Chapter Ten

Astrology Observation Dome

"What the... This isn't navigation! Stupid fucking elevator..." Akifa growled, smacking the elevator doors as Wren frowned, going out along the boardwalk as he glanced around.

(Very strange... Why did it take us to the observation deck when we wanted to go to the engine room...? Are you sure the elevator computer is working?) Wren asked, looking up at the clear window into the star filled void as his tail flicked slowly.

"What do you think? Is there anything here? Maybe it's moved by star-charged batteries, ah solar or lunar panels?" Akifa listed, glancing to Wren who shook his head.

(Only my primordial kind and others as powerful were the only ones to create full bio-organic ships and war-craft that traveled with ourselves as pilots. Ships linked to our every brain wave and nervous system, charged with engines mixed with the purest essence of elements we could control. For the Iscerians, we had full battle carriers powered by a crew of maybe ten Icers with one as a sole pilot. Each movement, every thought moved the ship easily but unfortunately if we got hit or injured, the ship and the pilot both shared damage. None of the species could figure it out, so we hid away the equipment and technology so no one could find it. Do you think maybe the captain found one of our engines?) Wren asked, almost looking paler than usual as Akifa furrowed his brow.

"Interesting theory. Umm... maybe? But no one I know has seen the captain personally. We could try asking for an appointment, but otherwise, we can't get ahold of her." Akifa growled, checking the elevator's computer through his GLASS as he pulled up a virtual map.

"OK, so we're here... this is all the restaurants, the hangar bay, her office is all the hell way up there, this is our dorms. Mmm... weird... I don't see any particular engine room, or any kind of maintenance room..." he grumbled, looking through the map as Wren watched over his shoulder.

(What about there?) His claw tapped at the screen holding a massive blank half of the ship underneath the hangar bay that was untitled or even revealing what lived in there.

"Might be storage... Maybe some place for all the equipment and food particles for the food?" Akifa mentioned, humming as he went to the elevator, counting the switches.

"There's no button for any level past hangar. How about trying there and looking for like a vent access point?" he asked, glancing to Wren who crossed his arms.

(It's nearly dinner, let's head down and call it a day, but... maybe tomorrow if you don't get pulled for a mission, let's head down to see it after I practice. That way, there is an alibi!) Wren headed to the elevator as Akifa pressed the button when his GLASS pinged.

"Oh... however, you're getting called to Doc's office!" Akifa showed the pager as Wren frowned.

(Dammit...) he grumbled, his tail thumping grumpily as they headed to the medical wing, Wren heading over to the office as he knocked on the door.

"Come in, I promise, it's nothing too terrible." The doctor stood beside the examination table as she held a tray of syringes.

"What...are these for?" he asked slowly, tilting his head as he sat on the table gingerly, watching the syringes.

"You are not vaccinated, and you've had 24 hours to help you acclimate to our place. So, I have to pump you full of up to date vaccines and get you started on a shot record. Today is 7 basic vaccines we normally administer to infants, so I'm afraid, I will need either your buttock or the bottom of your foot." She held the first syringe, already filled as Wren whined, stripping off the jumpsuit to expose himself.

"This is going to sting, buddy..." Akifa sympathized, placing a hand on Wren's forearm as Wren hissed at the first jab, nearly snarling.

"Don't make me tranquilize you..."

"Relax, buddy, I promise, it'll go fast..." Akifa cooed, petting Wren's head as the Icer whined, trying not to move as 6 more jabs hit his bottom, his system already degrading at the feel of so many foreign illnesses in his body.

"Ah... he's got a fever..." Akifa frowned as the doc came over, pressing her hand to Wren's forehead, furrowing her brow.

"It might be because his body is very old, his immunity system is trying to update itself to our modern day. I'm sure his kind didn't necessarily have vaccines, hell they used magic! They probably didn't need illness, or have any maybe. He'll be out of commission for the rest of the day," she whispered, helping to fix Wren's jumpsuit as the Icer fell fast asleep, Akifa frowned at the quickened breath.

"He's hyperventilating?"

"No... this seems more anxiety targeted. Perhaps bad dreams associated with fevers?" she asked, helping him to move Wren to a cot to lay down.

"Well, I'll grab him some food and bring it here, is that okay?" he asked, the doctor waving as she shooed him out of the room before closing the door, locking it.

"I'll adjust his diet accordingly, in just one day, hisbody is filling out very well. I think he'll be packing more muscle on at this rate than I anticipated," the doctor replied, handing Akifa an altered dietcard before he headed to the elevator.

Infirmary room

Wren startled himself out of the fevered dreams, panting and feeling too warm for his liking as he scrambled to get out of the cot. His head pounded, his ears filled with static and beeps from the medical equipment as he reached out, finding a water bottle on the nightstand. He sipped the drink slowly as his eyes slowly adjusted to the low light, his ears flicking and clearing of the buzzing as he turned to see the door sliding open. Akifa came in, holding a tray of food as he offered a smile, setting it down on the cot.

"It's a simple lunch, doc said to keep it easy on your stomach since you're getting the vaccines in your system to level out. Eat up, and definitely make sure you drink lots of water," he added, setting a second bottle of water in Wren's hand as he opened the container.

(What's this?)

"This is seafood, sort of. Sushi with pot stickers, some sauce to dip them in, and fresh rolls with honey butter. Really easy, and it's still seafood, so your diet is safe. It's a spider roll, so snow crab legs, I made sure the cooks kept the shell, and each roll has a full crab, rice, wrapped in seaweed, and a little dash of wasabi for some heat. Careful not to breathe while eating it, or the heat will travel through your mouth," Akifa advised, opening his own container as he ate sushi and dipped the pot stickers. Wren smiled brightly, trying a roll cautiously as he hummed, tilting his head.

(Different... tasty! I like it...! Oh, oh, ow!) Wren nearly shrieked as he exhaled, waving a fan in front of his mouth as Akifa snorted, getting some plain rice as he put some in Wren's mouth, clamping it shut.

"Five seconds, then swallow. It takes the heat." Akifa chuckled as Wren swallowed, coughing softly before sipping the water.

(Ouch...) He whimpered softly before taking another sushi roll, eating happily as he cleared his container. Akifa smiled, taking the empty containers as he tossed them into the trash.

"So... the whole "let's investigate the ship", let's keep that close, but maybe not directly tomorrow. You still have a lot of vaccines to go through, and you are going to hurt a lot in doing so," Akifa added, taking Wren's hand as they headed back to the dormitory. Wren stifled a yawn, finishing his water bottles as he tossed the trash into a slit in the wall, labeled "Inorganic trash".

"Here we are." Akifa opened the door, letting Wren inside as the Icer stumbled and crawled into bed, whimpering softly before flopping down. Akifa smiled softly, gently petting his head before doing his evening prayers. Wren yawned wide, curling up tight to cool his forehead against the cold scales of his tail before passing out. Akifa crept back in, smiling softly as he pulled the blanket over Wren before blowing out the candles and sconces to darken the room. Slowly kneeling and laying on the mattress he slowly fell asleep with his thoughts swirling in sparse thoughts, mainly one question: why have I never noticed the ship never moves...?