Vol. 4: Entwined - Chapter 71


We took our time making the spaghetti Bolognese, and we enjoyed every moment of the process. About half an hour later, the kitchenette and living area smelled like an Italian restaurant. After putting some delicious-looking food neatly onto plates, I admired my handiwork while Andy poured us some wine.

As I gazed at the two plates, I couldn’t help but gush with delight at the fact that it looked worthy of a restaurant or recipe book. Not wanting to let the pretty sight go to waste, I rushed in search of my cell phone while Andy watched me with interest. A moment later, I came back into the kitchen and took loads of photos, moving the plates this way and that, snapping the image in every which way possible.

I was about to put the phone away when Andy stopped me.

“Hold on. You haven’t taken photos with the wine yet.” With that, he placed two glasses of Sangiovese next to the plates of spaghetti Bolognese.