Vol. 4: Entwined - Chapter 72


I felt warm, cozy, and at ease, as if I were floating in the ocean on a pleasant summer day. It was just like that one time when Mom, Dad, Andy, and I had gone on a weeklong holiday. Dad had managed to save up enough money to afford one, and Andy and I had been so elated we couldn’t sleep a wink the night before we were due to depart. Indeed, it had been a wonderful vacation, with our small family spending every waking moment together. The beach had been beautiful and the sea warm and inviting. So much so that I’d spent most of my time floating in the water.

Yes, it had been the one and only best vacation I’d ever had… That was until the drive back when the accident happened. When a large truck carrying goods drove straight into us on Interstate 93 on our way back to Mystic Spring.

Instantly memories came rushing back, flooding my mind with so much terror I couldn’t escape, like always. I was left there alone and afraid, facing the wrath of my past full on.