself. Bit medieval, but there you go. Frankly I think it's hypocritical: gods know how many young boys have been raped by those disgusting old priests deep in Alpha-Ra's center world of politics and gaudy looks.
Wren started telling about life on his world from what little he remembered. How the deep, dark abyssal waters lit up with plants and creatures glowing bright and beautiful like jewels to help guide his eyes. His clan would sing amongst themselves, emitting specific frequencies to each unique Icer to keep tabs, and by forming the glacier, they were all lulled to sleep by the clan singing each other to rest. When I was awakened from the glacier, the first thing I noticed was... silence. My head seemed to scream at how silent it was, suddenly devoid of music and voices I had long lived and grown used to. I wanted to throw myself at the scientists' mercies, begging for release to ease the screaming silence in my mind. As for a mate? I... I never wanted to put myself out there. It takes an immense amount of trust to bind not only your life essence itself, your blood and soul, but also to link two minds completely so that as a couple, you are one. I could never find the courage... Wren swirled the wine in his glass as Akifa, a good five glasses down from the stronger wine, set his glass down, scooting closer to sit in front of Wren.
"So... h'bout we kiss? 'Ave you never kissed?" Akifa asked, mildly slurring as Wren blushed bright, setting his own half-full glass down with his tail wrapping tighter around his waist.
"I... umm... no, no I've never... nope." Wren stammered and stumbled over his words, causing Akifa to giggle slightly at the cute stutter. Wren noticed Akifa's nose liked to crinkle up at the wide grin and giggles, suddenly causing Wren to lean over and kiss the crinkle on Akifa's nose.
"S-sorry!! I don't know why I did that!" Wren cried, falling backwards in a heap of blankets, tail, and limbs as Akifa snorted, bellowing in a hearty laugh with a wide smile, making his scar seem to elongate his smile.
"That was adorable... You're kinda clutzy on the drink, aren't you?" he asked, deepening his voice slowly as he crawled over, posing over Wren whose eyes widened at the sudden intrusion of personal space.
"I... I...u-uh..." he babbled hopelessly, whimpering as Akifa dipped down, gently placing a soft, whisper of a kiss over Wren's lips. The first thing he noticed was how chilled Wren's skin was, but strangely how warm his tongue was that flicked out on impulse to lap at the drops on Akifa's lower lip.
"Mmm... that's going to give me too many bad dreams..."
"W-we should sleep really... this is too much for both of us, and we're drunk. That's never good..." Wren admitted, gently holding Akifa's biceps to ground him as the pilot sighed, collapsing on top of Wren instead for a makeshift pillow.
"Fine... but I'm sleeping on you, pet." Akifa stifled a yawn before falling asleep on top of Wren's chest, snoring quietly as Wren sighed, relaxing against the bed on the floor. He groaned, running his clawed hand through his hair before falling asleep under Akifa's warm body, somehow comforted at the full weight. He yawned softly, feeling his jaw click uncomfortably before wrapping his tail and arms around Akifa, turning to his side to curl around the pilot before falling asleep, nestled in the silver hair.