Prince Kilden is Searching

"Indeed, you are better than him,"

I said while looking at Prince Hanz.

"Who's better with whom?"

We all looked behind and saw Prince Renz closed the door as he walks forward so I stood up well and the two with me did the same.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Crown Prince,"

We greeted him.

"Cut the formalities since I am here to visit Avy so act casually,"

Prince Renz said so we stood well as we bowed.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness,"

I said to Prince Renz who is literally staring at me as if he is not aware that I am aware that he is staring at me, face to face, and even Prince Hanz and Ronan could tell.

"So, who is better with whom? That you are talking,"