Confess or not?

"Playing dumb? Fine, I will let you rest for now,"

He said when I did not answer him and I felt that he was gone since I can hear his footsteps getting away from me.

I have no choice but to close my eyes until he leaves but I didn't think that I actually sleep.

I woke up because I could hear someone talking so I looked at who are the people talking as if I wasn't here sleeping.

"Prince Hanz, and Marquis Ronan?"

"Oh, we are sorry if we woke you up,"

Prince Hanz said while approaching me since they are talking on the sofa while Marquis Ronan followed Prince Hanz.

"It's okay--Ah!"

I check my hair, and I was still in my original appearance so I looked at them both since they look at me as if I am someone weird.

"Are you okay? Is your head hurts?"

Prince Hanz asked me so I lower my hand before I answer.

"I am okay, Your Highness,"