Chapter Eleven

Hangar of Iron Maiden, 0800am

"C'mon Wren, you said you wanted to practice, you have to get in here and practice!" Akifa chided, smirking as the Icer grumbled and huffed, his braids a puffy and tangled mess as he walked over, zipping up his jumpsuit.

(It's early...)

"Nah ah, outside voice."

"It is fucking early..." Wren growled low, narrowing his eyes as Akifa snorted, giggling softly.

"Relax, it's another practice run, but this way I can also run a scan to see if maybe I can get a look at the ship better. We can see if there really is an engine room or navigation area we can inspect. Want to try it out?" he asked, clicking a bob as the cockpit open, the Aaru revving to life.

"That's brilliant...! That makes the early wakeup call worth it!" Wren smiled brightly, gasping as Akifa stopped him before handing a helmet to him.