'Moron and Robot'

"I'm hungry, shall we go to the cafeteria?" I asked as Emalie and I left the literature class together.

"I was just about to say the same," she replied. Of course, I knew since I could hear her.

To be honest, I was puzzled. The unusual silence I was blessed with ended the moment I left the class. In the following classes that silence was nowhere to be found, so was Tyler.

Heading into the busy cafeteria, where Cheerleaders, football and soccer players, infamous ones and gossipers were clotted in groups minding their own business, we happened to find an empty table that we occupied forthwith.

Soon after we started eating, two guys came up to us. Unexpectedly, they were the twin brothers. They placed their lunch on our table and sat across us.

"I hope we're not disturbing you guys," Said the one wearing a grey hoodie with a smile.

"Nope, not at all," I replied.

He introduced himself as Ryle Stephenson. And the other guy wearing a black polo shirt introduced himself as Kyle Stephenson.

Ryle had a friendly and approachable vibe whereas Kyle looked like the type who doesn't talk much and had a serious intimidating vibe.

"So, what's your business?" She asked in a sharp voice.

"Did I make her mad? Oh right! She's always cranky." Thought Ryle.

"I just wanted to know her good name," he said.

"Weirdest peeps, one is a moron and one a robot. They're always sticking around with Tyler, why are they showing interest in her," Emalie thought to herself.

"I'm Linnet Flores," I gave my close to useless contribution in lightening up the atmosphere.

"Oh, Linnet. I hope we can be good friends," he cheerfully asserted. Then he looked at Emalie and added, "All four of us."

"We'll see," said Emalie, rolling her eyes afterwards. "Friends, he says. Bruh. Dare he try something weird I swear I'll turn his face into a fucking jelly."

I stared at Emalie in confusion and she merely shrugged in response.

'Why is she so cold to him? It's not like she's good to anyone except me. I don't think she even has true friends. Maybe she also has trust issues.'

My thoughts were interrupted by someone else's, "Why are we trying to befriend them when we could directly ask her what happened between her and Tyler that he is acting so strange," thought Kyle.

Now that's what I was waiting for. Their motive. He didn't say a word except for his name and now, thanks to him I knew their real objective.

'I'm not responsible if Tyler's acting strange. Wouldn't it be better to ask him in person? You guys are close.' I thought, shrugging inwardly.

"Yeah, Right! How could I forget that his stupid ass has been crushing on Emalie Miller since freshmen year or something? So we are befriending them so he could get close to her?" Thought Kyle.

'What? RYLE HAS A CRUSH ON EMALIE. If that's the case I'll gladly help Ryle. He doesn't seem to be a bad guy. But why does Emalie look like she would eat him up alive?'

The shuffling footsteps of a few guys advanced behind me.

"What's up twinnies? What about a basketball match? Call Tyler," said one of them.

The atmosphere came to be tense, the glares of them that darted behind me were threatening. I didn't turn to see the recipients of those glares.

"Is this crappie still not satisfied with all of those matches his team lost against us?" Ryle thought in disbelief.

"Can't you see we are busy?" Said Kyle while shooting a glare. "Piss off when I'm still asking nicely," He thought.

"C'mon this isn't like you guys. From when did you start hanging out with girls?" he sneered and placed his hand around my neck creepily. "What a hot bitch," he thought and I flinched instinctively, not wanting to hear any more of his thoughts.

"What the fu-" Ryle got interrupted by a smacking sound and sudden groan.

"What does he think of himself touching my friend with his filthy hands when I'm right here?" It was Emalie's thought that I heard.

On the spur of the moment, my shoulder felt lighter and I turned around. Emalie had struck him in his ribs with her elbow making him groan in pain.

"Dude, she is uncomfortable so back away," She shot a piercing glare at him.

"She never fails to amaze me. Totally my type," thought Ryle and smirked.


Kyle slammed the table hard and stood up. "Now you guys are getting on my nerves," he said in a deep calm voice and a deadly glare aimed towards them.

In seconds, they all left while grunting and grumbling.

'Such cowards, huh. What could you even do? I got EMALIE you fools... and Kyle...and Ryle.'

"Why did he even try to pick on her?"

"Didn't he see Emalie sitting there?"

"Christ, it was amusing!"

"Kyle gave me chills. Uhh he's so hot!"

"That idiot Brandt, why'd he mess up with the Stephenson twins?"

It was such a pain to have to listen to all of the thoughts. Apparently, it wasn't the first time Emalie had hit someone. Moreover, I had unintentionally made some popular friends so now I had no choice but to get used to it now. It was too late to turn back.

"Are you okay?" Asked Ryle.

"She must be shocked." He thought with concern written on his face.

"She is absolutely okay, Thanks to your bastard friends," Emalie said ironically.

"No. Not friends but only Bastards," said Kyle.

"Whoa! she looks real mad. I'm going to make them pay for it," Ryle thought.

"It's okay, I'm okay, Emalie." I looked at her reassuringly.

"Why don't you loosen up a bit? Why are you always like this? Miss poker-faced." Ryle protested with a tease almost evident in his tone.

"It Depends on my mood and the person I'm with."

"So, how about if I tell you a joke? Will your mood get better?" He asked innocently.

"Depends on the joke," spoke Emalie with a straight face.

"How could she be so cold? It breaks my precious heart," he thought in a whining tone.

I almost laughed at how he whined. He was making efforts but getting a cold reply every time. Poor human. How would they get along when they are totally opposite of each other? Who would change whome?

"Tell me that joke," I asked, to make him feel better.

"No! I'll have to listen to his lame jokes again," thought Kyle while rubbing his left eyebrow.

"Why do you think Peter pan is always flying?" Ryle asked.

"Umm... Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Because HE NEVER-LANDS!" As Kyle feared, it was a dad joke. Our giggles resonated in the cafeteria as I had no choice but to laugh on how funny it sounded coming out from his mouth.

"Moron and Robot twins aren't half bad, I guess." With that thought, the corners of Emalie's lips lifted in a smile, as if she's holding back her laugh.

"Finally! I got to see her dimpled smile that I was dying to see just one more time," Ryle thought as he smiled.

"I can't ignore how unfortunately Cute he is," Emalie thought while looking at Ryle.

'Gosh, Now I can say, they both would look hella cute together.'

Unexpectedly, the ringing of a bell echoed. It was time to head into our next class.

"So, where are you heading to?" Ryle asked.

"Linnet and I have to attend physics." Emalie stood up and gestured me to follow her.

"Wow, that's great because we have the same class too, Physics." Ryle beamed while catching up with us.

"Of course, crackhead how would I not know that four of us have a similar class schedule except for a few classes," Emalie said.

"Oh, I almost forgot that Miss poker-face is also our Class president." He chuckled.

On my route to the class, my eyes lingered on the shaded wooden bench covered with pink petals in the yard. His favourite spot. If not there, where could he be right now?

'Maybe Kyle is right and for some reason, he is acting strange. Could that reason be related to his behaviour after he saw his pendant glowing?'