The Masquerade Party (5) - The Assassination Attempt

Ian said so I gasped before standing up but I immediately stepped on Philip's foot before I walked away from him.


Philip reacts but I didn't look at him back as I went out of the room since Ian already outside.



I looked at Avy who is walking towards the door after she hit my foot.

She really is something that she unconsciously picked the Crown Prince's interest, although, I am a bit annoyed when he kissed her hands a while ago.

I feel like he is marking her based on the looks on his eyes to Avy.

"Why do I feel like she being taken from me that it really makes me annoyed which is not like me when mostly a woman would begging me to accompany them,"

I said as I lay down on the bed and staring at the ceiling.


My confidence has gone when I finally out of the room because I saw Ian standing beside the wall as he is looking at the floor but I feel he is not in a good mood.

"I, Is there a problem, Ian?"

"Avy, did you come with Philip?"