Dream and Trouble

I woke up in the middle of the night because of a strange dream but I forgot what it is. I just went back to sleep because I can't really remember what my dream was and I am sleepy.

I woke up early and did some exercise while it was still not very bright. After 20 minutes of exercising. It was already bright outside so I decided to go to the hallway and get going to leave. The other helpers, I met greeted me. I was going downstairs when I saw her Grace and she looked at me.

"Good morning, my Lady." I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, too." She answered with a smile. I approached her to say goodbye.

"Lady Miary, I have to go. Thank you for letting me stay for the night. Can you tell my gratitude to the Count?" I said.

"No problem Avy, would you like to eat breakfast before you go? It is already prepared and I was just let someone call you but you are already here so shall we?" she said.

"It's okay Milady, I am not hungry anyway. I will just eat in town later" I replied.

"I insist." She said while dragging me to the dining area. So I didn't have a choice but to go with her. She gets what she wants anyway -.-.

After the meal, I thank again her Grace for her kindness. She wants to let me go with a carriage, but I politely refuse because her carriage attracts too much, it's so flashy.

"Goodbye, my Lady," I said.

"You too, Avy. Take care and see you soon." I just nodded and walk to the gate. Now I have to go to the library and read some useful books about this country.

I've arrived in the town after 2 hours of walking, I'll just look for the Labyrinth Library. I find it weird the name of this library is given in my information but anyway, I am already here so I asked where it is.

At last, I found the Library after an hour of asking where it is, I was already in front of the door. I went in and the old woman greeted me and asked what book I was looking for. I just replied that I was just looking so she said, feel free to roam around and I would just call her when I wanted to buy something so I just said yes and I wandered around.

While looking for books related to the country of Winter something was calling me, but when I looked for both of my sides and saw nothing, so I continued to look for the book I needed. However, some powerful tension pulls me to the inner part of the library, I resist but I can't control my body and no choice but go with the flow. The inner part is dark or I should say dim-lit, I barely see the books on the shelves but one book is producing light that caught my attention. I get the book and slowly opened it. The light blinded me for a while and I see the title of the book which is "The Chosen One" which is a little bit familiar to me in the world I came from. I tried to remember where did I read this story but I really can't remember where it is maybe my memory is hazy.

I tried to remember where did I read or played. I browse the book and I read some of the chapters, the story is about when the female lead was transmigrated to this world and she was the chosen one to be the crown princess of the country, however, she encountered the three male leads before she was crowned as a crown princess. She faces many struggles before she was recognized as the princess because someone interfered in her identity that causes the delay of her recognition. Ryah Gayle Cannes is her impostor who fakes her own identity that she was transmigrated from another world and the renowned priestess that they were looking for. It also says here that a baby girl was reborn to be the priestess but the page was torn so I didn't read the continuation and I've thought that I was reborn as a baby but maybe a coincidence and the name of the priestess was not written or it was torn again. I continue to read the next page of the book where they introduce the male lead and the so-called crown princess, first male was Jemin Ian Vego wherein he has the same name as Ian though only the second name, He was cold but sweet, smart, silent, mysterious, Son of a duke. Woahhh maybe he is not Liz's child, I'm mistaken for him, why is he so mysterious ?? hmm I wondered why.

The next male lead was the crowned prince of the Winter Renz Gabriel Winter, He was a playboy type, happy-go-lucky, smart, and can be serious when it is necessary. Why do I think he is familiar... hmmm... Oh gosh, I remember this is the story that my best friend recommended to me! This is the book that she wants me to read but I didn't finish it because I find it so cringe and it is not interesting. So I didn't continue to read the story because it's not exciting and the plot is cliché that's why I stopped to read. I remembered, that she said it will be good when I am halfway through the story but I was only in the first part, I think or I just read 3 or 5 chapters where they searching for the baby girl. I was thankful that I survived that day because of Aunt Liz and Ian for keeping me that day.

I stopped reading when I heard a noise in the opening where I was reading, I was about to finish browsing the page when the books from the shelves suddenly dropping and I immediately ran out after I put the book in my bag. I got out from the inner part of the library when the bookkeeper asks me what's wrong and I said that the books were falling from the shelves and pointed to the inner part but when I look at it, there was only a wall with a piano stand. I was dumbfounded and said it's nothing, and I notice that the book was gone in my bag. I almost bring out all of my stuff on the ground but still can't find the book and the bookkeeper watching me with her face telling me 'what's wrong with this child' then I ask her if they have the 'The Chosen One' book, however, they don't have that kind of book, so I just thank her.

I think I was hungry because my stomach was already growling from hunger so I was looking for something to eat at noon before I leave the next village to look again. I went to the famous restaurant here in Hill's Village that was recommended to me by the people I've asked, I entered and they have immediately taken care of me and I ordered something to eat. I miss the food in the modern world because the food here is not very trendy and Lady Layla and I only eat fried chicken, adobo, and others that I taught to them. I already miss eating with Lady Layla at her restaurant and the staff there. I feel strange because I am eating alone unlike before we eat all together but thinking about when I was in my own world that I also eating alone. I sighed when I was thinking that but I enjoyed it back then because I have my phone and laptop so I didn't get bored and feel alone.

After I finished eating, I went to the local carriage for the next village, when someone ran in front of the restaurant where I was earlier. I was about to ignore the chaos but when I saw a guy who was held by the mercenaries, I think, because of what they were wearing and then I saw the maid of Lady Miary, holding a man and she was asking for help but no one wanted to help. I pretended that I didn't see it because I didn't want to get involved in trouble, but when her maid was really desperate to ask for help and when I looked back and saw the situation and my body moved on its own.

"Do you think it is good to treat a lady like that?" I asked the guy who was pointing his sword at the neck of Her Grace, now he is at his knees holding his broken arms while Lady Miary was relieved and surprised as I help her stand.

" Do you think that lad is a lady?!" the guy said and I looked at Lady Miary who was disguised as male and I pull her wig to reveal her hair and she is shouting at me why did I do that. Then the mercenaries were shocked but the guy that I broke his arm still manage to smile with bad intent and said that he will take Her Grace and I already know where will this going to be. I attacked the person who held her maid and told Lady Miary to run and I will deal with this guy but she just let her maid run.

"Why are you still here?!" I shouted at her while I'm dealing with the mercenaries.

"Why? I know how to fight, don't treat me like a lady who needs her a-knight-in-shining-armor, do you ?!" she said, that's why I was amused but I hope that's how she is because she really is different when she was wearing a dress.

"Really? then don't be excess baggage to me but I prefer if you just run with your maid" I said while grinning at her but instead she answers me, she tried me to kick in the face but I still manage to dodge her, if not, then I'll have a bruise on my face.

"Hey! Hey! I was just joking! That will be really hurt if it was landed on my face." I said, then she was smiling at me.

"Well you deserve it, how I wish it was landed on your mocking face," she answered while she finishes to the last guy. I was shocked that she knows how to fight.

"Then I'm sorry my lady, I didn't mean to mock you but I telling this for your sake that a lady must not kick like that. What if you were wearing a dr ------" "slaaappppp" Before I could finish what I was about to say, I was slapped and because I was surprised so I could not immediately avoid it because I thought she was just approaching me, so I hold my slapped cheek. It was really hurt! damn, how much more if she punches me or kicks me.

"Owwww, it hurts you know," I told her but she was ready to punch me and I quickly hold her hand at her back.

"I told you, it really hurt Milady and I think this will leave a mark," I said while holding her, while she was looking for a way to free from me but I tightened my grip on her and I realize my cheek was really hurt. It was my first time to be slapped in the face and it was really painful, that I thought before it was not that painful in the shows that I've watched. Now, I know why they say "learn from your experience".

"Okay, I will not slap you again but you do deserve that slap," she said so I let go of her hands and she murmured that it was not enough.

"Is that how you thank your savior? " I told her and she just looks at me with her bored expression.

"Well I didn't ask for your help and I can beat them even without your help." She said and I laugh because she is very different when she wears a dress and she looks at me with her deadly gaze and ready to kick me.

"Woah, chill Milady. I won't laugh but why did I saw you, you were in trouble a while ago with dealing them and you were nearly killed." I rebut to her and she is nearly burst with embarrassment.

"Stop it, okay thank you for saving me there. I can not beat them because I was outnumbered and they held my maid," she said, so I pat her shoulder and told her that she did very well then she blushed before removing my hands in her shoulder.

" you will be her guard and-------"
