
"How many days I am sleeping?"

I asked them after I let go of Lady Miary, and ask Ian to help me to get up, and let me sit down on the sofa since I felt my feet are starting to numb.

"You sleep for almost two weeks,"

Ian answered as he prepares a tea while Lady Miary who is seating across me wiping her tears.

"What?! Did I sleep that long?!"

I said that I could almost spit out what I was drinking since I just my tea from Ian but they looked at me seriously so I think they are telling me the truth but I didn't think that I slept that long.

"... not exactly sleeping since Philip said that you were in a coma. He didn't diagnose anything wrong aside from the bruises, and he can't determine what is the cause for your coma. Although, he said that you might ... if you remain like that since your mana is slowly draining as the day goes by,"

Ian said so I was silenced by what he said since I didn't expect that I will be dead this time if I didn't wake up from that slumber.