
'Then, check it now before you go home,' He said. I looked at Renz asking what we were going to do but he looked out the window since there was a shadow.

"D*mn," I cursed since we can't go out in the window so as in the door.

'Understood, Sir,' We heard outside the door so Renz and I both looked at the door when we heard the doorknob unlocked. I pulled him...

"Your Highness, pardon my rudeness. Can you close your eyes?" I said as I let him seated on the sofa, covered his eyes with my right hand before he closes his eyes. I sat on his lap as I changed back my hair but different color so as my eyes while stopping Renz to speak-out why I seated on his lap.

*creaks* sound of the door

"You dare to interrupt us?!" I shouted as I looked at the person who opens the door and he was surprised when he saw us since I was sitting on Renz's lap as I brought my face closer to Renz as if kissing him but not. I can't let him see Renz or else we're doomed if he happens to talk about this.