'A Dream?'

Getting away from there seemed like a nice enough idea, as the next Class was going to start soon. On turning around, I was met by a crowd of girls that had huddled.

They were looking at me, checking me out. That was the moment I comprehended that Tyler was popular and now I was doomed.

'How can you be so dumb, Linnet? Did you see his face? How can he not be one of the jocks?' I cursed myself.

Unwanted attention welcomed me as I kept striding. Girls moved from my way but kept glaring at me. It was too noisy, way too noisy with all of their thoughts that I could hear.

I feared this, this day, this moment. It was the reason I didn't want to get noticed. I was already depleted of the criticism, had enough of it in the past. Now that I wanted everything to go my way, impossibility slapped me in the face.

I regretted not bringing my earbuds with me when I left the class. Which were my distraction, my escape from these horrible voices of their minds, talking about me. There was no seclusion, sweat was bursting out from my pores, my lungs empty of air. I walked faster and faster, made huge strides towards the door.

Finally, I reached the vacant classroom. The voices slowed down and I was breathing again. I plugged in my earbuds, listened to a calming song while looking out of the window at the well-groomed lush green bushes.

The calm and pale cerulean ocean of the sky dappled with cotton-like clouds relaxed me like always and I was able to think again. 'Did anyone notice how pretty the sky looks today?' I wondered.

Gazing at the sky never ceased to please me. It sort of gave me hope and consolation. How the clouds moved freely wherever the wind took them, gave me a foreign satisfaction.

Soon after the bell rang, the vacant class started to fill up with students rushing in. The day went on like that, I kept myself busy in jotting down important details from listening to the lectures. But I could still hear them judging me and making critical remarks about me in their minds, which I tried my best to ignore.

It was already the last class, I grunted involuntarily when the professor strolled in and began lecturing. Augmenting a little more dismay to my miserable first day, It was a History class. And as usual, I fought off my urge to fall asleep.

But... I Failed.

As I woke up from a heavy slumber, my gaze met a pair of enchanting eyes. The warm dazzle of the sun rays enhanced its colour to a luminous champagne shade. Even in drowsiness, I recognized him, Tyler, he was right beside me.

His head rested upon his arm on the desk and the edges of his lips were twitched up in a subtle smile. His ethereal face; which was just a couple of inches away from mine, began to blur in front of my eyes until my eyelids fell shut again.

I promptly blinked open my eyes to discern him clearly but this time, I found nothing. No one was beside me, everyone was leaving the class.

Lifting my head back up was arduous as my sore neck wasn't helping at all. Moreover, there were pins and needles in my left arm which endured the burden of my sleepy head.

My brain was barely even functioning, still stuck at what I saw a few moments ago. If he was right next to me, there's no way he could vanish right away, I must be dreaming.

' Wow, Linnet, you just met him and you're already dreaming about him? You crazy dumbass! Why does History always have to send me in a mini-coma?' Lost in my useless self-talks, I packed my bag and walked out of the almost empty class.

Unawares, a perfectly skinny girl with a honey glow skin tone addressed me, "Hey, sweetie! Are you new here?" She smiled.

I replied with "yeah." I instantly recognized that smile as I had seen it a lot.

"This bitch, she just joined the school and already started hitting on My Tyler, trying to get his attention," she thought. I knew I would hear something like this.

"I love your contacts, what shade are they?" She enthusiastically implored. She was faking it quite nicely until her thoughts spilled. "What's so great about her except for some cheap contacts? She looks bland to me."

"Oh thanks, but you see they aren't... contacts," I replied. I had to. No matter how much I hated being able to do nothing but get judged by her.

"Does she take me for a fool? Hah, she really thought I'd buy that. It makes me laugh." Her eyebrows shot up and she was all of a sudden, excited? Fascinated? I couldn't exactly tell. "My bad, your eyes are so wonderful that I thought they must be contacts," she enthused again.

I just wanted to walk away or tell her to stop her bullshit because I can already hear her venomous thoughts. But none of them were a safe option if I wanted to stay out of trouble and unnecessary drama.

"Do you know anyone in this high school? The guy you were talking to, do you know him?" She inquired in a friendly way followed by her rough thought, "Keep your eyes off of him, even though you must think you are something because he talked to you."

Recognising this as my opportunity, I was determined to show her my disinterest in Tyler so she would leave me alone.

"No, I don't know him or anyone here," I blurted out before I could think of a better answer.

"Hey, Megan! What are you talking about with the newbie?"

A short-haired girl with perfect winged eyeliner approached from the direction of the voice. Her dark hair played up her soft ivory skin tone. She was a good few inches taller than me.

"Megan must be tormenting this girl for talking to 'her Tyler' who wouldn't even spare a second glance at her. When will she grow up?'' She thought while coming to us.

"Emalie? I thought you had left." Megan frowned while thinking, "not again! Why doesn't she leave me be? And what's with that crazy gaze, it's giving me chills the more I look at her."

"How could I leave? You were having fun talking with the newbie. I couldn't miss that." She smirked, her eyes annoyed and thinking, "I'm so sick of tolerating her immature ass. Even her sight makes me want to punch her."

"I don't want to associate myself with this psycho bitch. Ugh, it's better to get out of here," Megan thought while scowling.

"Aww I'm so sorry because you're late, Em darling. We already had our chat. Let's hangout some other time," she said.

Emalie grimaced as her thoughts outpoured, "Who allowed her to call me these ridiculous nicknames, EWW. I feel like I'm going to puke." However, "Sure!" Was what she replied with.

The conversation between them was rather amusing for me because I could relate to some of Emalie's thoughts. Needless to mention, their constant smiles and mocking glares made their conversation a lot more awkward and hilarious.

Megan glanced at me, a wide fake smile stretched on her lips. "I have plans so I'll leave now, see you tomorrow," She said. She left shortly after making this excuse.

Now Emalie and I exchanged glances. She went on, "I haven't introduced myself, I'm Emalie Miller, your class president. If you're having trouble because of anyone, do tell me." She smiled.

This time, it wasn't a cunning smirk but a genuine smile which had formed small, adorable dimples in her cheeks.

"Her name? What was her name again?" She thought.

"I'm Linnet Flores. Thank you for helping me earlier!" I thanked her because I really was glad that she stepped in.

"Helped you? Oh you mean with Megan, she can be a pain in the ass sometimes but don't mind her, she must've seen you with Tyler. And now she is losing it." She laughed.

"If the rumour is true and Such a pretty girl like you got his attention. you are obviously a threat to all those girls who are swooning over him." She thought.

She was clearly misunderstanding something and I chose to clear it up. "We just exchanged some words, it was not a big deal. Really, If I knew about his popularity beforehand, I would've avoided him from the start," I said.

"Freak, so he did talk to you? I can't believe it. I still can't imagine him talking to a girl!" She said in a dumbfounded voice.

"What's gotten into him all of a sudden? He did not care about any girl before, I just hope he's not going to toy with her feelings, but I don't think he is that type of guy either." I heard her thoughts.

'Is she worried about me? She is different from a lot of people I've dealt with. Maybe she really is kind, and does not have any ulterior motives like others.' I couldn't help but ponder.

"What kind of guy is he?" I asked out of curiosity.

"There's not much I can tell you about him. All he does is show up occasionally, skip some classes and play basketball or hang out with the Stephenson twins, Ryle and Kyle."

'Strange, he seemed like a different person. Or rather a twisted person. But the way she explains... "He sounds like some typical highschool bad boy you'd read in books," I unconsciously uttered my thoughts.

"That would be if it ended here," She said, "This guy is insane for securing the highest GPA in the whole school despite all that."

"It doesn't make sense unless he's some kind of genius. Because dang I can never once beat him. I'm so sick of always being the 'second' that I sometimes wish he'd just drop out." She thought.

"That's surely insane," I laughed awkwardly.

"But today he didn't attend any of the classes. Well, that's not something least expected from him. Just so you know, He is in senior year with us and you might run into him again. If he chooses to attend class; which I don't think he'll be doing anytime soon, " she added.

So that means it was, in fact, a dream because Tyler didn't attend any of the classes today so there's no way he'd be sitting right beside me and disappear into nowhere in a blink of an eye.