'Kyle's Girlfriend'

The rumours about Tyler and me died down as he didn't show up for three days now. Everyone was now gradually getting used to seeing the four of us together.

Being with them also came with some pros that I realized recently. Whenever I was with them, they eventually became the spotlight and people thought about them rather than judging me; someone who's clinging on to them. That's according to what they thought while in reality, these guys wouldn't leave me alone.

Especially, Ryle, even though he had constant small fights with Emalie—that he always regretted later and made up for it by telling one of his dad jokes— he would always stick with us.

Kyle was sometimes not around when he needed to call his girlfriend or when he needed a smoke. He too, had a personality and looks that every girl swooned over.

Whenever we'd pass some girls I'd hear at least a bunch of them thinking about how it's such a loss that he's committed. But he showed no emotions let alone spare a glance at them, I was beginning to understand why Emalie had called him a robot in her thoughts.

Because of Ryle's contagiously joyous personality, every single soul in the school was his friend or at least knew him. Whenever one of his basketball team members approached us and asked about me, he dealt with them frankly and drove them away before I got anymore uncomfortable. His thoughts made it clear that he knew I didn't like the needless attention and he genuinely cared about me.

They were no longer identical or confusing to me. Their dressing sense, hairstyle and expressions were enough to tell them apart. They had totally distinct personalities which radiated from them. Ryle liked to crack lame jokes and had a childish side to him whereas Kyle was more on the mature side, always looking out for us but didn't smile or laugh often.

The only time I caught him smiling brightly was when he was on his phone with his girlfriend. Because I couldn't help hearing his thoughts while he was on phone—though I genuinely felt guilty for eavesdropping—I discovered his adorable side too.

Ryle feared that Brandt 'the creepy coward guy from the cafeteria before' would come after us, so he couldn't leave us alone. I knew this because I had heard his thoughts. I was rather unconcerned because I knew that Emalie could knock that Brat off, in one blow.

Today Emalie and I had plans together. It was her idea to try out the new Italian restaurant that had been inaugurated a few blocks away from school. When Emalie told Ryle about our plan he insisted on accompanying us.

Even Emalie couldn't resist his puppy eyes and we eventually agreed. He took us there in his car. We got off then he parked the car and we stepped towards the beautifully decorated entrance together.

On our short walk to the entrance, we unexpectedly ran into Kyle. But he was not alone. He was holding hands with a slim, elegant and serious-looking girl wearing an expensive black woven dress.

She was perhaps older than him by a year or two or it could be that she just looked a bit mature. Not only was she an ethereal beauty, but she also looked oddly familiar to me.

"O.M.G. It's been ages since I last saw this goddess. She must've gotten into a nice college by now!" Emalie thought.

"He didn't mention he was going on a date. Jerk!" Thought Ryle.

Both of them looked overjoyed to see her. She was also smiling and seemed comfortable. Ryle asked her and Kyle to join us and strangely enough, they agreed. I didn't see that coming. I mean they were on a date, weren't they? No girl would ever like to give up on her date. On the contrary, she looked excited.

Ryle introduced me to her and She Introduced herself to me as Wiola Stark. Realization hit me at that moment, her hazelnut eyes, black hair and ethereal features resembled Tyler's. Turns out Kyle was dating Tyler's sister all this while and I was living under a rock until now.

Some staff welcomed us at the foyer. The interior of the restaurant was lavish, entirely painted in white and with varieties of contemporary art everywhere on the walls. Magnificent vases with flowers rested on the mahogany tables. The Dining area was cleverly divided into several parts to accommodate sofas and tables.

Some trees and flashing street was visible from the large muntin window. Beside me was Emalie and Wiola was sitting across me with Kyle by her side. Ryle appeared with a chair and settled between Emalie and Kyle.

Something was off about Wiola but I couldn't pick a finger on it. She gazed at me like all of my secrets were written right on my face. I couldn't hear her thoughts either, just like I couldn't hear Tyler's.

Emalie already knew her because she had also graduated from Neilsen High last year. While waiting for our order, We all were chatting about school and other insignificant things that drew us a lot closer and comfortable.

That uneasy feeling disappeared as soon as Wiola started talking. She had an undeniably sweet personality, unlike her unpredictable and moody brother.

She invited us, saying we should come over to her place someday. That Tyler would be happy to see his friends and we can have so much fun.

"Why isn't he showing up at school?" Emalie asked her.

"I can't do anything if he chooses not to go. He's not a kid anymore that I could kick his ass and send him school. He doesn't listen to me anyway," Wiola answered with an affiliative smile and a slight careless shrug.

"He doesn't even listen to her. Such an ignorant brat," thought Emalie. "Oh, I see. I was just curious."

"I am curious too." Wiola leaned forward placing her elbows on the table and entwining her fingers. Her unwavering gaze was darted towards me with a mysterious expression. Or maybe I was just imagining it.

She smiled and looked at Emalie. "Are you still secretly a part of that underground street fighting club? Do you still hit people?"

'Emalie? Street fighting? Is that why people are so intimidated by her?' My brain was clogged with exclamation marks and question marks.

Looking at Ryle and Kyle's unbothered faces, I could comprehend that it wasn't something unknown.

"Nah girl. I had to even cut off all ties with my buddies there. I got busted. And then they grounded me. My parents." Emalie rolled her eyes with dissatisfaction. "If I got caught again, I'd have to drop out of school."

"And I can't risk that, I need to get into a college and free myself from this hellhole of a home, and I've been studying hard for it," She thought.

"Oh girl that's bad! So you're not teaching them bullies a lesson now?"

"I don't need to use force anymore, they don't mess with me or go against me." She smirked.

"That's more like you, Emalie!"

"But she still hits people!" Said Ryle.

"Yeah, Last time she struck a guy in his ribs and guess what? He was groaning and yelling by just one hit!" I added.

"That's on people who underestimate me and mess with my friends. Dude really didn't know the word 'consent' and went ahead touching Linnet." Emalie grunted.

"You did the right thing," Kyle said. " If she didn't stop him there. I'd have gotten into a serious fight. And that's what that dickhead wanted," He thought.

A waiter arrived with our order shortly. Luscious Italian cuisines which included Spaghetti with meatballs, pizzaiola and their house speciality Bolognese.

Kyle carefully sliced pizzaiola for Wiola with a sweet smile that he didn't hesitate to show. And Wiola too was looking at him all heart eyes while she spoke "Thanks babe," in a small voice. 'They're so sweet to each other, an exemplary couple,' I thought and stuffed my mouth with some spaghetti.

Emalie removed tomatoes from her side salad and got a shocked look from Ryle.

"You don't like tomatoes?" He asked as he took the tomato slices in his plate. "She's so brutal," inner Ryle spoke.

"I don't," Emalie said but her eyebrows shot up when Ryle started to chew those slices. "Ewww... how can you just eat them like that?"

I couldn't understand the 'Ewww' part in eating tomatoes. Don't people usually eat them raw in salads? Wiola and I eyed at eachother in confusion.

"This is how I eat them, why do you have a problem with everything?" Ryle said to which Emalie rolled her eyes.

"Hah! He's saying I'm problematic when he eats tomatoes like a psychopath. How about I break his skull with a roundhouse kick?"

"Oh shit! She's mad again!" Thought Ryle.

'She's not mad, Ryle. She's simply just planning your murder.' I thought, not sure whether I should worry or laugh.

Knowing Emalie, her thoughts were always violent.

"Linnet, why do you think tomato blushed?" He asked as his eyes lit up.

"Not again." With that thought, Kyle looked done with everything.

"Uh, because it's red?" I uttered without thinking much. "Nah, you got it wrong, Wiola what do you think?"

"Why did he blush, Ryle? Only you know the answer so tell me!" She said with a suppressed chuckle.

"Because he saw the salad dressing!" Ryle answered and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"He's on crack again, idiot!" Emalie thought as her dimples adorned her cheeks.

"It wouldn't cost her anything to laugh... at least I got to see her dimples." Ryle thought.

Afterwards, we exchanged numbers and headed to the exit. It was agreed on that Ryle would drop Emalie since it was already late for the bus. Emalie insisted me to go with them. But I excused, saying My place is close and I need to take a short walk, I've eaten too much.

This way Emalie and Ryle would get some time alone. Kyle had arrived in Wiola's car and they had plans after this so I didn't disturb them either. I had no desire of third-wheeling.

I was strolling while listening to my favourite songs through earbuds. However, walking alone in an empty alleyway never seemed so creepy. 'What it might be?' I asked myself, bewildered. It was an odd feeling as if someone's watching me, like someone's following me.

Goosebumps rose all over my body. The thought that I was just about to reach home kept me moving. I lost it all when I looked in front of me, darkness and a wall of bricks had blocked me from going any further.

'What? Which turn did I take wrong to end up in a dead-end?' I was totally petrified and I could do nothing about it. Stinging smell of alcohol was destroying my nostrils and a snicker was all I could hear. I was stabbed with fear but I couldn't show any weakness right now.

With all the courage I could accumulate in my body, I turned around. It was Brandt. He looked drunk but his eyes were filled with crazy murderous rage.

"There you were, little sneaky bitch," he hissed.

I felt a sudden urge to panic and scream for help but I didn't have much time to waste anymore.

Good thing he didn't have any weapon with him. 'I can fight him off, I definitely can.'

As I glanced around in panic and dark, faint light reflected on a metal rod that was lying on the ground. I picked it up immediately as he kept getting closer.

"Don't come near, I'm warning you. You'll get seriously hurt!" I threatened him.

"Oh no, please don't kill me. I'm so scared," He laughed eerily.

The air reeked with alcohol around me. Tightening my grasp around the rod, I shut my eyes as I was about to hit him with all my stamina.

A thud sound reverberated and he was lying right at my feet. Blood pooling on the ground at the side of his head. Someone had knocked him out and it wasn't me, but Tyler.