'Wierd Pendant'

I strode inside, trying to forget what just happened.

I found everyone already there, sitting on their desks and thankfully no one had noticed me entering the class. Almost all of the desks were already taken. I had to hurry and find a desk for me before it was too late.

In the left row, I noticed a vacant desk by the window from which bright daylight was pouring into the room. I settled there and placed my bag next to me. This row had large windows with the view of the yard. And the window from that desk, exhibited the same alluring cherry blossom tree.

The room was filled with the constant chatter of girls and some boys discussing about a football match in excited voices. Gladly no one paid attention to me. I took out my earbuds and smartphone, listened to a few songs before the class started.

Five periods passed in a blurry, I wrote down a few notes and tried to concentrate on lectures but a thought that would occasionally wander back into my head was of that tall black-haired who spilt my strawberry milk.

Why did he stare at me like he knew me? Or like he'd seen a ghost? Was it because I shouted and cursed him? And what did he mean by paying me back? Does it mean—Now you're just overthinking, Linnet, why does any of it even matter? You've already screwed up this morning, just try to stay lowkey for heaven's sake!

A bell rang putting my thoughts to a sudden stop, bringing me back to the actuality while indicating that it was the time for lunch now. Everyone rushed to the cafeteria, soon leaving me in an empty class.

As for me, I didn't feel like eating at all. I went outside for a short walk in the yard, hoping it would make me feel better.

The yard was lush and almost vacant providing composure and sedation to me which naturally made me feel at ease. Because I was tempted to, I rested on the bench underneath the cherry blossom tree.

I let my head fall back to glimpse the sunlight sprinkling through the delicate branches covered with sweet pink petals. The silky heart-shaped petals fell ever so deliberately like confetti. Breathing in the subtle vanilla and almond-like aromas, I was able to get my spirits up.

On looking down, a pair of Nike shoes showed up, stopping at a few inches away from my shoes.

"I found ya!" It was a familiar voice. A voice that could calm the oceans.

As I lifted my head, the same guy I had cursed earlier this morning stood in front of me. He was wearing a dark blue chambray overshirt with faded jeans. Holding strawberry milk in one hand and coke in other. I found myself blankly staring at him.

He handed me the strawberry milk, "Here! It's yours." I took it from him.

So that's what he meant by paying me back, Thank God!

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to ruin someone's morning." He sat beside me on the bench comfortably. "You see, I'm not that much of a 'goddamn stupid piece of shit', " he said with a playful grin and took a sip from the can of the coke.

"No, I'm sorry for shouting at you. It was an accident and not your fault. But, this milk is much appreciated," I said with a slight smile.

'Why is he being unnecessarily polite to a newcomer like me, who even cursed him in a busy hallway?' I couldn't help but questioned myself. He was strange, really bizarre at that.

We took a few sips from our drinks. Looking at him from up close, he had exquisite features. Luxuriant coal-black hair, bedazzling walnut brown eyes shaded by long soft-looking thick black lashes, a gracefully straight nose, curved full lips that smiled in my direction. Even his jawline was heavenly sculpted and his skin tone was a warm beige.

There was a pendant hanging from his neck, and the stone of that pendant was exceedingly mesmerising.

I was still appalled by the silky tone of his deep soothing voice, the kind of voice that makes you crave to sink in as it swaddles you up. I needed to hear it again. Maybe I was already addicted to his voice? I asked him the first question that got to my mind.

"How did you find me?"

"I had never seen you around here before, so I just guessed you were new. Didn't see you at the cafeteria either. So I got out and saw you sitting here..." he trailed off, looking at my side, "at my favourite spot," He completed his sentence after removing a petal from my hair and smiled.

"Oh, I see," was the only thing I managed to say. To be honest, he had the most dreamy smile I had ever seen.

It was the first time I wanted to hear someone's thoughts but not being able to read his mind got me frustrated and fascinated at the same time.

He had such a captivating presence; a presence which cannot be described using words. It can only be felt. Pulling you in completely and wholly.

I saw inquisitiveness in his eyes, as he asked me:

"Don't you have a name?"

"Linnet Flores," I replied, unsure where it will take me to.

With a wide smile, he said, "Nice name, Linnet. I'm Tyler, Tyler Stark."

"Well, Nice to meet you Tyler," I said, hoping this conversation would end here.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well." And Here he goes again with that smile of his. I must be crazy to be affected by his smile.

I was just about to get up and leave when I heard two guys shouting Tyler's name from a distance. They must be his friends. He got up and said, "I'll see you around then," still smiling. I nodded my head in response.

He took a few steps ahead and I saw his pendant lying on the grassy ground of the yard among fallen pinkish petals.

Picking it up, I called out his name, "Tyler, wait!" He turned back and his gaze landed on his pendant. I asked, "isn't it yours?" while holding the pendant.

He was frozen there for a moment, expressions left his unearthly face. I glanced at the pendant, it was glowing—like literally glowing. I found myself confused and astonished at the same juncture.

I unconsciously asked with fascination, "wait, it glows too?" He ran to me, ripped the pendant from my grasp. The glow died as soon as he held that pendant.

"It belongs to me," He gruffed.

Suddenly, he wasn't the Tyler I just met. He went his way before I could even utter a word. I was there, standing still, my legs blocks of concrete.

Why did he get so mad? His behaviour didn't make any sense at all. Just like the weird crystal of his pendant that glowed in my hand. What am I missing?