Jordan runs down his stairs and grabs his coat, he goes to the kitchen grabs some slices of bread and puts it in the toaster. "Where is my other trainer?" He looks behind his pile of clothes, "Found you." he picks up his toast and puts it on the side to grab the butter out, he goes through the draw to grab a knife and butters it, he eats it while walking out the door. "Jordan!" A boy calls out to him, "What's up?" He rides his bike next to Jordan, "What's the rush?" Jordan smirks, "Biggest fight of my life tomorrow, and this time... I might lose." His friend laughs, "you lose... how strong is the boy then." Jordan flicks his hair back, "We will find out tomorrow, but I must go to the shop, bye." He rides in a half circle turning his bike in the opposite direction, "Fine! See how it goes later then." Jordan keeps running then stops off at a shop, Jordan looks around and puts a lot of food in his basket. "How much is all this?" The person behind the till giggles. "Planning a party or is this all for you for an entire year?" He grins, "I'm getting ready for a huge tournament." She smiles, "does it require getting fat?" He laughs. "my teacher told me it will help my growth, for a growing young man." She nods, "Maybe some vegetables too, that will be £44.67" He gives her the credit card, he types in the pin and says his goodbyes. He walks back to his house and opens three cans and puts it in the pan waiting for it to cook, when it's done he sits and rams it down, he unpacks the rest of the tins and after he goes up to his room, He does a few minutes of exercise. "Guess it's time to face it." He jumps into bed and stares up at his ceiling.