'His Desk'

Flamboyant sunlight slanted in through the window next to my bed, intruding my peaceful and precious sleep.

For sometime, I did nothing but stare at the gleefully rising sun in the buttermilk sky. No thoughts, just silence and soaking up the radiant warmth.

'You definitely can go through another day in that school. You have Emalie now. It won't be that bad.' Replenished with determination, I went to take a quick shower.

Afterwards, I Changed into a tea rose coloured knee-length dress and shrugged into a slim soft white cardigan.

I dried and detangled my caramel-brown wavy hair in a whim and created a loose side braid. As I finished applying some SPF—so my face won't turn into a tomato on greeting the sun—and my favourite cherry lip balm, 'Perfect' I mumbled to myself.

'She could use some makeup.'

'She looks bland to me.' My self-satisfaction didn't last long as some of the criticism I received yesterday roamed back into my mind.

As I reached for some mascara lying in the drawer, my subconscious reminded me of the promise I had made with myself. To not let other people's toxic mentality affect me in any way. I had spent years of my life hating myself because all I did was to discern myself by the eyes and thoughts of other people.

Presently, I was well aware of the fact that what they project on me, is their own insecurity, not mine. Why wasn't I prone to the criticism by now?

Putting the mascara back in the drawer, I stared at my reflection.

"Why would you need a mascara when your lashes are naturally thick and curled up? You must've lost your mind. You don't need to go for makeup to fit in!" Self-talks did help me gain confidence in myself at times like this.

Picking up my bag and a few things, I fled downstairs.

"Good morning, mom," I greeted.

"Good morning sweetheart," came her reply from the kitchen while she arranged the dining table for breakfast as usual.

"Did you sleep well, last night?" She asked while she placed the platter of omelette on the table and joined me.

"Yeah," I responded with a smile.

Life wasn't so terrible for me afterall. Having a caring mother like her was far more than what I could wish for. Her light brown hair was up in a tight ponytail and her attire; white button-down shirt and black suit pants, looked immaculate and professional.

"You look awesome, Mom, I like this new look of yours, " I complimented.

Sometimes I happened to forget that my sweet and understanding mom is a competent lawyer.

"Thanks, angel. Isn't it the same dress I bought you last time? I knew the colour will look good on your rosy pale complexion."

"You are never wrong about anything, mom," I quipped.

"Should I ask her? What if she takes it as nagging?" Mom thought while puttering with her fork.

"I can hear you. you can nag me all you want." I chugged down some fresh grapefruit juice.

Even after all these years of practice, she still sometimes got caught off-guard with her thoughts. It was kinda cute.

"Honey, If you face any problem here, you must tell me. You know, your mom can't read minds like you so you gotta tell your mom okay?"

Ever since this curse of an ability thrived in me, I was nothing but a burden to her. Always making her worry. But she never abandoned me. She'd constantly assure me that my ability is a gift, that I should stay strong and live with it. She'd always tell me to look at the positive side. That my ability could protect me from people with bad intentions.

Now, that I was all grown up. I didn't want to bother her anymore. All I wanted now, was her to be happy.

"Don't worry mom. I'm perfectly fine," I said with a smile of reassurance.

Thankfully, school was on a walking distance from my home. Even though mom persisted on dropping me in her car, I politely refused because she would have to take a different route and I didn't want her to be late on her first day.

After entering the school, I immediately headed towards my class after shoving my bag in the locker and getting the books I needed. I sat on the same window-side desk from yesterday. Megan looked at me and snickered for an unknown reason. I didn't care, loud music blasting in my ears didn't let me hear her thoughts either.

Less than five minutes were left for the class to start and Emalie wasn't around so I waited for her, my eyes glued to the door. But Someone else strolled in. It was Tyler Stark. Someone I shouldn't be starting at so blatantly.

Suddenly, he was the centre of attention. Looking effortlessly fashionable wearing a thin ivory Turtle neck and Jeans. His coal-black hair falling down carelessly to his thick eyebrows. He made quite an entry with one of his hands on the strap of his bag and the other one clenching a blue denim jacket.

Though, what caught my eye first was the pendant restfully hanging in his neck. To others, it might be an accessory flattering his fit, but for me and him, it was something else for sure.

Before My brain could even process, he started to walk towards the left row. Towards me. Stopping at my desk, he looked at me—Like really looked at me! With his eyes fixed on mine, raising goosebumps on my arms and commencing panic in my stomach.

His lips parted, intending to say something. I guessed he'd snap at me like he did before but he didn't. After a moment that seemed to last perpetually, he shifted to the right and sat on a desk in the middle row.

The tightness in my chest reminded me to breathe. I inhaled, slowly and quietly.

Emalie stood by the entrance, looking at me with shocked eyes. Glancing around, it wasn't only Emalie who was shocked. Her eyes switched from Tyler to me, and me to Tyler. She sat on the desk which was in front of mine. While she was settling down, Two guys walked in. Identical, with almost the same height and features. 'Ryle and Kyle Stephenson!' My brain indicated. Emalie had mentioned them before. I couldn't tell who is who-both had brown hair and blue eyes.

Even by one glance, from their facial expressions to their dressing sense, one could tell they were nothing alike. Right one was dressed in a grey hoodie and sweat pants, his voluminous hair all messed up, while left one was wearing a long-sleeved black polo shirt with narrow jeans, hair voluminous and pushed back.

Emalie swivelled to me looking like she wanted to ask something. To my disappointment, the teacher walked in and the class had already started.

As I removed my earbuds, I realized how much of a fool I was. Would you ever waste your time speaking to someone who has earbuds in? Although It wasn't completely my fault, I couldn't hear a single note of the song when he stared at me with those damned eyes of his. It didn't even occur to me that I had music bursting in my ears that's how dazed I was in that moment.

And I was hella sure I wasn't the only one. Anyone he'd stare at like that, with those mysterious unreadable eyes, would surely pass out. No exaggeration. Only facts.

Time was quickly passing by. In between lectures, my eyes would wander off to him or his pendant without me realizing. Thankfully he didn't catch me stealing glances at him. I would've died of embarrassment if he did.

What seemed unusual, was the silence. No thoughts were unwillingly heard by me the whole time. The reason was still unknown but it made me delighted beyond any extent.

When the bell rang and everyone left the class, Emalie held my hand and tugged me outside to the empty corridor.

"What did you do?" She asked with her eyes wide open.

"M-me?" I sputtered.

"Yes, you! If What I saw was right, he gave up on his desk for you!" She said struck with amazement.

"This is so unlike him!" She thought.

"His desk? You mean the one I sat on?"

"Yes! For one second I thought he was going to throw your belongings out of the window like he did with Megan when he found her sitting on his desk." She sighed.

'So that's why Megan had snickered, she thought the same thing was going to happen to me.' I thought, somehow pleased.

"Wait, are we still in elementary school? What's with his childishness?" I asked light-heartedly.

She laughed awkwardly. "I know, right!" But her thoughts were rather troubling her."You wouldn't be joking about it if you knew him. In the worst-case scenario, he could've- No, What am I thinking? He, punching a girl? It's absurd."

'Did he even punch a guy? For his desk?' I contained myself before almost blurting it out.

"I don't know why he'd do that. I literally had no idea that it was his desk. I just enjoyed the view from the window next to it and that's why I sat there," I panicked.

"Chill! He let you sit there means he has no problem with you sitting there," she said in a calming voice.

"After all, he might really like her," she thought and smiled.

'Like?' He evidently avoided me. He didn't want to involve with me. He even gave up on his desk so he could skip out on talking to me. 'But isn't it what you wanted, Linnet? To avoid him? It'll make things simpler for you if he does the same.' My conscience reminded me.