The Masquerade Party (6) - Poisoned?!

"What are you talking about? We didn't--"

"You saved me once,"

I stopped him talking.

"Don't tell me you are the rabbit I saved?"


"How come when I thought you--"

"Avy, are you alright?!"

Ian interrupted Prince Hanz so I looked at him to keep it a secret for now as I secretly signed him to keep quiet.

"Yes, I am alright,"

I answered Ian as I smiled at him but he just frowned at me.

"How could you be alright?! We need you to get treated,"

Ian said to me as he helps me to stands up and Prince Hanz also helps.

"Avy, what was that? Are you alright?!"

Prince Renz asked when he gets closer to us as he looks at me worried.

Ian and Prince Renz just said the same thing.

Now, I realize why they get closed to each other despite their different personality.

"I am fine, Your Highness. Please never mind me and look for the culprit who tries to assassinate a royal family,"