Go on a Journey

Avy's Point Point View:

Since I was raised and lived as a boy, I have to conceal my growing body especially my chest part which is starting to grow and the monthly period of a woman is really a hassle. I am thankful that Lady Layla gives me a day off when it is my period because she's worried that they will notice that I am a girl. I remembered Aunt Liz told me that I can find my way back and I have a name from my crib when they found me and she's sure that someone leaves me there for a reason. She doesn't answer when I asked her why did she say so that I can find my way back as if she knows that I was from another world.

Living as a boy is not a problem to me since I am a boyish type so this is a basic to do. It was also a week since I got the letter from Ian that he arrived safely in the capital and will start their training immediately the next day. I did not write back because I know he was definitely tired, so I just prayed that he was in good condition.

Lady Layla is not that rich but she has a house and business that can be enough to call her Lady and her husband died 12 years ago with her daughter because her husband tried to hide their baby but someone told the knights that they are trying to hide a child. Lady Layla was also dead if her husband does not plead to spare her life and I am so proud of her braveness.

Today the restaurant is busy because it is noon and it is also popular in our area and many citizens and travelers come to visit. Lady Layla is the one who is cooking but now I am the cook or her cook who knows the recipe for dishes. Suddenly, knights came in based on their clothes and our colleagues immediately assists them and they sat down on an empty table and took their orders.

I am busy working in the kitchen since I cooked sometimes when I heard the shouts and sounds of things that are breaking in the dining area. Then I went to look at what is happening and the dining area turned into chaos and Lady Layla is crying in front of the knight while his sword is directly pointed at her neck, that is when I want to slit the neck of the knight. I immediately get my sword hidden in the kitchen and jumped to the knight and slit his neck. His subordinates were shocked that their leader is headless and begun to attack me but I just smoothly dodge their swords and cut their necks, since they are around seven knights, I am at disadvantage but then I've killed four of them and three more. They rounded me up and they attack at once but I easily dodge my small body and flexibility and attack them with their necks, however, the last one grabbed Lady Layla and threaten me that he will kill her if I moved.

"You dare kill my subordinate, brat?!" He shouted at me as he was holding Lady Layla.

" Let her go," I said but then he just laughed as if he found out my weakness.

"Let her go? Why would I when you killed my subordinates? Do you think I will leave without killing someone?" He said as he playing with his sword.

"Please let her go," I said as I plead and he just laughed at me.

"Then put that down." He said while pointing at my sword so I put down my sword.

I couldn't do anything but to lower my sword and obey his command. I studied his movements to find a way to save Lady Layla from his hand, but I was caught when she finally stabbed Lady Layla's chest when I broke her hand. I immediately broke his head and immediately supported Lady Layla while holding her wound. Our colleague immediately called the doctor but--

"There is no need Avy, I know, I can not be saved anymore," she said while smiling at me, my tears immediately streaming down because I will lose another important person who considered me a family in this world.

"Lady Layla don't be like that, please stay with me. You will be okay soon?!" I said with my tears streaming down continuously in my cheeks but she slowly wipes it with her hands.

"Don't cry Avy, I don't want to see you crying because It's making my heart hurt seeing you crying since I treated you, my child," she said, which makes me cry more. She vomits blood and saying that she can't do it.

"Lady Layla !!! No! Don't leave me alone." I said, but then her hands slowly going down as she closes her eyes with a smile as if she was ready to go. I hugged her tightly as I cried silently.

After the funeral of Lady Layla, I planned to go on a journey to look for answers and how to inform Ian of what happened to Lady Layla and the knights of Winter killed her. Lady Layla already named me as her heir before she died and I am totally surprised that she really treated me as her own daughter. However, I refused to take the fortune and stay to be their Lord instead I gave the authorization to the chef Jan who worked for Lady Layla to take care of the house and the business until I come back with Ian. And this will be the start of my journey to seek answers.

"You don't have to go this instance, Avy," Jan told me with his worried face.

"I have to, don't worry. I'll be back with Ian," I said as I smiled at them since I decided to go outside for my personal reasons.

"Okay, we will be waiting for you and Ian. Don't forget to write a letter." He said.

"Of course," I answered him.

I prepared my things for the journey and I brought enough gold for traveling expenses. The chef bids me farewell and comes back soon. We talked that we will not inform Ian about what happened to Lady Layla because he might go berserk in the capital if he knows that the knights killed her.

I leave the village and go to the next village to search for books about this world more. And because I was going to travel for two days, Uncle Jan gave me enough food for one day so that I would not spend much on my expenses. I said I can hunt for food in the forest and if I have nothing to eat but he said it would be better to have food so that I do not need to hunt what I will eat. He knew I could handle myself but he was still worried because I am still young, even though, I was mature enough to think and protect my self but he could not stop worrying about me.

I told them, that they will not tell anyone about me or Ian's origin no matter what will happen to me in the capital or somewhere but I assure them that I will definitely go back when the time comes.

I am riding a carriage going to The Hill's Village where the library, I talked to search for books and at the same time to learn magic and to train my skills. I chose to ride with the citizens so I will avoid any suspicion because I am sure that they will send knights to investigate what happened to the knights in the restaurant and that's one, why I needed to go earlier than I expected to leave this place. I also dye my hair from black into brown hazel color, because the knights will definitely ask the people who were inside the restaurant to ask for information about the person who slays their companions. It's so noisy in the carriage but I have to endure it because I don't want anyone to know me before I get to where I am going. I just adjusted my hat to completely cover my face and adjust the seat just to sleep.

"Are we still far away ?! I'm already hungry" the beautiful young woman asked as her companion begged her to stop and be calm. She has light brown-haired with orange eyes with a shade of brown, and I can say that she is so beautiful.

"Lady Miary calm down, you are disturbing the other passengers." said her assistant calmly. I think she is one of those who have a name in the capital according to her dress even though it's simple but the way she acted it seems to be different from the ordinary person and I think of her companion is her maid or guardian.

"Okay, I will be quiet," she replied and finally sat down silently next to her companion. So I took a nap for a while because she calmed down.

After 10 minutes...

"Aren't we there yet ?! I'm going home!" I heard her shouted again for less than ten minutes when she sat down and shut her mouth. (facepalm)

"We are still a little far Miss" replied the driver. I glanced at the beautiful young woman again and I think, she was running out of patience. And her companion was patiently seated.

I stood up and gave the sandwich to the beautiful lady named Miary and told her.

"Milady it is not good for a beautiful lady like you to shout like that. You said you were hungry right? So here a sandwich to ease your hunger." and I smiled at her before I go back to my seat. She was shocked and blushed as I watch her from my seat.

"Thank you!" she said then seated with her companion and I just nodded to her. I hope she will be silent for a while.

After a while, we reached Hill's Village and it is nearly night and I needed to look for an Inn to spend the night. I heard someone is shouting as if she was calling someone and I was not wrong, who was shouting and it is Lady Miary.

"Hey! Sir handsome! Wait for me!" Lady Miary said. And I was pointing at myself and she nodded so I stopped walking and waited for her. When she approached me, I waited for her to speak first.

"Thank you for the sandwich and I am sorry if I were so noisy in the carriage," she said.

"It's okay, Lady Miary" I answered and kiss her hand and she blushes.

"Do you mind, if may I know your name sir?" she asked shyly in front of me.

"My name is Avy, my Lady" I answered. If you are curious, why I do this thing because I learn etiquette for a noble where Aunt Liz teaches as how to treat nobles that I really don't want to learn but it becomes so handy so thank you Aunt Liz for teaching me.

"You do not have any last name?" She asked

"I am just a traveler, My Lady." I answered and she nodded.

"By the way, are you looking for a place to spend the night?" she asked me.

"Yes, My lady so I bid you ----"

"Then it is settled, you will come with us. Just think this is the payment of the food you gave me and I do not accept a 'NO' answer, okay?" she said when I was answering her, and I have no choice to go with her since she clings her hands on me and dragging me to her carriage. I want to refuse her but I think she's a good person.

I just quietly went with her and got in the carriage. She asked me, many questions just like I did why I became a traveler, how old I was, and where I came from. I just told her that I want to know other places and go to different places which are true and I said, I am 13 years old and I came from far away. She was shocked to find out that we were the same age but the truth is I was younger than her but I can't say that.

We stopped and said we were there. I went out first and supported Lady Miary. She thanked me and entered the house first, I do not know if it was her or not. I just followed her, the servants greeted her.

"Take my guest's belongings and prepare his room," she ordered a maid and took my belongings. I thanked her.

"Miary, you have arrived! How's your travel?" the man asked Lady Miary who is around mid- thirty's.

"It was okay, Uncle Lex and I have a visitor. He is Avy, I met him in the carriage and I invited him for the night to repay his kindness," she answered. I bowed to the man and he nodded.

"By the way, did you two eat for dinner?" He asked.

"No uncle."

"No, sir," I answered.

"Then, let's go to the living room while waiting. Prepare dinner for them." He said.

We follow Sir Lex to the living room and we seated as the maid preparing the tea for us. Count Lex asked me the same questions how, why, and where. I answered him the same answers I gave to Lady Miary which is a daughter of a noble.

She really was a noble but why was she riding an ordinary carriage coming here in Hill's Village.

The Count was also shocked that I was young as his niece and he notices that I know how to wield a sword just by observing me. I answered, yes to his question and Lady Miary was amazed and asked me many questions. Thank goodness the maid knock and said the dinner is ready, so he stood up and we go to the dining room. I assisted Lady Miary to her seat and Count Lex praised me and asked me where did I learned those things if I am just a traveler and I answered someone to teach me.

We just ate quietly and they could not believe that I know how to use a spoon and fork properly, well I came from the 20th century so I probably know how to use it. They repeated to asked me if I was really just traveling and I answered yes. After we ate, I thanked Count Lex and Lady Miary for welcoming me before I was escorted to my room.

"You must look for the ---------" I woke up in the middle of the night. Just what was that? Is someone talking to me?