The News

*knock knock*

"Avy, are you still awake?" He said after he knocks so I got up and messed up my hair to look like I just woke up before I opened the door.

"What it is, Ian?" I said as I rubbed my eyes as I opened the door.

"Why a-- Avy?" He said while staring at me so I frowned at why when I remembered I was in the original form and I think this was his first time to see me. I waved my hands in front of him while calling him but he was just staring at me so I tapped him before he returned to his senses.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him while yawning and pretending that I was not aware of my appearance. He looks away when I asked him and I was not sure if his face was red or because he drank too much from the Hunt Ball since I can smell a faint aroma of wine from him.